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[Adventure]: Murder at Midnight (DM: renau1g, Judge Ozy)


First Post
You rush forward, seeing that the two prone figures are a pair of guards, deep claw marks across their necks and their lifeblood forming a crimson puddle that splashes as you move through.

The dark courtroom unfolds like a nightmare. A young woman, perhaps twenty, lies cold on the floor with her throat torn out. Across the room, a well-preserved older woman stands atop her bench, supporting a bleeding arm and swinging a ceremonial blade erratically. Six slobbering mongrels, each as much dog as wild wolf, circle her makeshift tower.

A pair of humanoid wolves are feasting on the woman's body, bits of gore hang from their muzzles as their mouths pull back and expose large canines. Both are short though, almost....halfling sized.

Finally, a tall-slender, brown-furred humanoid wolf-looking humanoid stands near the jurors box with a rapier at his hip.

You apparently have caught them by surprise as all but Gil are able to react quickly.

init (1d20+6=15)
Heroes (Except Gil) up!

W: ?? AC; ??/??/?? F/R/W
WW1: ??AC; ??/??/??F/R/W
WW:2 ??AC; ??/??/??F/R/W
Wolf 1: ??AC; ??/??/??F/R/W
Wolf 2: ??AC; ??/??/??F/R/W
Wolf 3: ??AC; ??/??/??F/R/W
Wolf 4: ??AC; ??/??/??F/R/W
L1: ??AC; ??/??/??F/R/W

Papolstaanas: 67/69, 11/12 surges
Gil: 29/36, 5/7 surges
Tristan: 41/46, 7/9 surges



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First Post
Eloan arrive in the courtroom and suddenly start to turns white. "Oh my god..." Eloan try to draw his his weapon but fumble doing so...

OOC: Here come the coward Warlord... I'll act last.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Ilarion moves immediately forward, still looking as the judge and adjusting his looks as he approaches
"What do you think you're doing with my sister!? Let her go this instant!"

Move: P10
Free: Assassins shroud on L1

Standard: Mists of Disarray vs Wolf1 will; Wolf 2 will; psychic damage (1d20+10=23, 1d20+10=21, 1d8+12=14)

W1 pushed to H13
W2 pushed to H12

If Illarion is hit by non-minion critical or the attack would drop him use:
Grounding rebuke - also if he would be taking serious ongoing damage (10+))
Bracers of Escape - teleport 2

For area or blast attacks
Swift escape - teleport 6

Chaos Seed - if an ally spends an AP


[sblock=Illarion Meriele]
SPECIAL: resist 5 lightning;

if 1st attack in the round is even gain +1 AC; odd - make a saving throw
+1 to all defenses vs traps

On nat 20: slide the target 1 square and knock it prone
On nat 1 MUST push all within 5 squares 1 square

AC: 18 Fort: 16 Reflex: 19 Will: 23
HP: 49/49 Surges: 7/7 Surge Value: 12

MBA dagger: +8 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
RBA Dagger: +12 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Level 1: Shadow Initiate
Level 2: Grasping Magpies
Level 4: Improved Defenses


Chaos Bolt
Blazing Starfall
Assassin's Shroud [X][]
Changeling Disguise

Changeling Trick
Mists of Disarray
Flame Spiral
Swift Escape
Seed of Chaos

Grounding Rebuke
Good Timing

Amulet of life encounter free action: spend additional surge
Tooth of Chaos daily - free action, treat the roll as even or odd
Bracers of Escape daily: imm interrupt: teleport 2 on melee attack
Rain of Hammers ki focus daily: make at-will attack vs enemy already hit this round

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Lord Sessadore

Seeing their quarry at last, Tristan's face breaks into a grin. The vicious, grim grin of a predator closing on its prey. He runs across the courtroom, a burst of glittering silver leaves trailing behind him the last half of the way, to arrive next to Vilk and deliver a powerful blow, his sword shining silver as though it were outside in the moonlight.

