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A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]


[sblock=OOC]Tarag stabilizes Turket with a CminW (Detect Magic). Assuming he begins with the CLWs and Keldar, then he heals Keldar for 13+6=19, then can top him off with an orison (Light). He converts his last available 1st level spell and Status for 8+17=25 for himself. Everyone is fully healed. He's left with Guidance, Mending, Resistance, Silence and his domain spells Burning Hands and Wood Shape.[/sblock]

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Tommy reports the results of his magic scan to the others, adding, "The trick with the rope that he used, early in the fight... That reminds me of a devil called an erinyes, who will often use such an enchanted rope to capture foes, hauling them up and dropping them from a great height. But a true erinyes would have easily defeated us. It would have been immune to most of our spells, or charmed us witless with magic, or summoned an army of lesser devils. Or killed us all with repeated castings of that evil blight spell. Or simply teleported away, laughing at us. Turket must be some kind of related lesser devil."


First Post
OOC: Lost the post! :mad:

Tarag searches the body of the fallen devil, with Tommy's direction, taking anything that might be valuable (or dangerous).

"Now that we've dealt with Turket, let's take our time searching for any clues to the group. Then we can interrogate him - I assume that's why you had me stabilize him, instead of letting the so-and-so simply die, Keldar."

OOC: By the way, Tarag has a third level spell left (Locate Object). Thanks for the reminder, Trouvere.

[sblock=Today’s Spells]Spells per day: 5/4+1/3+1/2+1

Detect Magic

Level 1:
Burning hands (Fire domain)
Divine Favor
Shield of Faith

Level 2:
Wood Shape (Artifice domain)

Level 3:
Locate Object
Stone Shape
Stone Shape (Artifice domain)

Artifice, Fire[/sblock]
Last edited:


"Wait! Leave the hair ribbon for now," Keldar says, staying Tarag's hand.

"I had thought to force him to tell us what he knows. But if he is what Tommy says he is, then he's too dangerous to deal with. We ought to kill him. But if we kill him here alone in his home, we'll have just murdered Vlad Turket, respectable citizen of Fallon. If we take him to the temples, find someone who can agree that this is indeed Vlad Turket, then rip off his ribbon and pour holy water down his throat, well, we'll cause no end of trouble for his associates, and I'll probably be anointed as a paladin on the spot."

"Not that I'm not tempted to find out what he really looks like right now."

Keldar starts squinting and blinking. "Shouldn't I be able to see through his disguise like I could - from the very beginning - see through Fimble's ice wall? Maybe if I concentrate really hard."[sblock=OOC]Sadly, the Locate Object was converted to Half-hearted Cure Serious Wounds on Keldar, or maybe we'd use it to find the nearest Rather Odd Shovel.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: So, is there anywhere we haven't searched, or shall we just drag Turket off to the authorities (perhaps via the secret entrance to the temple which the book describes)?


"I think I'll look over the rest of the house for any more magic," says Fimble, heading for the stairs.

"Mmm hmm," says Keldar, still squinting and prodding at Turket's unconscious form. "If there's nothing interesting in the papers in his study, maybe he keeps the important stuff in a hidden place," he suggests. "Watch out for traps."

"What?" says Fimble.

"I'm sure there aren't any," says Keldar.

"Perhaps we should go together," Fimble says.

OOC: Keldar takes 20 on a Search of Turket, for 29. That should find objects secreted on his person that Tarag would miss, and certainly counts as interacting with the glamer from his hat.


"I had thought to force him to tell us what he knows. But if he is what Tommy says he is, then he's too dangerous to deal with. We ought to kill him. But if we kill him here alone in his home, we'll have just murdered Vlad Turket, respectable citizen of Fallon. If we take him to the temples, find someone who can agree that this is indeed Vlad Turket, then rip off his ribbon and pour holy water down his throat, well, we'll cause no end of trouble for his associates, and I'll probably be anointed as a paladin on the spot."

Tommy stares at the fallen Turket, whatever it is, thinking hard and frowning.

