• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E What fighting styles would you add?

    This is pure creative outlet, what fighting styles would you add to 5e? or how would you change an existing one to improve it, I have a particular curiosity for styles not explicitly designed for the ‘standard fighter archetype’ as that’s what most of the existing ones seem to be for, what...
  2. CreamCloud0

    D&D General Tech in DnD; What should be included and how much is too much? (+)

    Okay, i'm spinning this little tangent off from the Tolkien-worlds of design thread that i want to go into more depth with, for the people who would want technology in their DnD, what sorts of technologies do you think ought to be included in the game, how available do you think it should be...
  3. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E Natural Weapons, How Much Value Is There To Actually Having Them?

    Okay my conversation in the 5e alike-species thread brought this up and I think it’s an actually interesting question: how valuable in play is it actually to always have a ‘weapon’ available to your character at every moment? Sure you can never be disarmed but anyone who relys on weapons is...
  4. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E What are THE wizard spells?

    This is a thought prompted by discussions in some of the other wizard threads that have been around but what spells are the most wizardy spells out there? if you had to distil their massive arcane spell list into The Most Fundamentals Thematically 'Wizard' Spell List There Ever Was, what would...
  5. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E Multiple Martial Fighting Styles

    Fighting styles are what really help focus your martial character's chosen method of battle, be you swinging your battleaxe with great weapon fighting, sniping with archery or tanking up with defense, but i feel like they're woefully underused with most classes that can access them only ever...
  6. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E Companion thread to 5E Survivor: Species

    making this so we have a place to discuss the survivor thread without cluttering it
  7. CreamCloud0

    D&D General Should players be aware of their own high and low rolls?

    This is a concept that keeps resurfacing in my head every now and then, should the players be made aware or not of their own and each other’s dice rolls in certain situations? Are there certain situations that by all logic should remain a mystery to me if I actually succeeded or not but that 19...
  8. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E Megadungeon delving as a campaign’s core; is it compatible with modern play?

    The core aspect that players play DnD for has changed since the early days, while I myself am relatively new participant in the hobby in the grand scheme of things(My first real foray was with the 5e starter set) what I’ve gleaned from discussions is that the focus has shifted from dungeon...
  9. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E Extra Attack +1 feat

    This is just a stray thought I had that will have no follow through on it but how powerful would you consider a one-time feat that just gave you an additional extra attack? How often would you consider taking said feat for a character if it existed?
  10. CreamCloud0

    D&D General Rebuilding a new monk (+)

    So there’s been a bit of discussion on the monk in recent threads so i made this thread to facilitate a discussion how you would want to build a new monk and what should go into it, the poll is there help show what are the most popular concepts so vote for as many options as you want, they don’t...
  11. CreamCloud0

    D&D General Using interchangeable power sources for the Sorcerer, Warlock, Paladin and more. (+)

    This thought started from a warlock concept i was thinking about, I had wanted to make an Archfey patron but the bonus spells for that weren’t all that great to go full in on the concept, ‘what I really want’ I thought ‘is a warlock that just uses the druid spell list’ and then I thought ‘why...
  12. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E Designing (Neutral)Good Mechanics For Alignment In DnD And Ways To Interact With It (+)

    Alignment is a divisive thing in DnD with a history of being misused and misinterpreted both intentionally and accidentally by both players and DMs, but I personally think it still is an interesting concept that holds potential if only it could be worked the right way, in 5E alignment is mostly...
  13. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E Adding Racial/Lineage Traits That Feel Meaningful [+]

    Racial Traits are the core of what defines each Species the players have a choice to pick for their character, Their strengths and abilities, things that set them apart from every other species...in theory, To me so many of the 'racial traits' feel painfully generic or flavourless and with...
  14. CreamCloud0

    D&D 5E My Swordmage Homebrew, Any thoughts On It?

    There was some recent discussion about what classes might be wanted in 5E and swordmage was brought up, this was just my exploration of how one might be designed, what do people think about it? is it ballanced? is the language clear about what it means?. SWORDMAGE HIT POINTS Hit Dice 1d8 1d10...