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[Adventure] The Broken Tower DM:Grimmjow Judge:TwoHeadsBarking


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As the Kruor finishes his meal, Skyla turns to the rest of the group, " Their may be more goblins out raiding. I think it might be safer if I wait here to make sure that they don't come back and stab us in the back."


As the rest of the group makes their way up the stairs sunlight fills the room. The roof is gone, and the spiral staircase continues up to nowhere. Much of the southern half of the room has fallen away. A large stone throne sits to the west with a pile of soiled bedding directly across from it. A circle of runes, interrupted by a gap along one of its sides, glows faintly on the floor. Madgutt stands in the circle talking to another goblin, who appears to be the leader of the bandits. Two wolves sit with a goblin on the bed behind the stairs. A bugbear stands next to the circle, waiting for orders.

[sblock=combat]First round of combat starts when you are ready. Even if you do not beat monster initiative please place your token on or around the weird yellow color.

[sblock=perception 20]You spot a fake floor about in the middle of the floor. It may be safest not to step there.[/sblock]
[sblock=religion or arcana 12]The circle in the middle of the floor seems to have magic healing abilities. Standing in the circle will heal any bloodied character at a rate of 2 HP per round.[/sblock]

the average initiative of the monsters are 13. if you beat it go now, otherwise please place your tokens on the map and wait patiently please :)

Here is a link to combat

any questions feel free to ask :)

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Eldreth charges up the stairs, but isn't quite ready for what she sees, and though she maintains a defensive posture, it halts her aggressive assault for just a moment.

[sblock=Eldreth Initiative and placement] I placed Eldreth in F3. Eldreth rolled a whopping 2 on initiative. However, before moving up stairs, she activated her Defender Aura:

Defender Aura (At-Will Minor Action Personal ✦ Aura)Knight Utility
Effect: Eldreth activates an aura 1 that lasts until she ends it as a minor action, or until she falls unconscious. While in the aura, any enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls when it makes an attack that does not include among its targets either Eldreth, or an ally of Eldreth who has this aura active. Marked enemies are not subject to this aura.
This places Wolf 2 and Blackblade in the aura. They may be affected by:

Battle Guardian (At-Will Opportunity Action ✦ Martial)Knight Attack
Trigger: An enemy subject to Eldreth's Defender Aura either shifts, or makes an attack that targets an ally of Eldreth but not Eldreth herself or an ally of Eldreth who has an active Defender Aura.
Effect: Eldreth makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. If the attack misses, the enemy still takes 5 damage.

Note that Eldreth is currently in Defend the Line stance:

Defend the Line (At-Will Minor Action Personal ✦ Martial, Stance)Knight Utility 1
Effect: Eldreth assumes the Defend the Line stance. Until the stance ends, whenever she hits an enemy with a melee basic attack using a weapon, that enemy is slowed until the end of her next turn.

[sblock=Eldreth's Stats] Eldreth Forgemark - Dwarf Knight 1
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 20, Fort 17, Reflex 12, Will 10
HP 32/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 12/13
Speed 5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind []
MBA - +8 vs AC, 1d10(b2)+7 damage RBA - +8 vs AC, Range: 5/10, 1d6+7 damage
At-Will Powers: Defender Aura, Battle Guardian , Defend the Line, Cleaving Assault
Encounter Powers: Power Strike [], Stone Panoply [], Dwarven Resilience []
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First Post
Everlin follows Eldreth up the stairs, but freezes momentarily when she sees their foes, it takes her a moment to gather herself and get ready to attack.[sblock="Initiative 6"]Roll[/sblock][sblock=Everlin's Stats] Everlin - Human Skald 3Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11
AC 20, Fort 14, Reflex 14, Will 18
HP 36/36, Bloodied 18, Surge Value 9, Surges 9/9
5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Bolstering Speech, Song of Savagery, Song of Serendipity
Encounter Powers: Lesser Flash of Distraction, Moment of Escape, Unicorn Charge
Daily Powers: Disruptive Words, Stirring Shout


First Post

Arshaka follows up the stairs and stops at the top when he sees the opposition before them. His keen senses detect both interesting features in the center of the floor, but he is so busy studying it that he is slow off the mark when combat kicks in suddenly.

