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[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)


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The group's attempt to take the cup turns against them as some Goliaths find out about Incarnation sneaking. As the group is swarmed, the leader of the angel use the distraction to take the cup and fly away. The remaining angel continue a moment to slay some Goliath and the group doesn't waste any more time and escape the village.

The group starts to wander in Valhyr and spend many days hiding from some locals nomad and the angel's patrols before finally finding a landmark on their map. Thanks to Sigarr wilderness skills and the natural endurance of the dwarves and the warforged, the group survive well through the ambush of the wild and a blizzard.

They reach the junction of the two rivers the map seems to point. They stand on a sandy beach, looking for any clue of teh lair as Incarnation has another of his flashback. He remembers of a small trail that lead to a cave that he has walked with the Five. It takes some time to find the trail, as no one have used it for years and plants have grown in it. As they reach teh top of the trail, a cliff block the way. No sign of the cave.

After a moment, the group find some scripture carved on the cliff. Four small text are written in different language and surround a flat stone and a hand-made rectengular hole in the cliff.

Raiyek easily read the elven text:

A box without hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

And the group easily read the dwarven text:

You heard me before,
And you hear me again,
But I quickly die,
Until you call me again.

Georg use a scroll of Comprehend Language to decipher the next to text. The first in Tsugo:

My rivers carry no water,
No tree grows in my forest,
My mountain are not made of stone
My towns have no house.

and the second in Draconic:

I can be quick as lightning.
I can blind or help to see.
I'll count the time until I put you to sleep.

GM: Have fun to solve that puzzle if you wish, I will not give the solution the for the moment

The group finally enter the cave where two Ice Trolls and an Ice Beholder, welcome the group with an harsh warning and some threats. The creatures seems angry to have been bound by the five and have decided to let no one pass. After some failed negotiation, the group kill the creatures and gather some loots from previous visitors that have been stopped by the Beholder.

As the group move deeper into teh cave, the cold air grow warmer. The group enter a large room that look like a laboratory decorated with five statues representing the Five. But Incarnation suddenly got anotehr flashback and see Mauros performing a ritual to open a portal. Finding nothing interesting in this laboratory, Incarnation, helped by Georg and Hadrak, decides to perform the ritual. But Incarnation seems to have miss a part of teh ritual as he trigger a death trap. The door close and lock while the statues animate themselves. To make thing more stressful, the ground slowly start to collapse, revealing a lava pit. As Incarnation and Georg focus on opneing the portal, Raiyek, Sigarr and Dane defend the ritualists and Hadrak split his attention between the ritual and supporting the warriors. After a minute, over half the ground have collapsed and the warriors barely stand their ground as the portal open. The group quickly cross it landing in a dark room. The portal close behind them, but the group doesn't mind as there will be nothing more than a lava pit soon on the other side.

A shadow can be seen in the only doorway "Defilers, you are not welcome here." it raises a wand and his body starts to shed a colorful light. The warforged suddenly stop to move and stare at Incarnation. Incarnation can only do the same as he sees a perfect replica of himself... except that the fire Incarnation shed is replaced by the a colorful sparky light.

After the group recover from that encounter, the warforged welcome the group and lead them into the communal room and offer some hot food and good wine. Incarnation explains to the warforged what they want to do and the

"My name is Feytouched. I was born in the forge under Daunton, just like you, Incarnation. I was the first of our kind. Mauros had discovered a new theory about warding. A ward is a wall that contain a force. The ward is strong, but when you put enough pressure on it, it will fall apart.

To solve that problem, Mauros had thought of someting else. Instead ot build a wall, he would build damn. That mean that if the pressure starts to grow on the other side of the ward, he could channel some of that energy through the ward and safely release it.

But that wasn't enough for him. He wanted to use these wards to imprison powerful immortal entities and then drain their energy to keep them too weak to be able to free themselves. To drain them, the energy needed to be actively channeled. For that, they needed to find someone willing to bind themselves to the wards. Instead of finding a person, Mauros found a way to trigger Daunton's forge and so I was born.

I was the first warforged created by the Five and bound to such ward. My bound was made with the wards near Daunton to contain the feywild. That bound allow me to channel the feywild energy.

During the following years, I have helped the Five to prepare the other ones. It took almost a week to prepare one of us to be bound to those wards. Then, we have to travel on the site where the wards would be put upon. I helped you, as I have helped the three others to prepare themselves for the ritual.

