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Paladin 2

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 20/20 (HD: 2/2d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S (Re-roll 1s and 2s)
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B (Re-roll 1s and 2s)
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 3/3
Lay on Hands 5/10
Level 1: 2/2 Bless, Command, Wrathful Smite

[SBLOCK=Background]Edgar was born to a household warrior of a frontier lord. His father served his lord with distinction and as a reward Edgar was squired to the lord's son to train as something more than a common soldier. It was a high honour, as Edgar would have the opportunity to reach above his station and maybe gain a knighthood.

Edgar and his master served alongside the neighbouring dwarf forces fighting goblins. Edgar's master led a small group into battle against some goblin slavers, leaving Edgar to guard the horses. Edgar watched as his master was cut down by the evil creatures and his hopes of social advancement flow away with his master’s blood.

Edgar's warband narrowly won the battle, but Edgar was blind to the victory. Standing over his master's body Edgar returned to reality only when their dwarf allies came to their aid. Looking around Edgar saw the butchery of the battle and he vowed then before the priest, Tordak, that he would hunt out evil everywhere and snuff it out. The two left the army shortly after to hunt out evil on their own. Initially following Ilmater under the tutelage of Tordak, Edgar has since turned to Torm, finding the teaching of Ilmater too accepting of one’s fate.[/SBLOCK]

Human (Variant)
Increase two ability scores by one (STR, CON)
Gain 1 feat: Polearm Master
Gain 1 skill: Perception
Languages: Common , Elvin

Paladin 1
HD: d10
Armour Proficiencies: All Armour, Shields
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Martial
Saves: WIS, CHA
Skills: Persuation, Religion
Devine Sense: As an action you can detect fiends, celestial or undead or consecrated or desecrated ground within 60ft. 1+CHA mod per LR
Lay on hands: 5xlvl Pool of HP, touch one creature to heal or spend 5HP to cure poison or disease.
Paladin 2
Fighting Style (Great weapon Fighting)
Divine Smite: 2d8 radiant damage if you spend a spell slot after hitting an enemy. +1d8 vs undead or fiends, +1d8 per spell level above 1st

Skills: Athletics, Intimidation
Tools: Gaming set (Dice), Land vehicles
Military Rank: Your rank is recognised by your former organisation, you can gain access to military establishments friendly to your former organisation.

FEATS: Polearm Master: Bonus action attack with glaive, halberd or quarterstaff. AoO when creatures enter your reach while wielding glaive, halberd, pike or quarterstaff.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Abilities and saves]
ABILITIES (mod/save)
STR: 16 (+3/+3)
DEX:10 (0/0)
*WIS: 10(0/+2)
*CHA: 14(+2/+4)

AC: AC: 16 (16 Chain)
Initiative: +0
HP: 20/20 (HD: 2/2d10)
Proficiency bonus: +2

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

*Athletics: +5

Acrobatics: 0
Sleight of Hand: 0
Stealth: 0

Arcana: +0
History: +0
Investigation: +0
Nature: +0
*Religion: +2

Animal Handling: +0
Insight: +0
Medicine: +0
*Perception: +2
Survival: +0

Deception: +2
*Intimidation: +4
Performance: +2
*Persuasion: +4

Passive Perception: 12[/SBLOCK]
Chain Mail
Javelin (5)
Explorers Pack (bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, torches(10), rations (10), waterskin)
Rank Insignia (sergeant)
Holy Symbol (Silver medallion shaped like a gauntlet)
Trophy (Warg teeth attached to holy symbol necklace)
Bone Dice
Common Clothes
Belt Pouch

0 7 0 0 0
Edgar is tall and well built. Years of practice and fighting with weapons have given him a very athletic physique. Equally his time at war has left many scars on his body and face, though none are disfiguring. His charm comes from light hearted joking with friends and an optimistic view on every situation. His mood visibly darkens at the mention of goblins, bugbears and slavery, and he will do anything to stop them.