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start=
Minor= Perception and Arcana check
Move= Move to H3 to start.
[sblock=Arshaka Stat block]Arshaka- Male Shardmind Psion (Telekinetic) 3
Passive Perception: +22, Passive Insight: +20, Initiative: +1 AC: 17, Fort: 12, Reflex: 16, Will: 18 -- Speed: 6
HP: 20/20, Bloodied: 10, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1/1, Milestones: 1 Second Wind: not used
:bmelee: Basic Attack: +1 Staff of the Renewing Source: +1 vs AC / 1d8 damage (+1d6 on crit)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: Kinetic Trawl: +6 vs Ref / 1d8+7 force damage and pull target 1 square.

Power Points: 4/4

Force Punch
Kinetic Trawl
Burning Flux

Shard Swarm
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Intellect Forteress
Telekinetic Anchor - *USED*

Magic Items:
Staff of Renewing Source (daily) - USED
Psyweave Cloak (daily)
OOC: Is it a minor action to do EACH type of skill check? And do those have to wait till our initiative comes up?

Also, it's been two encounters so we have 1 milestone and +1 action point right?
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First Post
Phoenix8008;6105547 [OOC said:
Is it a minor action to do EACH type of skill check? And do those have to wait till our initiative comes up?

Also, it's been two encounters so we have 1 milestone and +1 action point right?[/OOC]

OOC: perception is free and it is a minor action to try to identify the circles powers. As for an action point yes, you do all have a new action point


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Kruor, somewhat full and lazy now, follows the party. He lags behind a little bit from the party, his body heavier than usual from carrying a tank full of..."nutrients".


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OOC: just waiting on [MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION]'s pixie to go. If he hasnt started the battle by tonight ill roll his initiative for him.


First Post
The small pixie rides on Eldreth's shoulder up the stares, but it too, is not ready for the goblin's at the top.

The goblins, however, are ready for the heroes. "Give up and we only eat one of you!" shouts Madgutt when he seeing you. He follows up his threat with a spell, channeled at Eldreth. At first nothing happens, but then as she tries to move her muscles begin to burn! (metaphorically speaking of course ;) ). After Madgut casts his spell the bugbear charges Everlin and catches her with its morning star. One wolf sprints around Madgutt and bites at Eldreth's legs. While the bite is not deep it knocks her down and the bite from the second wolf goes much deeper. With the dwarf down the blackblade sneaks in an attack at the shard mind, piercing through some of the crystal.

With the first attack going so well on the heroes the underboss smiles. He walks next to Madgutt and watches for a foe he wishes to fight.

[sblock=combat]Pixie sits on Eldreth's shoulder, F3

Monsters attacks : Madgutt's attack against eldreth HIT If Eldreth moves on her turn she takes 3d6+1 damage (save ends)
Bugbear moves from E5 to G5 and attacks Everlin hit for 10 damage.
Wolf 1 moves from E1 to F4 (around madgutt to avoid Eldreth's aura) both wolves attack her Wolf 1 hits and knocks Eldreth prone. Wolf two hits as well
Blackblade hits arshaka (22 attack roll and 7 damage. lost link :/)
Underboss moves from B1 to C4

[sblock=CFW]does eldreth get an attack at the goblin blackblade for moving out of her aura even though she is prone? if so take the attack whenever[/sblock]

Second round of combat starts now. Players turn!