"You aren't the only one the moon smiles on, lycanthrope. Let us fight under Dayna's shining face!"

[sblock=Actions]Move: to N11

Minor: Oath of Enmity on L1

Standard: Angelic Alacrity on L1, shift to K16. 21 vs. AC, 27 damage.
If that misses, burn Elven Accuracy to reroll: 26 vs. AC.

If someone other than L1 hits Tristan, he will use Avenger's Resolve. (Immediate interrupt, gain resist 5 all TENT.)[/sblock][sblock=Tristan]Tristan Moonblade - Male Elf Avenger (Dayna) 4
Passive Perception: 24, Passive Insight: 16; Low-light vision
:20(21), Fort:16, Reflex:18, Will:18 -- Speed:7
:41/46, Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11, Surges Left:7/9
+2 item bonus to saves vs. poison keyword, weakened, slowed, immobilized.
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike

Angelic Alacrity
Sequestering Strike
Avenger's Resolve
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Oath of the Final Duel
* Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Tristan gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
* +1 AC vs first attack this encounter.
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First Post
Papolstaanas builds up to a full run as a small pebble flies into the air and buries itself in the fur of one of the dogs. It is almost immediately followed by the point of the kobold's sword.

[sblock=actions]Move: O10

Minor: oath of enmity on W3

Standard: charge to J8. overwhelming strike (+1 charge) vs AC, W3; damage (+1d8 vanguard, +1d6 horned helm)
19(2d20.takehighest(1)) +12 +1 = 32; 3(1d8) +5 +1(1d8) +4(1d6) = 13
presumably hits for 13. Papolstaanas shifts to J9 and slides W3 into J8, gaining CA on it if it's still alive.

Interrupt: Papolstaanas will use guardian's counter to protect the woman if she is attacked and the shift would get her away from more enemies.
[sblock=Off-Turn Actions for Papolstaanas]Off-Turn Actions
Papolstaanas will try to protect the woman as his first priority, using Guardian’s Counter if he can get her away from enemies.

Guardian’s Counter (interrupt): Triggers when an ally within 2 of Papolstaanas is attacked and Papolstaanas is not included. Papolstaanas and the ally shift 2 (swapping places), the attack is resolved against Papolstaanas instead, and afterwards Papolstaanas gets to make a basic attack (Overwhelming Strike) against the attacker.

Papolstaanas will use Guardian’s counter to protect any vulnerable person in the group unless it’s likely to drop him.

Lightning Rush (interrupt):Triggers when an enemy within 5 of Papolstaanas targets an ally with an attack. Papolstaanas moves his speed to be adjacent to the enemy and attacks (+13 vs. AC, 2d8+6 damage). The triggering attack is then resolved against him rather than the intended target. (This is the augmented 2 version, which Papolstaanas will always use. If he doesn’t have power points, he won’t bother with this power.)

Papolstaanas will always use this on ranged attackers if he can get there without provoking (since it’s an interrupt, the ranged attack will provoke an OA from him as well).

Melee Basic Attacks: Papolstaanas uses Overwhelming Strike for OAs and granted melee basic attacks. He will try to arrange his slides and shifts so that he can shift clear of enemies on his next turn.

Wrathful Warrior (no action): Papolstaanas gains 4 temp HPs the first time he is hit by a melee or close attack.

Blurred Step (free, 1/turn): Triggers when an enemy marked by Papolstaanas and adjacent to him shifts. Papolstaanas shifts 1.

