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D&D 5E [5E] YP: Sunless Citadel

What Adventure should I run for my next PbP Campaign?

  • Lost Mine of Phandelver

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Sunless Citadel

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Other WotC Adventure Path

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Other Adventure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Poll closed .


First Post
@EarlyBird thought you might like one of these for your Doctor character
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Oh @EarlyBird thought I would tell you that this characters alignment has not changed (aka it was this way before you posted your character) and so I find it very interesting that your character shares that alignment -- or maybe better I find it cool that he does.

This of course mostly likely means the Mentor is very strongly Lawful Neutral which I was already leaning that way so it just seem, as I said interestingly cool that our characters both support it.

Also if you have any thoughts on your character's uncle I would like to hear them I will be scouring the internet for an appropriately interestingly cool name.


Here is the start of my brainstorming. I think it fun we took the same alignment as well, this means we probably get long fairly well. What that says about my uncle is still up in the air (lol). Try an fit your character in anywhere with this start, and note that is subject to change, just trying to highlight some areas.

a) World setting? If Forgotten Realms Davonshaw spent a couple years at Candlekeep and their great library. If not then any great library or large city will do. The constant need to know more prompted his apprentiship to his uncle. Here is a question, if he is a wizard and both his apprentises aren't maybe he doesn't teach so much as points in the direction and lets them discover magic for themselves.

b) Somewhere along the way he met Juila Whitegill, and while smitten he told her all he had learned. She promptly used this info to land a royal hospice postion and the two have been at a constant war of one up manship since. This bad breakup leads to the hermitage, where Davonshaw locks himself away for a few years in the deepest parts of his uncles library and workshops.

c) Knowing now how the humanoid body works has promted a desire to put this knowledge to use. He tells his uncle he is leaving but when asked he says he doesn't know. Enter - Zath'ras or some sort of "before you go can you do this one thing for me?' type quest.


First Post
Okay anything I post about your character's Uncle my character's Mentor is open for negotiation and not written in stone but I will outline some of what I have thus far.

First Zathras is not a Wizard yet only because he is still just a Wizard's Apprentice he has not fully blossomed into a fledgling Wizard as of yet (as mechanically that requires 2nd level)

Now I have your Uncle being a rather strict individual that only teaches someone that is determined to learn which is to say he definitely does not coddle his students and in fact does what he can to make it as challenging as possible. If you really want to know magic you have to work at it with pinpoint focused determination. Now that sort of teaching does not have to apply to your character as he is family and not an Apprentice. Further perhaps your Uncle simply allowed you access to his facilities and books and left your instruction up to your character this would be alignment with what I have written thus far about the Uncle-Mentor. Further he could have even answered a few questions that your character may have asked but the replies would have most likely been cryptic requiring your character to work at them to gleam the answers from them.

Assuming we go with the above as written thus far -- Zathras could have just gained that apprentice status just before your arrival and I am sure some of the tasks allotted to Zathras would be tiding up after your character and/or bring him food and such. As things progressed maybe Zathras even helped your character when wrestling with one (or more) of your Uncles answers to a question you asked thus the two share the concept of how the Uncle-Mentor makes things more difficult than less difficult. It would also help them to have formed a bond of friendship from working together on solving problems -- perhaps your character also helped Zathras with some of the trials he had to struggle with in learning magic from Uncle-Mentor

Just some prelim thoughts thus far still working on Zathras history up to becoming the Wizard's Apprentice -- note Zathras learned a lot about Alchemy from the things the Mentor-Uncle had him doing which might be helpful in your line of work


All of that sounds like a good fit. Davonshaw wasn't fixing his own meals while on his hermitage lol. Barely time to eat much less cook. We can develop the questions and trails our Uncle-Mentor set for us later as the exacts may be revealed during some RP.

And I was already thinking about Alchemy as a side hobby/addition to his magic. I was thinking of taking stinking cloud and have him create some sort of stink bomb that could be a vial of some magical mixture. This would be purely for fluff, I liked the idea of if I changed stinking cloud out for some other spell later, I could just say that he made no other mixtures, etc. This is also up in the air for now, although I ight use it for a few spell effects.