[sblock=perception 20]You spot a fake floor about in the middle of the floor. It may be safest not to step there.[/sblock]
[sblock=religion or arcana 12]The circle in the middle of the floor seems to have magic healing abilities. Standing in the circle will heal any bloodied character at a rate of 2 HP per round.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
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OOC: [MENTION=92704]Grimmjow[/MENTION]: Yeah, Eldreth gets an OpAtk against Blackblade. You didn't specify what kind of movement he used to go from G2 to H2 (regular movement or shift), but thankfully that doesn't matter for Eldreth. If he used standard movement, he triggers an OpAtk. If he shifted, he triggered Battle Guardian.

However, if he used standard movement, he would also trigger an OpAtk from Arkasha, since the blackblade would have moved out of a square threatened by Arkasha.

NOTE to [MENTION=92704]Grimmjow[/MENTION]: Eldreth is a dwarf. As such, if an effect against her causes prone, she is allowed an immediate saving throw to negate that effect. Feel free to roll this save for her if it happens (such as if a wolf hits Eldreth with combat advantage again).

First, Eldreth feels a strange tingling sensation that traveled down from her head and settled in her legs. She doesn't have much chance to think about that particular effect however, as Eldreth is assaulted by two wolves. The female dwarf thrashes back and forth, trying to make sure that none of her vital organs are damaged by the lupines' vicious bites. Seeing one of the goblins going after one of her comrades, she rolls onto her stomach and slams her mighty hammer down onto the tile floor...with the goblin's foot in between them! It howls in pain as its foot is utterly ruined; its bones powdered under the weight and force of the craghammer.

"Don' ye be goin' fer me frien's an' be ignorin' me now!"

Angrily, the goblin does just that, limps over to Arkasha, and takes out his frustration on the living, humanoid-shaped mound of crystals.

But if the goblin is angry, that is nothing to match Eldreth, who's face turns red from anger. She was about to pop over to the little bastard and end him for ignoring her, when she felt a deadly strong wash of cold wrench at her legs. Hearing snickering giggles from Madgutt, Eldreth knows that to move right then, was to die. "Lil' green head musta putta spell on meh!" she thought while standing to her feet. Seeing that they were out-matched, and worried for her friends, Eldreth felt a well of emotions in her chest. Those emotions triggered something deadly in the female dwarf that her friends were not likely to forget any time soon.

The tower, all stone and earth in construction, shook with the volatile emotions of the female dwarf. Suddenly the stone tiles beneath the wolves warped upward, their centers forming tall stone spikes that penetrated the soft flesh of the wolves bellies and momentarily created a ring of the tall stone spikes all around Eldreth before falling back into their original tile shapes. However, as the spikes once more revealed Eldreth's presence, it was noticable that her skin was no longer the skin of dwarven flesh, but rather the rocky composition of an elemental! Swinging her hammer in a great arc, she slams it fully into the face of a wolf, which then lies quite still. With a voice that sounded like two boulders grating against eachother, the dwarf threatened the remaining goblins in the tower.

[sblock=Primordial] "Ye be leavin' me frien's alone. Ye be layin' down yer arms, an' ye be gettin' t'the ground. If'n yer not t'be doin' this, we WILL destroy ye! I be bringin' down th'whole'a this tower if'n I must!" [/sblock]

On BlackBlade's Turn: Blackblade triggers Opportunity Attack from Eldreth by moving away from her without shifting. Eldreth CRITS for 17 damage. Eldreth is in Defend the Line stance, which means that it is SLOWED when she hits it. The slowed effect lasts until the end of Eldreth's next turn (which happens next).

Minor Action: Eldreth Stands from Prone position.

Minor Action: Eldreth uses Dwarven Resilience, which triggers her Second Wind. This, in turn, heals Eldreth for 8 hit points and grants her a +2 bonus to all defenses, and a +1 power bonus to all defenses. These bonuses last until the start of her next turn.

Standard Action: Eldreth uses Stone Panoply, attacking both wolves around her. She hits AC 23 vs Wolf 1, and CRITS Wolf 2!!! Wolf 1 takes 12 damage, and Wolf 2 takes 17 damage. Until the end of Eldreth's next turn, Eldreth is Slowed, and gains Resist 1 all.