Papolstaanas will follow his mark around if he can. If the mark is also his oath target, he will try to keep the oath active (i.e., maneuver so as not to be adjacent to other enemies). He will also try to maneuver so as to be able to shift clear of enemies on his next turn.[/sblock]
[sblock=Papolstaanas]Papolstaanas Male Kobold Avenger|Battlemind 7
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 24, Passive Insight: 18, Senses: Normal
AC:24 (--), Fort:19 (--), Reflex:21 (--), Will:19 (--)
+2 defenses vs. traps; AC drops to 23 when bloodied
HP:67/69, Bloodied:34, Surge Value:17, Surges left:11/12
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4
:bmelee: Overwhelming Strike +12 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage, Papolstaanas shifts 1 square and slides target into the square he just vacated.
Shifty, Battlemind’s Demand, Blurred Step, Overwhelming Strike, Iron Fist, Lightning Rush
[o] Oath of Enmity (regained when target drops to 0 hp)
[o] Guardian’s Counter
[o] Fury’s Advance
[o] Distracting Flare
[o] Wrathful Warrior (feat)
[o] Second Wind

[o] Aspect of Might
[o] Nightmare Vortex
[o] Mental Triumph
[o] Vanguard Weapon daily


Full sheet: Papolstaanas[/sblock]


First Post
Eloan see his companions moving forward. Himself follow them, but stay behind, hesitant to engage so many foes. He might not be be a good swordsman, but he is used to lead men and see Tristan swing and strike his opponent, which is unbalanced by the sword for a short moment. "Tristan, thrust his left leg!"

Tristan doesn't hesitate and do as he is order.

OOC: To all players: if you use a melee at-will power or a MBA, you can use that power:

[SBLOCK=Overwhelming Force Trap]Overwhelming Force Trap (Encounter Immediate Interrupt Close Burst 3 ✦ Martial)
Target: The triggering ally
Trigger: An ally in the burst makes a melee basic attack
Effect: The target uses one of his or her melee at-will attack powers instead of making a melee basic attack. If the attack hits, the subject of the target’s attack is also dazed until the end of the target’s next turn.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=OOC]Free: Battlefront Shift to Q11
Move: Walk to L12
Standard: Commander's Strike on Tristan: Overwhelming Strike vs AC on L1 (2d20.takeHighest(1)+10=26, 1d12+12=21)

Tristan might hit for 21 damages. If it hits, I let [MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION] choose if he want to shift and slide his target or not. [/SBLOCK]
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First Post
The adventurer's launch a devastating opening salvo, leaving one of the wolves dead and the humanoid one bloodied.

The humanoid growls at the elf, "Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!" the creature roars as it slashes at Tristan, leaving a bloody wound above the elf's eyes.

The larger wolves bound forward towards Eloan. The former guard manages to block one of the beasts, but the other grabs his exposed flank and drags him down.

The brave kobold is surrounded by a trio of the wolves and they all manage to leave minor wounds on Papolstaanas.

Finally, the other humanoid ones that had been feasting on the corpse rush at Illarion, seeing another weak female, leaping over the short wall to get at him. One of their claws is deflected by the sorcerer's staff, but the other manages to draw some blood.

[MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION] - can you please put a mini stat block in your post? Helps me keep track.

Illarion hits both. Tristan just hits on his first roll (crap nuggets that's a ton of damage). Papo hits and kills W3. Tristan (via Eloan) hits and bloodies L1.

Enemies: L1 attacks Tristan - vs ac; dmg (1d20+12=28, 1d10+5=12) hits for 12 and invisible to Tristan TENT (Tristan's Passive Perception is enough to determine the square the enemy is in though, so just the -5 to atk rolls)
W's focus on Papo - vs ac (1d20+13+2=28, 1d20+13+2=28, 1d20+13+2=28) wow, 3 13's, what are the odds of that?, 3 hits for 24 damage total.