Personality: I face problems head on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success.
Ideal: Good must prevail, I’ll do anything to ensure that evil does no succeed.
Bond: I’ll never forget the violent death my master suffered or the enemies who dealt it.
Flaw: My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning. [/SBLOCK]
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41st lv DM
Fighter 1
Human male

Human male, Fighter 1, Criminal (enforcer), CN? NE?

Armor Class: 17 (chainmail, defensive style
Hit Points: 12 (1d10+2)
Speed 30 ft.

Str: 16* (+3)
Dex: 12* (+1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 12 (+1)
* = variant human bonus


Senses: Normal vision, passive Perception = 9
Languages: Common, ancient common?, Ignan*, Thieves' Cant
Skills: Intimidation, history, Perception*, Deception, Stealth, Thieves Tools , Gaming (Dice & cards)
*=things from variant human

Saves: Str.(+5), Con.(+4) Dex.(+1) Int.(+1) Wis.(-1) Cha.(+1)
Prof. Bonus: +2

Short Sword: Melee Weapon Attack:+5 to hit, Hit: (1d6+3) piercing damage. Finesse, light

Dagger: Melee Attack:+5 Ranged Attack:+5 to hit, 20/60 ft. Hit: (1d4+3) piercing damage.

Hand crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack:+3 to hit, ft.30/120, Hit: (1d6+1) piercing damage. Light, Loading

Cantrip: Fire Bolt: Ranged spell Attack:+3 to hit, Range: 120ft., Hit: (1d10), 1 action, V&S, instantaneous

Burning Hands: Range: Self (15ft cone), Hit: (3d6 fire damage, Dex Save for 1/2, DC=11 )

Feature: Criminal contacts, Defensive fighting style (+1 to AC)
Feat: Magic Initiate (wizard - C:Fire Bolt, C:Mage Hand, 1st:Burning Hands)

extra set of dark common clothes, including a hood,
Belt pouch with 15gp,
gaming cards & a set of dice,
Hand crossbow + 20 bolts,
Short Sword,
2 daggers*,
Dungeoneers pack
thieves tools
several bottles of strong booze*
some misc. equipment*

*things I need to buy with that 15gp....[/sblock]


First Post
Ara Galanodel Elven Wizard 1

Ara Galanodel, Elven Wizard 1

Here is Ara... The attachment is the full character sheet in PDF. Let me know if there is more information that I should move from the pdf to the sblocks. Also, please remember that @BeaniBum and I, @purplerook, are totally new, so if there are any good habits you would like to instill in the two of us. Please speak up :)

PDF of Ara uploaded to ENWorld
View attachment Ara3.pdf

[SBLOCK= Mini Stats]
Movement: 30'
Passive Perception: 12
AC: Normal 13 / Mage Armor 16
Initiative: +3
HP: 8/8 (HD: 1/1d6)

Long Bow: +5 1d8+3/p
Short Sword: +5 1d6+3/p


[sblock=Who, Owl Familiar]
AC 11, HP 1, speed 5’, fly 60’
Str 3(-4), Dex 13(+1), Con 8 (-1), Int 2 (-4), Wis 12 (+1) Cha 7 (-2)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +3, Passive Per 13, Darkvision 120’
Flyby: Owl provokes no opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach
Keen Hearing and Eyesight Owl has an advantage on Wis(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.

[sblock= Saves/Skills]

Str -1
Dex +3
Con +2
*Int +5
*Wis +2
Cha +0


Athletics: -1

*Acrobatics: +5
Sleight of Hand: +3
* Stealth: +5

*Arcana: +5
History: +3
*Investigation: +5
Nature: +3
Religion: +3

Animal Handling: +0
Insight: +0
Medicine: +0
*Perception: +2
Survival: +0

Deception: +0
Intimidation: +0
Performance: +0
Persuasion: +0



Green Flaming Blade
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion

1st Prepared 2/2 Slots
Mage Armor
Silent Image

Find Familiar (ritual)
Detect Magic (ritual)

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First Post
Tordak Ironhammer NG
Dwarven Cleric (War Domain)