So when I go and right y background, this weekend probably, I will add in some of the ideas from the above post.


First Post
I think if you look into gaining Proficiency in Herbalism Kit (used to make healing potions) and/or Cooking Utensils (used to make 1 hip point restorative snack items) those would be more in line with a doctor character than Alchemy which, as you point out, is more for things like Alchemical Fire and Stink Bombs and the like


First Post
We've got a Paladin, a druid, and a monk. We lost our wizard and a rogue recently.

Okay so do you want us to finish up the characters here in this thread and wait for approval before copying them to the Rogues Gallery or should we just put the finished version there straight up?

Also how do you play the Arcane Focus (Staff) is that just an expensive Quarter Staff or is a special item that cannot be used like a Quarter Staff in combat -- I have run into both styles of GM which is why I ask -- I thought it was just an expensive Quarter Staff

Also the Small Knife that is part of some Backgrounds do you consider that to be a Dagger or something a lot less than a dagger? -- I thought it was just a dagger but have run into GMs that say otherwise
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First Post
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION] okay I have everything completed except the backstory -- I have included the things I asked about so if you decide no then I will adjust it otherwise its basically good to go should have the Back Story completely either before I go to bed or by sometime tomorrow.


First Post
Rogue 1
[sblock=Zath'ras]Male Svirfneblin Rogue 1 Lawful Neutral
Armor Class : 14 (Leather)
Hit Points : 9 (1d8)
Speed : 25 ft

Saving Throws

Skill Name
Animal Handling
Sleight of Hand
[sblock=Background]Back Story
For Zath'ras it started many years ago deep below the surface within the hidden community of his people, the Svirfneblin but referred to by surface dwellers as deep gnomes. His people were quite guarded and suspicious of outsiders, but they had good reason to be and they were all taught from a young age what those reasons were. Still while the outside world was not to be trusted, those of the community and those accepted as part of the community were to be trusted and loved. For the most part, it was rare for any of those that were a part of the community to have a desire to leave. Still there were some of those rare elements, and to some degree Zath'ras was one of them. It was not that he did not love his home and family because he did so greatly, it was just that he had this itch he just could not seem to scratch while he was there. To help perhaps desuade this itch some, he joined the exploration faction. He was not the physical kind so they taught him how to be sneaky and function as a scout.

It was on one of their outings that Zath'ras' whole life would take a major change in direction. Someone had discovered a tower complex near one of the surface exits that appeared to be abandoned. So of course an exploration unit was dispatched to investigate. The trip there went fairly smoothly, and the got inside with only some minor injuries as the place had traps, which was to be expected. Still at some point during the investigation Zath'ras found a hidden library workroom and immediately got lost in its contents. Never had he seen a surface world wizard's workroom or library before. The things it held were just mind boggling. It prsented all manner of things that he had never seen in the down below. He could not read much of it, but some of the books had pictures of creatures he could only imagine what they were all about and it was something he would eventually learn that his imaginations had been way off.

Unbeknownst to Zath'ras the rest of the exploration crew had run afoul the residents of the place, for it was not actually abandoned as had been thought. Some made it out, and a few did not. Those that made it back, simply believed that Zath'ras was one of the not so fortunate and given up for dead as was mostly likely the case anyway. Zath'ras never would fault those for that assumption either, had things gone bad for him. However they did not go bad. The wizard, having chased away the invaders, was going about business as normal when he discovered Zath'ras in his workroom. He was going to eradicate the pest but noticed a few things and instead simply froze Zath'ras in place. He then investigated what Zath'ras had been up to. After looking things over he decided that he could use someone to clean up the mess that had been created by this ones compatriots and this one might prove useful for other things as well. So instead of killing Zath'ras he made a deal with him. Serve him for a few years, and he could live. It was not really a deal that Zath'ras could refuse nor was it one that he, in his heart of hearts, even wanted to refuse. Still serving the Wizard was not the most pleasant of chores neither but a deal was a deal that and the Wizard made sure that Zath'ras did not break the deal by sealing with magic.