Action Point: Eldreth makes an MBA vs Wolf 2, hitting AC 22. This hits, so Eldreth ups the ante with Power Strike, which deals an extra 10 damage, for a total of 23 damage! This kills wolf 2.

The Slowed effect now ends on Blackblade.

Save vs Madgutt's spell: fails

OOC: Quick Recap:

Holy cow! 2 crits in one round!

- BlackBlade takes 17 damage from OpAtk.
- Wolf 1 takes 12 damage.
- Wolf 2 takes 40 damage and dies.

- Eldreth gains +3 to all defenses until start of next turn, and has Resist 1 all until the end of her next turn.

[sblock=Eldreth's Stats]
Eldreth Forgemark - Dwarf Knight 1

Status: If Eldreth moves on her turn, she takes 3d6+1 damage (save ends)
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 23, Fort 20, Reflex 15, Will 13 -- Resist 1 all
HP 23/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 11/13
Speed 5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 1, Second Wind [x]
MBA - +8 vs AC, 1d10(b2)+7 damage RBA - +8 vs AC, Range: 5/10, 1d6+7 damage
At-Will Powers: Defender Aura, Battle Guardian , Defend the Line, Cleaving Assault
Encounter Powers: Power Strike [x], Stone Panoply [x], Dwarven Resilience [x] [/sblock]


First Post
Arshaka actually reacts to the injury which the goblin inflicts on him. The crystals of his face bunch up in a grimace and he quickly retaliated with a punch from his large right hand directly at the goblin which stops just short of hitting him. The goblin has a fraction of a second to tense up and then wonder what happened before the raw telekinetic force behind the punch rolls through and blasts his now dead body away from the Shardmind.

After that, the shardmind moves up away from the stairs so more of the team can come through unimpeded. He decides to try and bring their caster in closer for his team to have an easier time hitting him. Reaching out with his larger right hand, Arshaka again makes a clawing motion at the caster Madgutt and mutters "Get over here!" while yanking back his arm forcefully. Applying a little extra power to the pull, even Arshaka is pleasantly surprised at the damage he is able to do to the goblin caster...

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start=
Minor= 1d20+12=18 Perception check again. Failed.
Move= One square to H2
Standard= 1d20+6=26 Force Punch vs. Goblin Blackblade = Nat 20 Crit! So maximized damage is 15 to the Blackblade, killing it not counting the +1d6 he should also get from his Staff!
Action Point Standard Action= Kintic Trawl (Aug 1) on Madgutt (+6 vs. Reflex 15) 1d20+6=26 OMG, a second CRIT! This is getting absurdly lucky! That would be minimum 17 damage from the base attack. +1d6 from the magic Staff = 1d6=4 for a total of 21 damage, and that's before he gets dragged 4 squares towards Arshaka... over the hole in the middle of the floor. If he needs a save against that fall, here it is: 1d20=11. He makes the save vs falling in the hole.
[sblock=Arshaka Stat block]Arshaka- Male Shardmind Psion (Telekinetic) 3
Passive Perception: +22, Passive Insight: +20, Initiative: +1 AC: 17, Fort: 12, Reflex: 16, Will: 18 -- Speed: 6
HP: 13/20, Bloodied: 10, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 0/1, Milestones: 1 Second Wind: not used
:bmelee: Basic Attack: +1 Staff of the Renewing Source: +1 vs AC / 1d8 damage (+1d6 on crit)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: Kinetic Trawl: +6 vs Ref / 1d8+7 force damage and pull target 1 square.

Power Points: 3/4

Force Punch
Kinetic Trawl
Burning Flux

Shard Swarm
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Intellect Forteress
Telekinetic Anchor - *USED*

Magic Items:
Staff of Renewing Source (daily) - USED
Psyweave Cloak (daily)
OOC: As I recall, forcing movement past someone doesn't force AoO, so Eldreth wouldn't get a shot in unfortunately.

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