-1 initiative
25ft movement
Passive Perception 13
Advantage vs poison saves
Resistance vs poison damage
Stonecutting (double prof bonus on history of stonework checks)
Warpriest - Take a second attack as a bonus action when making the attack action (number of times per long rest equal to wis mod)

(Standard stat array)

Str +1
Dex -1
Con +3
Int +1
Wis +5 (Prof)
Cha +2 (Prof)

Athletics +3 (Prof)
Acrobatics -1
Slight of Hand -1
Stealth -1 (disadvantage - armor)
Arcana +1
History +3 (Prof)
Investigation +1
Nature +1
Religion +3 (Prof)
Animal Handling +3
Insight +3
Medicine +3
Perception +3
Survival +3
Deception 0
Intimidation +2 (Prof)
Performance 0
Persuasion 0

Proficiencies -
Light, Medium, Heavy Armor
Simple, Martial Weapons
Brewers Supplies
Common, Dwarvish Languages
Land Vehicles

18 AC
Wearing Warhammer +3 1D8+1 (Versatile 1D10+1)
Handaxe +3 1D6+1
Holy Symbol (Amulet)

Other gear
Backpack, Blanket,10 candles, tinderbox, alms box, 2 incense blocks, censer, vestments, 2 rations, waterskin, bone dice, insignia of rank (quartermaster), common clothes, belt pouch, stogie

Tordak from a young age wanted to fight for his people and when he got older he got the chance, working his way up to quartermaster in border skirmishes and such he became disillusioned with war and how people didn't seem to learn no matter the thrashing you gave them. When he left the service he became a cleric of Ilmater. Always quick with a quip and treats every situation as a laughing matter (even when completely inappropriate), he always has a smile on his face and his stogie in the corner of his mouth (if asked he's saving it for something to celebrate). He's quick to fight, slow to forgive, and always has his teams back.


[sblock=Serpica]View attachment 83239
Female Half-elf Rogue 1, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (leather)
Hit Points 8 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.

Str 8 (-1)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 14 (+2)

Defenses Advantage on saving throws against being charmed and cannot be put to sleep by magic.

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarven, Thieves' Cant
Skills Athletics 1, Acrobatics 5, Stealth 5, History 4, *Investigation 6, Insight 4, Perception 4, Persuasion 4, *Thieves Tools 4, Chess Set 2

Illegitimate Noble - Living in Exile You are the illegitimate child of a noble family. You know things about the nobility that most commoners would not, and you know how to behave in their company.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) piercing damage.

Thrown Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) piercing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.

Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue table.

20 arrows
dungeoneer's pack
leather armor
2 daggers
thieves tools
Fine clothes
Signet Ring
Scroll of Pedigree
Purse (25 gp)[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Some twenty years ago a human nobleman had a one-time tryst with a woman of elven descent. The child of this relationship was abandoned at a small rural nunnery. The child was often ridiculed for her large pointed ears she had not yet "grown into" as a child and was bullied by other orphans being raised there. During one such bullying incident a tiny young lordling boy came to Serpica's defense. The boys family took Serpica in as a servant at his request, and they lived together for the remainder of their childhood.

A year into service at the lordlings manor his father finally returned from an extended journey. The lord recognized the girls features as far too familiar, both reflecting those of his mother, and an affair from his youth. While not wishing to enrage his wife, the mother of his son, he took to ensuring her education and training was slightly more than a peasant servant girl deserved.

Three incidents marred her adolescence. First, the suspicion of the Lady of the House over time grew as a simple peasant girl was treated with a great deal more favor than could be warranted. The lady had many accusations, some more founded than others. Second, the young lordling grew infatuated with the girl in his company so much of the time, something that Serpica had no interest in. Third, Serpica's skills at observation and sneaking made her apt to discover the unwanted affairs of both the lord and lady of the manor in both business and other relations. In the end, Serpica took a few small tokens of her illegitimate status from the household and fled into the night. She does not speak of her name or her father's house name, she only uses the name of a character from a story she once read, changed from Serpico to Serpica.