Time passed and Zath'ras spent many hour within the workroom learning to mix various ingredients and tend to various processees. As well as much more menial tasks of cleaning up the mess created by their intrusion as well as the various other things the facility needed to make it hospitable to its main resident. Eventually there came an break in the normal regiment of the place. A friend of the Wizards came to stay. Zath'ras was assigned to helping him and serving him as well. He came to learn that this friend was in fact the Wizard's nephew who had come to do some extensive studying and intensive learning. The Wizard had a very cut and dry method of teaching, something Zath'ras had come to understand some although he was not being taught all that much. For the Wizard believed that to learn magic you had to needle point focussed and as powerfully determined as the forces of nature. So the tasks he gave to one to aid them in learning were always the most difficult ones that he felt the individual could just barely not solve. So as Davonshaw was struggling with one of these lessons, and Zath'ras was serving him his dinner, Zath'ras made a comment about the problem that actually opened a door that Davonshaw had not considered and he was able to solve the problem much more quickly to his Uncle's amazement. This of course was not without its consequences for this meant that his Uncle then increased the difficulty of the next lesson accordingly which put it well beyond Davonshaw's reach but not beyond a Davonshaw and Zathras collaborative reach. As such the two actually became fellow students of a sorts.

This collaborative work eventually was discovered by Davonshaw's Uncle and this gave him a whole new view of his servant and as such he asked if Zath'ras would like to learn these things. Zath'ras by now was totally smitten with the things he had learned and definitely wanted to learn more and acknowledged that fact. The Wizard than had two students and he set before them both different tasks to complete in the manner he was apt to do. Things became much more difficult, and yet at the same time much more enjoyable. The collabortive efforts of Davonshaw and Zath'ras did not end, but they did take on a wholly different venue for now they were actually helping each other and they had the feeling that the problems that each was given was with the understanding that they would collaborate on the tasks. However, the time for Davonshaw to depart was inevitable as Davonshaw had not intention of being a Wizard, for his path lay elsewhere. As such, one day Davonshaw thanked his Uncle for all the help and informed him that he was going to be heading out. His Uncle understood but then asked his Nephew if he would help Zath'ras retrieve something for him as Zath'ras not all that well acquainted with the world at large and as such could use a capable guide, and preferable someone he could trust.

OCC : Okay kind of need some input from the GM on what the quest was for and how and why we got captured by Goblins.
Trait :
Zath'ras be liking nothing more than good mystery. Zath'ras be liking to be getting to root of mystery or problem to be better analyzing it. If disagreeing occurs, Zath'ras be listening to all sides, then be making decision about what Zath'ras be doing.​
Ideal :
Emotions should not be clouding ones thinking for Zath'ras be knowing that bettering of oneself is being ultimate goal. Zath'ras also be knowing path of improving be through acquiring all forms of knowledge. For knowing is where true power be residing. Zath'ras be also knowing that emotions be muddying mental waters therefore be causing much confusing that be causing truth to appearing to be lies.​
Bond :
Zath'ras be owing great debt, Zath'ras can never be repaying. Zath'ras mentor be seeing in Zath'ras, things Zath'ras not being knowing. Mentor be making Zath'ras what Zath'ras is being today. Zath'ras be having many family, but Zath'ras not be seeing family in very long time. Zath'ras not be knowing how they be doing. One day, Zath'ras be seeing family again. Perhaps Zath'ras be showing them then better way to be living.​
Flaw :
Zath'ras be doing almost anything to be getting valuable knowledge. Zath'ras be risking maybe too much some day, to be finding lost knowledge that be ancient. Zath'ras not be saving those that not be saving themselves. Zath'ras be knowing in life strong be thriving and weak be perishing. However, Zath'ras be helping someone but only if they be wanting to be bettering themselves. Zath'ras be knowing that lessons must be difficult. For Zath'ras be knowing that willingness of mind only be proven by great determination.​
Zath'ras be standing mighty 2 feet 8 inches tall and be weighing massive 110 lbs. Zath'ras eyes, bushy eyebrows, beard and mustache be standing out by being very white against Zath'ras rather leathery dark gray skin. Zath'ras be plainly dressing. Zath'ras be wearing leather armor and traveler's clothing which be better if being drabber and darker in color. Zath'ras be always wearing froppish hat, that Zath'ras mentor be giving to him, to be hiding Zath'ras bald pallette. Not that Zath'ras be concerning hiding baldness. Zath'ras be knowing that men of Zath'ras race be bald at young age. Zath'ras just really be liking hat.​
[sblock=CharacterBuild]Race : Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome)
Attributes : INT +2 DEX +1
Base Speed : 25 ft
Senses : Dark Vision 120 ft
Gnome Cunning : Has Advantage on Int, Wis, Cha Saves vs Magic
Stone Camouflage : Advantage Stealth (Hide in Rocky Terrain)
Languages : Common, Gnomish, Undercommon​

