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[Adventure] Into the King's Forest (Judge: THB)


[sblock=ooc]Cheerleader yay for Ryda! :)[/sblock]
[sblock=?]I just noticed that Invisible Castle did something strange with my last roll. For some reason it didn't include the description ("Earth Shield Strike vs. X13 kenku") and it didn't link it together with all my other rolls for this campaign. This is very weird, especially since I did the exact same thing I've always done to make a roll there. Anyway if you need me to roll again I will.

Also: My interpretation of "within 2 squares of you" for Winter's Herald is that it also extends vertically; in other words, 16 is in the middle of a cube of difficult terrain and not a rectangle. r1 do you agree, or do you interpret it differently? I only bring it up since these guys can fly.[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC-Immediate Action on enemy turn]If Unit 16 gets hit by a Kenku on their next turn then Karren will take half the damage with Bonds of the Clan, since he has a lot more hp right now and it looks likely to stay that way.[/sblock]


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Ryda sees Unit 16 wavering on unconsciousness and steps away from the kenku trying to distract her and unleashes another mighty shot, this time the arrow shreds through the tend flesh just below its ribcage and lodges itself deeply in the Owlbear’s spleen.

She grins as the mighty beast wavers for a moment, then collapses to the ground, nearly crushing the warforged it had fought so long to destroy. You’re next birdman, she states coldly, drawing a bead on the nearest kenku.

Jarren gives a shout of elation as Ryda's shot strikes true once again and the Owlbear finally falters. The euphoria of the succesful hunt cuts through the pain of his wounds as he surveys his birdmen attackers with a predatory grin. He shifts his stance once again, setting up a position for his Warforged ally as his spirit companion aims a vicious bite at one of the attackers.

As the beast falls, Unit 16 barely sidesteps in time to avoid its crashing body. "You see?" he yells to Ryda, nearly stumbling as he turns toward her. "Unit 16 snares enemy melee units so allied ranged units are most effective," he recites as if reading from a book. Unit 16 beams broadly at Ryda as blood pours freely down his face.

With new resolve and emboldened by his ally's spirit and his own sense of duty, Unit 16 pulls himself back together and puts on a brave face once more. "Switching targets..." he says to himself. Seeing Jarren move into a tactical position, he reacts by instinct to move into place. As he walks, new ice crystals appear in front of him with each step, and as he passes they melt harmlessly away. Interestingly, small paths through the snow and ice are immediately visible to Jarren as Unit 16 gets closer.

"You shall dance around my ally no longer," 16 says to the Kenku as he lifts his giant hammer. Still exhausted, Unit 16 again deploys his defensive strike, opening deflective panels while bringing his hammer to bear on his foe.

Yes, I would say that the DT extends for 10 feet in every direction, including up.[/sblock]

With the owlbear dead, the leader swoops forward "Damn, we had a nice racket here you jerks! At least we'll have your gear afore we're off. Git'em boys!" he cackles, pointing the rod at Unit 16. More spectral crows slam into Unit 16 although they cause little effect thanks to Jarren's effect.

The other kenku caw back in response, the one near Ryda flutters his wings quickly and creates a distraction enough for him to get on the other side of Unit 16. He stabs at the warforged, but the warrior easily blocks its attack, however with his concentration on the one in front, Unit 16 can't stop the one in the back and a perfect stab severs something inside him. Unit 16 is wobbling on his feet, a slight breeze would likely knock him over

"Thata boys! First one to kill that half-orc gets 50 gold" the leader calls out from the air.

K12 uses Murder of Crows on U16- vs ref; force (1d20 10=27, 1d6 4=7) hits for 7 force (4 goes to U16 & 3 to Jarren)
K94 uses Fluttering Strike - shifts 4 - and attacks U16 - vs ac; dmg (1d20 10=20, 1d4 4 1d6=9, 1d20 10=28, 1d4 4 1d6=12) - hits 1 time for 12 damage[/sblock]

[sblock=Unlocked Monster Stats]
Kenku's 61/94 - Ref is lower than 16, Will is lower than 20, AC is lower than 20
Kenku 12 - ???


26 - Enemies
12 - Ryda - regen 2 if bloodied +8thp
5 - Jarren - 29/43 -+5thp
17 - Unit 16 (new initiative from readied action) - 7/57- +2 AC, Resist 5 cold, zone 2 of DT around Unit 16, +4 weapon damage,

init (Unit 16, Jarren, Ryda, enemies) (1d20 3=17, 1d20 4=5, 1d20 7=12, 1d20 6=26)[/sblock]
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Ryda barks out a laugh over the 50 gold bounty on her head. If I'm the one worth the gold, why are you bird-brains attacking the warforged? She pulls two arrows from her quiver and yells for Unit 16, Don't move too much if you want to keep your head.