Serpica's time in the nunnery and constant need to escape made her more observant and adventurous than the other girls. Her time as a servant and the education her father provided helped her understand the world somewhat at large. Her need to run keeps her on her toes and she seeks excitement and to never again be kept as a bird in a cage.[/sblock]


  • serpica.jpg
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Kuhl Obleequay, Monk 2


HP 15, AC 16, Move 40.
Attack: Q'staff: 1d20+5 to hit, 1d8+3 (two hands) bludgeoning,
with (bonus action) unarmed strike,1d20+5 to hit, 1d4+3 bludgeoning

[sblock=Monk 2]Kuhl
LG Human Monk
Level 2

STR 10 (+0, save +2) [2]
DEX 16 (+3, save +5) [9+human]
CON 13 (+1) [5]
INT 10 (+0) [2]
WIS 16 (+3) [7+feat+human]
CHA 10 (+0) [2]

Size M
Speed 30 (40 when unarmored)
AC 16
Init +3
Hit Points 15 (2d8)

Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficiencies: simple weapons, short sword
Saves: STR, DEX
Skills: Perception, Acrobatics, Insight, Animal Handling, Survival
Tools: herbalism kit, flute, leatherworker's tools
Languages: Common, Goblin

Quarterstaff: 1d20+5 to hit, 1d6+3 (one hand) 1d8+3 (two hands)
Unarmed Strike: 1d20+5 to hit, 1d4+3 bludgeoning

Background (trait): Goatherd (wanderer)

Race abilities:
* Variant Human: extra skill, feat, +1 dex/wis (incl. below)

Class abilities:
* Unarmored Defense (AC=10+DEX+WIS)
* Martial Arts
- unarmed strikes and monk weapons use DEX or STR
- damage for unarmed strikes d4
- when Attack w/ unarmed strike or monk weapon, use bonus action for unarmed strike.
* Unarmored Movement (see above)
* Ki. 2 Ki points/short or long rest (DC 13). Spend one for:
- Flurry of Blows (two unarmed attacks with bonus action instead of 1)
- Dodge as bonus action
- Disengage or Dash as bonus action, with doubled jump

* Observant
- read lips!
- +5 to passive Perception/Investigation (included above)

+5 (dex) Acrobatics
+5 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+0 (str) Athletics
+0 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+5 (wis) Insight
+0 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation (15 passive)
+3 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+3 (wis) Perception (20 passive)
+0 (cha) Performance
+0 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+3 (dex) Stealth
+5 (wis) Survival

Personality: I am cheery and confident about the blessings of a good life.
Ideal: Pastoralism. a life where nature and culture exist in balance, without cages and walls but still the presence of civilization. It's not been like that for a while now.
Bond: My herd, my friends, and the memory of a song I once heard long ago.
Flaw: I am very naïve, and have spent little time in cities.


Weight: (150 lbs carrying capacity)

* quarterstaff
* explorer’s pack
* 10 darts
* scroll-case stuffed with notes
* winter blanket
* herbalism kit
* common clothes
* pouch w/ 5gp

*Goatherd (custom background):
- skills as folk hero
- equipment as hermit
- tools: herbalism kit, musical instrument
- feature: wanderer, as outlander[/sblock][sblock=Backstory]

The goblins, they take your goats. You can hear them in the night walking the perimeter of the herd, and then, tink tink tink tink tink, their little bells take on a bouncy rhythm because some gob has picked it up and is running away with it. You need to be careful, and you need to be watchful. A goat's meat, or (if they're patient) a goat's milk and blood, can last a goblin clutch for more than a week, but there are a lot of goblins, and not so many goats.

I'm Kuhl, and I've been herding since I was ten. Most of my days, I can relax. Gobs seldom come in the daytime, and the bleats and the goat bells are a constant melody accompanying my chores. That wineskin you're carrying? I made that -- or if not that one, another much like it. When it dies, all parts of the animal get used. I'm even learning to play the flute -- Etanya Nerinsky, yes, her, the famous gladiator -- she was teaching me, when she was living here. I never was really very good, but she was kind and would give me lessons and let me pay her with what I had. Even she has moved on, though. So have most of the other herders.