Attributes via 27 Point Buy

Background : Sage (Alchemist/Wizard's Apprentice]
Skill : Arcana, Investigation
Tool : Alchemists Supplies​
Languages : Draconic
Feature : Researcher
When the character attempts to learn or recall a piece of lore, if they do not know that information, they often know where and from whom they can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your GM might rule that the knowledge the character seeks is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.​
Starting Background Equipment :
Ink (Bottle), Stylus, Dagger, Letter from Mentor, Common Clothes, Belt Pouch, 10 gold​

Level 1 Class : Rogue 1
Hit Die : 1d8
Hit Pts : 9
Armor : Light
Saves : Dexterity, Intelligence
Weapon : Simple, Long Sword, Rapier, Short Sword, Hand Crossbow
Skill : Acrobatics, Perception, Slieght of Hand, Stealth
Tool : Thieves Tools​
1st Level Features : Expertise (Perception, Stealth); Sneak Attack (+1d6); Cantrip (Prestidigitation) (alternated for Thieves Cant which is then acquired at 2nd level instead of a Cantrip)
Starting Class Equipment
Dagger 2, Shortbow, Quiver w/20 Arrows, Leather Armor, Backpack, Bag of 1,000 Ball Bearings, String 10 ft, Bell, Candles 5, Crowbar, Hammer, Pitons 10, Hooded Lantern, Oil Flask 2, Ration 5 days, Tinderbox, Waterskin, Hempen Rope 50 ft​

Starting Equipment Adjustments
Hempen Rope 50 ft (1 gp) >>> Scroll Case (1 gp)
Pitons 10 (5 sp), Oil Flask 2 (2 sp) >>> Parchment 7 (7 sp)
Bag of 1,000 Ball Bearings (1gp) >>> Bedroll (1 gp)
Hooded Lantern (5 gp) >>> Healer's Kit (5 gp)
If Arcane Focus is just an expensive Quarter Staff (5 gp)
Crowbar (2 gp), Hammer (1 gp), Dagger f/Background (2 gp)​

Starting Equipment Finalized List
Quarter Staff (Arcane Focus) (5 gp / 4 lbs)
Dagger 2 (2 gp / 1 lbs each)
Shortbow (25 gp / 2 lbs)
Quiver 20 Arrows (1 gp / 1 lbs)
Leather Armor (10 gp / 10 lbs)
Common Clothes (5 sp / 3 lbs)
Belt Pouch (5 sp / 1 lbs)
Backpack (2 gp / 5 lbs)
Healers Kit (5 gp / 3 lbs)
Spell Book (50 gp / 3 lbs)
Bedroll (1 gp / 7 lbs)
String 10 ft (? / --)
Bell (1 gp / --)
Candles 5 (1 cp each / --)
Ink (Bottle) (10 gp / --)
Rations 5 days (5 sp / 2 lbs each)
Scroll Case (1 gp / 1 lbs)
Letter from Mentor (priceless / --)
Parchment 7 (1 sp / --)
Stylus (2 cp / --)​
Tinderbox (5 sp / 1 lbs)
Waterskin (1 cp / 1 lbs empty / +4 lbs full)​
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