Last time, the Five were in a hurry and I stayed behind for some small task. The Five was suppose to come back take me, but they never came. As we are in a pocket dimension, I can't use the energy of the wards, that have must stressed the ward. We have the notes of Mauros in his study to strengthen the wards again, and once I'll be back in Daunton, I'll be able to release the presure on the ward again."

The group use Georg rituals to teleport back to the Warden's Grove where they can renew the ward.

GM: Feel free to ask any question you want to Feytouch. I am ready to do a bit of roleplay to end this story.

I have twicked a bit the story, as normally, you would arrived in the lair after the wards would have broken. Feytouch would have been totally powerless and for the last part of the Trilogy, you would have needed to quickly travel back to the Warden's Grove and fight the entity that have broken the ward and bind Feytouch again, using Mauros ritual.

XP and Treasure award coming this week.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: An egg, an echo, and .. two other things. ;)
Incarnation is speechless for some time, his lights dim. Then, tentatively, I am the ward of a fiery doom, an evil that none knows. I protect by being, but what do I protect from? Do you know? And what of the others, what of them? He leaves it for others to tell Feytouch of the fate of the Five, of what is known of it. For Incarnation was still in the grips of revelation.
OOC: I love it, [MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION]! And a mystery yet still remains (several, in fact).


First Post
Incarnation is sitting in the Warden's Grove. Feytouch, the Warden and the group are sitting next to the fire, now that the

"The nature of your powers let guess you are bound to some wards that contain a demon of some kind. But the Five have always be secretive when it came to the task at hand. They gave me little information. I've only helped them to prepare each of us for the bounding ritual.

I can't even tell you when you came. Which one of teh four other you were. When we were born, our personality was not the same. Mine changed a lot after the bounding. Not only it is an experience that leave mark to us, but the energy we channel might even shape somehow our personality."
replies Feytouch.

GM: Egg, echo are right. Two more answers, and then, you would need to find what to do with those answers...

And if I had done all my ideas, after Path of Light, Path of Cold and The Fey Path (The small adventure to stop Fey entity release in the Warden's Grove), you would have start to search for the the wards Incarnation was bound to and that story would have been deeply bounded to our three dwarven friends.

Also, now that you have the way to create and renew a wards, that Feytouch could prepare a Warforged to be bound to a ward, you would have needed to find the way to trigger Daunton's Forge and then confront the Prince of Frost, the fey lord that have captured Siggar's family... I think, with enough time and motivation, I had enough idea for your group to become Epic.


First Post
Now the group is back to the Warden's Grove and the wards have been strengthen again, the group takes time to come back on their adventure and split some items they have gathered from Mauros lair.

A few items that worth a lot, mainly rare or valuable alchemist components like diamond dust, iridium, cockatrice feather or dragon's claw that teh group think will fetch 8000 gp for it.

Also, they each take an item they have found in the lair.

Dane takes an amulet marked with Arek Steelsheath's mark. The amulet is an adamantium pendant with an embedded gray dragon scale. After testing it, he founds the scale change color when the wearer is under attack, warding it against some harm.

Incarnation take a ring with Mauros mark inside it. This gold ring is made of a glittering gold and decorated with a ruby and two obsidians, all reminding the power of the flames. The ring power imporve any magical fire used by the owner, and can even produce some by iteself.

Raiyek take an armor that seems to have be owned by Jeronel Threehammer. The armor is made of a sturdy material, but seems litgher than what it looks like. The armor have been weaved by some Fey power and allow the wearer to teleport.

Sigarr have another item that seems to have been owned by Arek Steelsheath. The barcers are made of iron and decorated with sapphires and pattern that remind him of the winter, snow and blizzard. Anyone wearing it charging into combat would summon the power of the winter's storm against his enemy.

GM: Hadrak and Georg have been mainly inactive since the last XP award and bot player have told me they won't continue with their PC. So I haven't bother to make award for them. If either [MENTION=73730]johnmeier1[/MENTION] or [MENTION=834]Mal Malenkirk[/MENTION] change mind, please private me and I'll calculate their award.

1) XP Encouter:

Scene 6) Goliath encampment
Skill challenge: 600
Goliath Legbreekers x3: 1050

2) Roleplay XP:
Still good roleplay so an extra 500 XP for each character.