Unless something changes, I'll be moving on soon too. This used to be a nice place. I sometimes think that if the goblin pack could be broken -- not just a single clutch, but all of them; if they didn't have their magic apple that keeps the more civilized people from stopping them, then things would be better. The herds would come back.

Thats what I hope at least, and that's why I'm here.
History:[sblock=Monk 1]Kuhl
LG Human Monk
Level 1

STR 10 (+0, save +2) [2]
DEX 16 (+3, save +5) [9+human]
CON 13 (+1) [5]
INT 10 (+0) [2]
WIS 16 (+3) [7+feat+human]
CHA 10 (+0) [2]

Size M
Speed 30
AC 16
Init +3
Hit Points 9

Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficiencies: simple weapons, short sword
Saves: STR, DEX
Skills: Perception, Acrobatics, Insight, Animal Handling, Survival
Tools: herbalism kit, flute, leatherworker's tools
Languages: Common, Goblin

Quarterstaff: 1d20+5 to hit, 1d6+3 (one hand) 1d8+3 (two hands)
Unarmed Strike: 1d20+5 to hit, 1d4+3 bludgeoning

Background (trait): Goatherd (wanderer)

Race abilities:
* Variant Human: extra skill, feat, +1 dex/wis (incl. above)

Class abilities:
* Unarmored Defense (AC=10+DEX+WIS)
* Martial Arts
- unarmed strikes and monk weapons use DEX or STR
- damage for unarmed strikes d4
- when Attack w/ unarmed strike or monk weapon, use bonus action for unarmed strike.

* Observant
- read lips!
- +5 to passive Perception/Investigation (included above)

+5 (dex) Acrobatics
+5 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+0 (str) Athletics
+0 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+5 (wis) Insight
+0 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation (15 passive)
+3 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+3 (wis) Perception (20 passive)
+0 (cha) Performance
+0 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+3 (dex) Stealth
+5 (wis) Survival

Personality: I am cheery and confident about the blessings of a good life.
Ideal: Pastoralism. a life where nature and culture exist in balance, without cages and walls but still the presence of civilization. It's not been like that for a while now.
Bond: My herd, my friends, and the memory of a song I once heard long ago.
Flaw: I am very naïve, and have spent little time in cities.


Weight: (150 lbs carrying capacity)

* quarterstaff
* explorer’s pack
* 10 darts
* scroll-case stuffed with notes
* winter blanket
* herbalism kit
* common clothes
* pouch w/ 5gp

*Goatherd (custom background):
- skills as folk hero
- equipment as hermit
- tools: herbalism kit, musical instrument
- feature: wanderer, as outlander[/sblock]
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[sblock=Chandra CG ♀ Drow Druid 2]

Size: Medium
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 lb
Skin: Ebony
Eyes: White
Hair: Silver

[sblock=Ability Scores]
Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 12 (+2)

Total Hit Points: 15
HD: 2
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 16 = 11 [Leather] +2 [shield] +3 [Dex]
Initiative modifier: 3 = +3 [Dex]
Str save: +0 = +0 [Str]
Dex save: +3 = +3 [Dex]
Con save: +1 = +1 [Con]
Int save: +2 = +2 [Prof] +0 [Int]
Wis save: +4 = +2 [Prof] +2 [Wis]
Cha save: +1 = +1 [Cha]