Fitting both arrows into the bow, she tilts the bow on it's side and lets both fly at the kenku engaging the warforged. The arrows zip on either side of Unit 16's head, lodging in the kenku's shoulders, causing them to yelp in pain.

[sblock=Mechanics]I'm basing this off having one of the melee Kenku quarried, if not, I use her minor action to quarry one first.
Standard: Split the Tree on both melee Kenku: 1d20+11=12 1d20+11=20 2d12+10=20 1d6=4 The higher being 20, I'll use that to hit both of them for 20 damage, with 4 more going to my quarry.
Move: up then over to R13

+1 to all defenses from my quarry's attacks, if anyone damages her she'll use yeild ground to P10 and gain another +2 to all defenses[/sblock]

[sblock=Ryda's stats]Ryda – Half Orc Ranger 4
Passive Perception 19, Passive Insight 14
AC 21, Fort 16, Reflex 19, Will 15
HP 46+8/46, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 8/8
Speed 6, Initiative +7
Action Points: 0, Second wind
At-Will Powers: Twin Strike, Nimble Strike
Encounter Powers: Evasive Strike, Cut and Run, Yield Ground, Furious Assault
Daily Powers: Split the Tree
Racial Features: HalfOrc Resilience, Swift Charge, Furious Assault
Class Features: Hunter’s Quarry, Prime Shot, Fighting Style- Two Weapon


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the injured one dies from Ryda's attack (X13 one).

So it's been just over 2 weeks and there's already been nearly 200 posts! Wow. I know I definitely couldn't keep this pace up from the DM side long term but it's cool to complete (almost) and adventure (even a short one) in such a quick amount of time. I believe you always receive at least 1 month's RP so it's all good. As an fyi this is an n+4 encounter, it's been fun pushing it to the edge, well except Ryda, I'm sure they figured drop the big guy, then the healer, then Ryda'd be relatively easy pickings.[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]Yeah, it's been crazy fun, and good RP all around. All 3 of us are doing what we do best, and it's really come together. I wasn't sure we'd be able to pull it off, and I KNOW it wouldn't have gone well if Jarren/Anti hadn't decided to tag along.

I'd figured that I'd built Ryda to be a decent striker, but 213 in 6 rounds is more than I could have hoped for, though I'm sure 3 crits helped :confused:, sorry if her sillygood luck is spoiling some fun for you r1. As a full-time DM IRL, I know that the DM should be having fun too, it's not all about the players.[/sblock]


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"Fifty gold?" Jarren snorts. "Ryda, I think you're being insulted. Might be wise to clip the loud one's wings before he musters the sense to flee."

His guardian serpent swoops to Susan's side and aims to sink its teeth into the remaining knife-wielding birdman, while Jarren himself circles around to threaten it from behind with a feinting thrust of his spear, hoping to create an opening for his ally.

[sblock=OOC]Move Action - Move to U13, in flanking position with U16. (circling wide around the kenku to avoid provoking any OAs). Spirit moves to V14 where it grants the +1 r/f/w to both Jarren and U16.

Standard Action - Protective Strike on the kenku at w13. 1d20+9=11 vs Will. Pffft. 1d8+7=14 and 3 temp hp to U16 and Jarren on a hit, as unlikely as that seems. :p[/sblock]

[sblock=Jarren quick stats]
Jarren Star Gazer Male Shifter Shaman 4
Medium natural humanoid
Initiative +4; Senses Passive Insight 22, Passive Perception 24, Low-light vision

HP 29/43 +5 temp Bloodied 21, Surge Value 10, Surges 8/10
AC 18; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 20
Saving Throws +0
Speed 8

Action Points: 0

Encounter Powers: Healing Spirit x2
Capturing Jaws
Certain Threat
Speak With Spirits
Bonds of the Clan
Razorclaw Shifting
Second Wind

Daily Powers: Spirit of the Healing Flood

Daily Item Powers: (1/milestone)
Potion of Clarity
Bear Spirit Armor

Consumables: Potion of Healing x2
Potion of Clarity x2
197 gp


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[sblock=OOC]Yep, it's been a blast, despite some truly horrid luck on the dice for me and Bob (though Mezegis did a nice job of making up for it).

Awesome combat, really had me sweating at a couple of points, and tested the limits of what we were capable of as a party I think. The characters seem to fit together nicely in an RP sense too. If you fellas felt like sticking together for our next adventure too - whatever that will be - I'd be keen. :)[/sblock]


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Oh I'm having fun, if I wasn't I likely wouldn't be posting updates sometimes multiple times/day here. It's still been pretty close so no worries. If Jarren hadn't come yeah it would've been much tougher, although the opposition would've had to be different also, likely lowered the owlbear's level by 1 and dropped one of the kenku? Oh and RickRoll mentioned about porting over his L4W adventure to LEB so maybe you could grab two more PC's after this is done if he submits. I'll PM him to see if that's his intentions still.[/sblock]

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