3) Time XP:
For 4 months (April 11th to August 9th)
Dane, Raiyek and Sigarr: 4000 XP
Incarnation: 5336 XP

4) Totals:
Dane: 275 + 500 + 4000= 4775 XP
Raiyek : 275 + 500 + 4000 = 4775 XP
Incarnation: 275 + 500 + 5336 = 6111 XP
Sigarr : 275 + 500 + 4000= 4775 XP

1) Time Gold:
For 4 months (April 11th to August 9th)
Dane, Raiyek and Sigarr: 12536 GP
Incarnation: 25336 GP

2) Gold Encounter:
8000 GP

3) Total:
Dane: 2000 + 12536 = 14536 GP
Incarnation: 2000 + 25336 = 27336 GP
Raiyek : 2000 + 12536 = 14536 GP
Sigarr : 2000 + 12536 = 14536 GP

Dane: Amulet of Scales +3 (Neck lvl 13)
Incarnation : Incendiary Ring of Fireblazing (Ring lvl 14)
Raiyek: Teleporting Gith Plate Armor +3 (Armor lvl 12)
Sigarr : Frost Charger Bracers (Arms lvl 13)

DM Credits:
For 4 month, I should get 8 DM Credits.
[MENTION=79620]Ozymandias79[/MENTION]: Need an approval and this adventure is finished.

I'm still open roleplay teh discussion with Feytouch and teh Warden if you wish to know a few more things.

Also, you are welcome to finish to solve teh puzzle I had prepared.

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Apologies for not speaking up much lately - been pretty busy with work the past couple weeks. I have been following along though, and I have to say that was a pretty great wrapup, Velmont. I'm sad we didn't get to play through it all, but it's nice to have some closure on the story instead of leaving it dangling. :)

About a new adventure, I'm definitely up for sticking with this group, and I'm in no hurry to start another. I'm likely going to be kept busy with work for the next week or two as well, so one adventure is plenty until then. ;)[/sblock]
"Interesting. I must say I prefer your powers being the device that keeps a fiend imprisoned over you being endebted to the fiend, Incarnation."


First Post
It feels good to save the world to save the world again. Sadly my drinking buddies are gone, and I'm left with a metal man and an elf, ugh.

After a sheepish grin, Dane rubs his thumb across his dragon scale.

Maybe a break is what we all need. It is not everyday you discover you are a living ledgend, eh Incarnation.

OOC: Thanks again Velmont. I'll be ready to go when we get another game prepared. I guess we'll all need to go through the approval process again too if any of us leveled (like me =v)
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First Post
GM: Hadrak and Georg have been mainly inactive since the last XP award and bot player have told me they won't continue with their PC. So I haven't bother to make award for them. If either @johnmeier1 or @Mal Malenkirk change mind, please private me and I'll calculate their award.

1) XP Encouter:

Scene 6) Goliath encampment
Skill challenge: 600
Goliath Legbreekers x3: 1050

2) Roleplay XP:
Still good roleplay so an extra 500 XP for each character.

3) Time XP:
For 4 months (April 11th to August 9th)
Dane, Raiyek and Sigarr: 4000 XP
Incarnation: 5336 XP

4) Totals:
Dane: 275 + 500 + 4000= 4775 XP
Raiyek : 275 + 500 + 4000 = 4775 XP
Incarnation: 275 + 500 + 5336 = 6111 XP
Sigarr : 275 + 500 + 4000= 4775 XP

1) Time Gold:
For 4 months (April 11th to August 9th)
Dane, Raiyek and Sigarr: 12536 GP
Incarnation: 25336 GP

2) Gold Encounter:
8000 GP

3) Total:
Dane: 2000 + 12536 = 14536 GP
Incarnation: 2000 + 25336 = 27336 GP
Raiyek : 2000 + 12536 = 14536 GP
Sigarr : 2000 + 12536 = 14536 GP

Dane: Amulet of Scales +3 (Neck lvl 13)
Incarnation : Incendiary Ring of Fireblazing (Ring lvl 14)
Raiyek: Teleporting Gith Plate Armor +3 (Armor lvl 12)
Sigarr : Frost Charger Bracers (Arms lvl 13)

DM Credits:
For 4 month, I should get 8 DM Credits.

Sorry for being late

Voidrunner's Codex

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