Languages: Common, Elvish, Undercommon, Druidic, Deep Speech, Infernal

Short sword x2 [1d6+4, 2 lb, finesse, light, underwater, piercing]
Short bow [1d6+4, 2 lb., two-handed, piercing]
[sblock=Level 0]
Dancing Lights
Thorn Whip
[sblock=Level 1 2/2]
Cure Wounds
Ice Knife
[sblock= Abilities]
• Superior Darkvision 120ft
• Keen Senses. proficiency in the Perception skill
• Fey Ancestry. advantage on saving throws against being charmed, magic cannot put you to sleep
• Trance. do not sleep but meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day
• Sunlight Sensitivity. disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks in sunlight
• Drow Magic
- Know the Dancing Lights cantrip
Dancing Lights (evocation) cast 1 act, range 120 ft, duration 1 min coɴ, component VSM
4 torch-sized lights or 1 humanoid form of medium size light, 10ft rad dim light, bon to move 60ft
- Spell Ability (Cha) Save DC 11


Acrobatics 5 = +2 [Prof] +3 [Dex]
Animal Handling 4 = +2 [Prof] +2 [Wis]
Arcana +0 = +0 [Int]
Athletics +0 = +0 [Str]
Deception +1 = +1 [Cha]
History +0= +0 [Int]
Insight +2 = +2 [Wis]
Intimidation +1 = +1 [Cha]
Investigation +0 = +0 [Int]
Medicine +2 = +2 [Wis]
Nature +2 = +2 [Prof] +0 [Int]
Perception +4 = +2 [Prof] +2 [Wis]
Performance +1 = +1 [Cha]
Persuasion +1 = +1 [Cha]
Religion +0 = +0 [Int]
Sleight of Hand +3 = +3 [Dex]
Stealth +3 = +3 [Dex]
Survival +4 = +2 [Prof] +2 [Wis]

Gold 10gp
Total 32 lb

10 lb Leather Armor
10 lb Rations (1 day) x10
5 lb Water-skins x1
5 lb Rope (50', Hempen)
2 lb Scimatar
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[sblock=Dr. Davonshaw]
Race: Human (variant)
Class/Level: Bard 2
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (human)
Init: +2
Speed: 30ft
Senses: Passive Perception: 12
Languages Common, Draconic, Celestial
Background: Hermit
Ispiration: none

Str 08 (-1), Dex 14 (+2) , Con 12 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 16 (+3)

AC: 12 (leather, dex)
HP: 15 (2d8 +2)
Prof. Bonus +2
Proficiencies: Light armor, all simple weapons plus hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, and shortswords
Tools: Herbalist kit, Flute, Lyre, Delcimer Drum
Feats: Healer
Saves: CHA +5, DEX +4
Special Defenses: none

MELEE: dagger +4 Attack, 1d4+2 piercing, (light, finesee, range:20/60)

+3 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+3 (int) Arcana*
+0 (str) Athletics
+4 (cha) Deception
+3 (int) History*
+2 (wis) Insight
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+3 (int) Investigation*
+3 (wis) Medicine*
+3 (int) Nature*
+2 (wis) Perception
+4 (cha) Performance
+4 (cha) Persuasion
+3 (int) Religion*
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+3 (dex) Stealth
+2 (wis) Survival
* proficient

+1 DEX, +1 CHA
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Bonus Skill: Player's choice
Bonus Feat: Player's choice
Languages: Common, plus one

Skills: Medicine and Religion
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Languages: One additional
Feature: Discovery - Through long studies of old Celestian text, Dr. Davonshaw learned how the human body works. The works were written by priests as they communed with other worldly powers about the secerts of life. He now has a thoery of how anatomy helps with the healing process that knowing how the bosy heals itself will lead to greater healing of spells and potions.

-Bardic Inspiration(d6): 3/long rest
-Target one creature (other than yourself), within 60 feet, and use a bonus action (on your turn) to give them one Bardic Inspiration die.
-Once within the next 10 minutes they may roll the die and add the result to one ability check, attack roll, or save.
-A creature may have only one Bardic Dice at a time.
-The Bardic Dice may be rolled after rolling the check/attack, but must be rolled before knowing if the current result succeeds or fails.
-Once used the die is lost, whether a success or failure.
-Jack of All Trades: +1 bonus to each skill you are not proficient in
-Song of Rest: +1d6 hp to each character that can hear you during a short rest, in which they regained hit points
-Cantrips: dancing lights, mending
-Spells Known: healing word, sleep, heroism, unseen servant, detect magic
-Spell save DC13
-Spell attack +5
-Ritual Casting
-Spellcasting Focus: musical instrument