"What you say makes sense, Keldar. We were extremely fortunate to survive this confrontation. If I hadn't thought to make that wand... Er. Well. Anyway, if others in Turket's organization are anywhere near as powerful as he was, we don't stand a chance on our own of overcoming them. Or even surviving their revenge, should they find out what we've been doing. We should consider turning what we know over to the authorities, and leaving town. Quickly. In disguise."


"We underestimated him, for sure. But he underestimated us, too!" Keldar illustrates the point by rolling Turket over onto his face none too gently so he can check along his back. "And don't forget, you three had already used a lot of your spells just getting in here secretly. I always thought that was a bad idea."

"But anyway, you're probably right. We can skip town and leave the other devils, if there are any, to that old half-asleep duffer down at the guard office. He'll do fine. I'm sure there'll be someone else who can help him out, from one of the temples, or the wizard's school. We can pass on our practical firsthand knowledge of fighting devils before we go."

"And they'll never find us. Well, me, maybe. I did, sort of, happen to, uh, mention my full name in front of those archers just before they ran away. It's a bad habit of Keldar Warbray's. Why do you think I wanted us to be sure to use nicknames today?"


Tommy paces animatedly, waving his hands around as he talks, not really listening.

"But what can we do, Keldar? We were barely able to face a single one of these things, whatever they are. And I think we should all be especially thankful in our prayers for a while; that could very easily have gone far worse.

Our plan was to confront Turket and force him to tell us who the other Archaeologists were, so that we could then confront them and take them down in turn. But that's when we thought Turket was an ordinary man. I don't think we'll be able to force this creature to tell us anything. We'll be lucky if we can even keep it bound, once it wakes. It was amazingly dextrous, and I wouldn't trust any knots or chains to hold it for long. Sooner or later it will recover the use of that horrible spell, and we might not be so lucky next time."

"What do we know?" he asks, ticking points off on his fingers as he goes. "There's a group of killers and thieves operating out of Fallon. They use a series of secret tunnels, that are probably common knowledge by now, thanks to our assistants at the library. They may or may not have ties to several of the oldest and most powerful families in Fallon. And the only two living beings that we know to be involved with them are this devil, here, and Fingers. Who didn't tell us about any devils. Did he know? Probably not, but it hardly matters now anyway. Where can we go from here? Go door-to-door in the tunnels? It's been over a week since they were revealed; surely anything incriminating about them has been moved or hidden by now. Start interrogating noblemen, asking them if they're secretly killers? We'd be lucky to be just run out of town. Even if we do find them, what then? I've no confidence we can hope to defeat them, if Turket is anything to go by."

[sblock=ooc]I'm feeling a bit of Tommy's pain, out of character. It's really starting to feel like we've done what we can, here. Capturing Turket was our big plan, and while that's technically succeeded, his nature makes me doubt we'll get any answers out of him. We don't have the manpower to clear the tunnels; we'd need at least one or two front-line melee characters to pull that off. Trying it with our current crew is just asking for character deaths.

I've run a fair handful of games now, and read many more, both submissions in LEW and L4W and published adventures. I've read vast quantities of online content on designing and running adventures. What I'm getting at is that it's been a long time since I've been in a position where I had absolutely no idea where an adventure was heading. Every game I've played or lurked in for the last few years, I've generally been able to put my adventure-design hat on and make a pretty good guess as to the structure and goals of the adventure.

Every game but this one. Here, I'm totally confused. It looks superficially like a sandbox game: here's a city, run around in it and have fun, working towards stopping the guild of killers. But the defining characteristic of sandbox games is usually that there are lots of options, lots of threads to explore. If you get to the end of one, you have half a dozen more that you can pick up and follow. I feel like we've gotten to the end of a thread here, but if there are any other threads to follow, I'm not spotting them. Maybe I'm just being dense, or forgetting earlier clues, or failing to spot the plot hooks. But... all of them?

In roleplaying terms, it seems like when in doubt, you should try to think what your character would do. But we've reached a point where it really seems like the right in-character reaction is to hand Turket over to a temple and leave town, and hope really hard that no one comes after us.

But surely that's not how the adventure is supposed to end, is it? We must be missing something. Maybe we need some hints?


Voidrunner's Codex

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