• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Academy of Drell (d4/d6) filled!

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Well the only suggestion I've gotten so far that sounded at all good was Assassin... and they are a bit to focused and dedicated for my taste (besides being EVIL...)

Hmmm, well I'll have SaS this weekend so I'll look in there.


First Post

poilbrun as Maerath Iliandil
Male Elf, Wizard 4, NG
with "Squeekie," the squirrel familiar

Jeremy as Pallyn Loddry
Male Gnome, Psion (Savant) 4, NG
with "Karenia," the friendly psicrystal

Lichtenhart as ?
Bard ?

Dalamar as ?
Psion ?

evileeyore as KithKalin Khaladuar
Male Elf, Rogue 2/Sorcerer 2, CN
with "Turin," the ferret familiar

Tokiwong as Keith Kinain
Rogue ?

Gnomeworks as Charlotte Kalaharven
Female Human, Aristocrat 1/Psion (Shaper) 3 or Psion (Shaper) 4
[details pending]

perivas as Arana Perivai
Female Elf, Bard 3/Illusionist 1, NG
with "Fian," the cat familiar

novyet as "Ellie" Merriwether
Female Human, Psion (Telepath) 4, NG
with "Anya", the friendly/sympathetic psicrystal

That gives us 9. There's really room for one more, but I thought I'd give everyone who's already expressed interest a chance to sound off before it gets finalized.

Still waiting for final characters from Dalamar, Gnomeworks, Tokiwong and Lichtenhart.

I'll open up the first post before tomorrow. Characters who are ready in a timely fashion can begin immediately. :)



First Post
Keith Kinain-Picture

Here is picture of me Character...

Also updated my character block... post later tonight...


  • sieger.jpg
    26.7 KB · Views: 271
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Sweet pic Tokiwong... where ever did you find it?

Damn now I have to track one down as well.

Edit: If and when I find one it will go on the Character sheet.

Edit part 2: Okay I found one (a pic that is)... no how do I attach it???


I am now learning html coding... right after that I'll learn how to turn the computer on...


This is an original fan art by Julie Dillon at jdillon.net.

Go visit she is an awesome artist.

The above pictures statistics: (before I altered the eyes and cropped it)
Character:Fuushu Janus
Completed: 10-99
Meduim: Adobe Photoshop 5.0
Artist: Julie Dillon
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Nah i don't want to be constantly accessing her site... i'll just learn how to code my own site in the next few minutes and put it there... oye here comes the headache...

Edit: Yay it worked... ouch I'll have an html hangover for atleast a week....
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evileeyore said:
Hmmm, your right... I ussually ignore the Skill reqs as they are fairly easy to come by, but that exclusive could be a mit rough... Well if I have to go 4 levels might as well go 5... (and get sneak 3d6... grrr Uncanny-not flanked is 6th level... grrrr)
You could just take 2 levels of rogue, a level of sorc and then a level of rogue again. This works because maximum skill ranks are counted from character level if it is a class skill for any class. So you could max out it at levels 1&2, then take a level of sorc, and then return to rogue and put 2 points in it. Ta-daa, 7 ranks!

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