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[Adventure] The Paper Chase (Judge: renau1g)

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OOC: I guess we're looting the place - we should probably go enmass to the top floor incase the presence has returned. Also, I assume from your comment, there's no more levels or rooms we haven't looked in...


"I cannot believe how difficult it was to use my magic here. It's almost as if there were some type of magic dampening field here. I have never been in a fight where my magic was so ineffective. Fortunately, the rest of you were able to finish this. Hmmm. I wonder if it had something to do with his wand here." Grys says as he pulls out the Warlock's wand and starts examining it during the multiple short rests.

Grys will wait for Serris to use two of his Ardent Surges on him.

Oh, sure! Now IC is rolling well, 12 points of healing on 2d6. :-S

Grys is out of healing surges and is at 33/39 hit points.


First Post
OOC: Are we taking an extended rest here? I think we ought to. (In fact, I am going to assume we do unless someone say otherwise.)

[sblock=Quick Stats]kal'Tarron, Deva Avenger 4
Speaks in Bold Purple[/B
HP 44/44 Temp HP 0

+3 AC 22, Fort 14, Reflex 17, Will 17 AP 0, Surges 8/8, (11hp)
Astral Majesty, Astral Resistance, Censure of Retribution, Sanguine Vestments +1
Bond of Retribution Radiant Vengeance Avenging Echo Halo of Fire Oath of Emnity Chanel Divinity Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes Bloodclaw Great Axe Temple of Light Blessing of Vengeance Symbol of Hope
Special [/sblock]

I believe we established that once Mythra was isolated...I'm suggesting we hole up in that little room with the urn above us. It's small, has one entry point and long hall easy to guard. And we can loot the bodies now and explore later.

"I'm interested in that presence, or rather, getting rid of it, but for now, I think we need to recuperate. Room above or this central room here? We cannot just leave this, there are papers to find and tomb to study!"


First Post
Grys's examinations of the necromancer's wand fail to turn up any explanation for his magical off-day, but they do reveal it to be a powerful magical item, enchanted to enhance and work in tandem with a warlock's dark magics. It should sell for a rather high price, to the right buyer.

Likewise, upon further inspection of the fallen warlock's possessions and a thorough rummage around his lair, other magical trinkets turn up including the armour he wears - stitched together from leather of dubious origin - and a magical amulet. None of it is of any immediate use to the party, but it all looks distinctly saleable, as does the great bronze urn upstairs (which appears to be the only item of the temple's original furnishings that hasn't decayed or been stolen already). The necromancer's living quarters, such as they are - a dirty bedroll in the corner of one of the crypts, with a rickety writing desk and an old wash basin nearby - are also searched, and a stash of valuables is found. Along with a few coins, there are several gleaming shards of jet and a large shimmering opal and a handful of arcane dust.

Two hefty tomes also turn up amongst the necromancer's possessions, both of them half-filled with extensive scribblings in his spidery handwriting. One of the books proves to contain his collected knowledge of ritual magic, and Mythra quickly lays claim to it and begins to decipher its contents. Much of these are so profane, disgusting or illegible as to be completely useless, but amongst the dross there are a substantial number of varied and useful rituals - one of which, designed to allow the caster and a number of allies to squeeze like liquid through tiny gaps, might explain how the necromancer was able to get the jump on our heroes at the beginning of their tussle.

The other book proves to be a journal, mostly full of nauseatingly thorough research notes detailing its author's endless experiments in the field of doing strange things to dead people. Determined study, however, does turn up one key passage in particular, dating from several weeks ago:

Here I am, established now in the bowels of this awful place. Months of dread and foreboding, of waking in the night, drenched with sweat, my master's touch still seeming to linger on my skin - no, not on it but beneath - and now at last I have yielded, I have answered the call, I have made this profane pilgrimage and what have I found? Nothing! This place is deserted. Only a shadow of the master's essence remains here, faint, like the scent of perfume in an empty room.

Yet after all, I have not ventured here in vain. I found a gift awaiting me - four fresh corpses strewn on the floor at the top of the spire, yes, on the very stones of that dread eerie that I have seen so often in my feverish dreams. From the scene it was plain enough what had happened. These fools lost their minds and turned upon one another; could it be that they gazed upon the master's visage? Could such worthless creatures truly have been granted that honour, while I am left to languish?

No matter. I am loyal, I will prove it - I have broken all bonds for this, forsworn old pacts signed in my life's blood to follow this, the true path. I will not falter. I will remain here and conduct my studies - it is fitting for my purposes, after all. And I shall wait for the call to come once more.

[sblock=Loot]Mythra gets the ritual book, which contains the level 6 rituals Undead Servitor and Wizard's Escape, plus 920gp worth of additional rituals which you can choose freely. Total market value is 1800gp, equivalent to a level 6 (n+2) item.

Grys has already received his level 4 parcel, and is therefore feeling unaccountably generous when it comes to the division of loot today.

The rest of the loot, to be split between the three remaining members of the party, is as follows:

Magic Items lifted from the necromancer's corpse with a resale value of 1480gp

244gp in miscellaneous gemstones, coins and residuum, found in the necromancer's den

1 Dhaakani Bronze Urn, value 1000gp

Total Worth = 2724gp, split 3 ways will be 908gp each for kal'Tarron, Serris and Orsik once you've had a chance to liquidate (this represents a parcel of gold equal to the price of a level n item for each of you, plus 68gp of your bonus gold for level 4).[/sblock]

Baracus is nowhere to be found. Close to complete exhaustion from the gruelling battle, our heroes hole up in the urn room to rest. Each of them sleeps fitfully, haunted by dark dreams that instantly seem to fade upon waking, leaving no memory but only a heavy sense of dread. Other than that, their rest is undisturbed, and they awaken safe and sound.

Voidrunner's Codex

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