Wolf 1 - charges Eloan - vs ac; dmg (1d20+12+1=19, 1d8+5=13) miss
Wolf 2 - charges Eloan - vs ac; dmg (1d20+12+1+2=27, 1d8+5=13) hit and knocked prone

WW2 - charges Illarion (with its Athletics it would auto succeed on the jump check) - vs ac (1d20+11+1=17, 2d3+3=5) miss

WW1 - the same - vs ac (1d20+11+1=22, 2d3+3=9) hits for 9[/sblock]


W: 24 AC; ??/??/?? F/R/W
WW1: ??AC; ??/??/?? F/R/W
WW:2 ??AC; ??/??/?? F/R/W
Wolf 1: ??AC; ??/??/18 F/R/W - 14 damage taken
Wolf 2: ??AC; ??/??/18 F/R/W - 14 damage taken
Wolf 3: ??AC; ??/??/18 F/R/W
Wolf 4: ??AC; ??/??/18 F/R/W
L1: 21 AC; ??/??/??F/R/W - 49 damage taken, bloodied, invisible to Tristan TENT

Papolstaanas: 43/69, 11/12 surges
Gil: 29/36, 5/7 surges
Tristan: 41/46, 7/9 surges
Eloan: 43/56, 10/10 surges, prone
Ilarion: 40/49, 7/7 surges



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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Illarion explodes in storm of fire as the wolves attack. His face changes for the merest of moments to leader of the pack and he snarls at the wolf attacking him who flinches away.

Fire storm subsides leaving smaller whirlwind of fire around the sorcerer.

He points his dagger toward the pair and small scintillating bolt flies from one to another and further on before dissipating. The bolt carries with itself seed of chaos making the werewolves incautious in their movement.

Minor: Changeling trick vs WW1, gain CA vs WW1 TENT
Standard: Flame Spiral vs WW1 Ref; WW2 Ref; Fire damage (1d20+10+2=22, 1d20+10=13, 1d10+12=19) - hits WW1 for 19
Illarion gains +1 AC TENT

Effect: Until the start of Illarion's next turn, any enemy that enters a square adjacent to Illarion or starts it's turn there takes 1d6+7 fire damage
Flame spiral start of turn vs WW1 and WW2 (1d6+7=13) - if they move adjacent they take new damage

Move: shift to O10
AP: Chaos bolt vs WW1 Will; psychic damage (1d20+10+2=28, 1d10+12=22) - not provoking due to Shimmering armor, gain +2 all defenses due to Eloans ability

Chaos bolt secondary vs WW2 Will; psychic damage (1d20+10=16, 1d6+7=12) -this is 18 vs Will due to Gils effect [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION], if this hits W2 roll again against the leader, if you hit with Even roll roll again and again against W1 and W4

Free on AP: Seed of Chaos (1d6=6) - WW1 and WW2 cannot shift TENT, also any other creatures hit with chaos bolt cannot shift TENT (in case 16 hits will of WW2)

Free: another shroud on the leader

Interrupts: Bracers of escape if illarion gets in trouble by were attacks (less then 25% hp)

Free: if one of the beasts dies other takes 3 damage from Rain of Hammers Ki focus
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Lord Sessadore

The werewolf disappears from Tristan's sight, but the elf is unphased. He lets his senses reach out, hearing its breath, its feet on the floor, its hand on the rapier's hilt. A grin flashing across his face, he feels his goddess' power flow through him as he whirls in a circle, blade flashing out horizontally to bite into the werewolf again. A burst of silvery leaves erupt from his sword and bind the two combatants together.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Oath of the Final Duel: 26 vs AC, 24 damage. Nonlethal, in case it's enough to take him down.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, if the target is more than 3 squares away from Tristan at the start of his turn, he can teleport to a space within 3 squares as a minor action. The effect ends if Tristan ends his turn more than 3 squares away from the target.

Move: shift to M16.[/sblock][sblock=Tristan]Tristan Moonblade - Male Elf Avenger (Dayna) 4
Passive Perception: 24, Passive Insight: 16; Low-light vision
:20, Fort:16, Reflex:18, Will:18 -- Speed:7
:29/46, Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11, Surges Left:7/9
+2 item bonus to saves vs. poison keyword, weakened, slowed, immobilized.
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike

Angelic Alacrity
Sequestering Strike
Avenger's Resolve
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Oath of the Final Duel
* Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Tristan gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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