Combat Gear:
Leather armor
daggers (x2)

Other Gear:
scrollcase - full of notes
winter blanket
common clothes
herbalist kit
healer's kit
-2 costumes
-5 candles
-5 days of rations
-disguise kit

GP: 00 SP: 00 CP: 00

Carrying Capacity: 120 lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: 240 lbs
Climb: 15' Swim: 15'
Long Jump: 8' & 4'
High Jump: 2' & 1'
Hold Breath: 2 minutes

Trait: I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidience in others.
Trait: If somoone is in trouble, I'm always ready to lend help.
Ideal: The world is in need of new ideas and bold action.
Bond: I will do anything to prove myself superior to my hated rival. (Dr. Juila Whitegill)
Flaw: I'd risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.
Flaw: I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones.

Sex: Male
Height: 6'-0"
Weight: 182lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown, worn long as he hasn't had time to cut it
Facial Hair: beard clipped close due to it getting in the way
Eye Color: dark blue, almost black
Skin Tone: pale from months spent indoors/underground
Scars/Tattoos: small scar on hand due to scalpel cut in his early practicing
Description: Davonshaw is a handsome man, but rarely cleans himself up enough to show it. He has blood on his clothes almost constantly and the smell of decay and death follow him. His nose in a book either reading or drawing anatomy lead to him not being the life of the party.

Growing up as the fourth of five children was a great quandary for Rem Davonshaw. He wasn't the baby anymore, and the other three born before him were accomplishing things years before him, so by the time he did the same thing it was just another, or not like when so and so first did that. As to escape the world around him young Davonshaw turned to the world of books, and from the time he could read he wasn't far from one. It was the discovery of the unknown that kept the young scholar coming back for more, he found knowing more than his older brothers or learning something before they did very satisfying.

The Davonshaw family lived and traveled in the Great Carnival of Urnst, and Rem was taught a variety of instruments to be used in the act while his parents and some of his older siblings preformed daring high-wire and tumbling acts. Even his younger sister played instruments only a short time before she too went "on stage" leaving the young musician alone to play all the parts. On Freedays he would make his way to the nearest sage/library to barter for a new book, no matter the title.

Then his mother became severely sick and instead of taking to bed she continued on with the show. She died from a terrible fall, as Rem watched in horror. The family never recovered from the accident and his father sent Davonshaw off to live with his uncle a year later.

At first Rem thought this was punishment for not wishing to take up the family trade. But one look at the library of the old wizard and the soon to be physician whispered a prayer of thank you to his father. Diving into the unending knowledge was like a dream come true, but what to use it for, was always in the back of Rem Davonshaw's mind. An ancient tome written in the language of angels held the answer. Davonshaw would learn all he could to heal the sick and tend those who couldn't afford the healing of the clergy.

During his self-styled hermitage into the seeking of this knowledge he met the deep gnome, Zath'ras. His uncle's strange servant was another great fountain of knowledge and wisdom, and when the two of them put their heads together it seemed there was no problem they couldn't overcome. When Rem found out the gnome was learning from his uncle, he to sought to become an apprentice. It took many months before he figured out the odd teaching methods of his eccentric uncle, but Davonshaw approved, it was like the self teachings from a book. You either learned from your experience or you didn't. And if you didn't you went back over the information and started anew.

After he had exhausted all he could learn of anatomy, illness, and healing form his uncle, the young doctor was ready to venture out and put what he learned to the test. Not knowing where to start it was his uncle who again offered an excellent suggestion. He needed Zath'ras to go to Oakhurst to retrieve a bit of lore for a new spell, and the deep gnome could use a companion/guide on the journey.

Setting out it wasn't long before both fledgling adventures were set upon and captured by goblins.[/sblock]
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