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[Adventure] The Cannith Caper (Judge: THB)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Currently planning (unless others say otherwise) is to get Alex + Vis to a Jorasco enclave with a copy of the ghost's notes (via a Sivis copier) and then meet Lady d'Cannith. Not planning on telling her the first part, though. :lol:

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The group travels from the ruined forge after doing their best to scuttle the machinery. The way back is relatively easy although the two affected party members suffer from the trip. The lightning rail is as comfortable, or perhaps moreso, then the first trip out.

You arrive back in Sharn without fanfare or event and travel to the Upper Central Plateau via available public transportation (after dropping off Vistrathis and Alex at a House Jorasco clinic for treatment, Gark will stay with them to keep an eye). A minor clerk takes your names and asks you to have a seat, then looks at you closer, and suggests you stand, rather than sit.

She hands a note to a runner who departs. An hour and a half later he returns and hands something to the clerk. She calls you over and hands you an envelope.

Met me outside the Tower's Shard after dark tonight, in the Facet we met in previously.

it reads simply.

Arriving at the Shard you find it fairly crowded, as usual, with a collection of rather exotic humanoids, again as usual. You travel to the meeting room in the back and await her arrival. As midnight approaches the door opens quickly and she slips in. The woman appears surprised by the appearance of so many new faces, but she holds up a hand to stop anyone who begins speaking.

Like before she begins to say a few words of arcane power and tracing sigils into the door with a white powder.

[sblock=Arcana 22]
The ritual is known as Eavesdropper's Folly, making it very difficult for others to hear what is happening in a room.[/sblock]

The spell takes 10 minutes to cast before she turns to you, her features cold and hard. "Where the **** are rest of your party and who the **** are you" she hisses, first leaning in to Haltor then turning her attention to the half-elf and dwarf.

The mage who teleported you here was nowhere to be found when you passed through and nobody saw him leave either.[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The spell takes 10 minutes to cast before she turns to you, her features cold and hard. "Where the **** are rest of your party and who the **** are you" she hisses, first leaning in to Haltor then turning her attention to the half-elf and dwarf.
Haltor's face is as hard, but his age is showing. Dead, gone, or changed. One of yours left behind decided to experiment on them, to create some construct atrocity. They survive, but only just. The others are all gone, taken by foul magic. He pushes over the ghost's ring, to make it clear to whom he was referring.

These two... they also appeared by your Tall-Lander arts. These and three others that are now gone, having joined with the draconic construct your House created. The one now bent on uniting the goblins and continuing the ghost's experiments.


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"One of ours? What do you...Wait? Where did you get this?" she stutters, rolling the ring over in her hands and examines it closer. Her eyes widen as she reads an inscription.

"Haestus? His body was there? Oh dear Uncle I missed you." Miranda says, tears forming in her eyes.

"What tall lander arts are ou talking about...wait, even more important, what draconic construct are you talking about and ghosts and goblins?" she asks.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Haltor pauses a moment after the Lady's words. Uncle? Then what you will hear you shall not like.

Haltor speaks of the mad ghostly artificer, its terrible arcane experiments, the damage it did to Haltor's companions. Then he speaks of Haestus' final creation, the dread dragon construct, its ambitions, and the three that sided with it.

Afterwards, he pauses and turns to the others. Those three came with these two, summoned by magic. I do not know all the tale. Perhaps they can share it with you.


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Braddock simply adds that the five companions, having met at the Shard, we approached by a mage in great haste.

With relative ease, the mage teleported them to the location of the halfling and his party.

"Me thinks, in this case, ye best be looking at those close to you. If this mission was secretive, someone else knew what ye were up to. It turns out, this time, they wanted it to succeed."


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"Bollocks! All of this. Things weren't supposed to go this way. Oh Uncle, what happened to you? Ok, just calm down, you can fix this." Miranda says hurriedly, to herself more than the party.

"Did you recover anything of value there? Anything useful to us, I mean our House? Was the Forge intact? Do you know where they were going? Can you describe the mage who teleported you?" she asks in rapid-fire succession.


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Braddock describes the mage as best he recalls from the brief meeting, then adds with a raised eyebrow, "It has been my experience that anyone as skilled in magic as this mage obviously was, would be able to change his... or her... appearance fairly easily."

[sblock=ooc] Holy Titles, Batman! R1 has turned into a Superhero! [/sblock]

Walking Dad

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Deimos Vrago, Tiefling Wizard (Mage)

"No offense to someone's race (many find mine offensive enough), but with changelings and other shapeshifters around and speaking of someone who was able to teleport us without any error, asking for outward appearance seems a bit ... futile. That said, Deimos Vrago at your service, ma'am." Deimos says with a low bow.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Deimos Vrago
Perception: 13 Insight: 20 Low-light Vision
AC 19 Fortitude 16 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 36 / 36 Bloodied: 18
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 0
Milestones: -
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Flaming Staff, Magic Missle, Freezing Burst, Beguiling Strands
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Charm of Misplaced Wrath, Color Spray, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere, Extra fire damage


Voidrunner's Codex

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