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"Undying Agonies" by Dylan Brooks (Old Tower Runner Up)

"Undying Agonies" by Dylan Brooks (Old Tower Runner Up) 1

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Just over sixty years ago, the city of Areinsle underwent a short and bloody revolution. The citizens of the city – long tired of being crushed under the oppressive boot of the aristocracy – rebelled against their oppressors and imprisoned them. The newly-formed government tried their former oppressors for their crimes, and executed many of the most sadistic and evil of them.

One of those executed was Galen Kragovic, the leader of the corrupt city guard. He was accused of many heinous crimes – primarily the frequent torture sessions that he perpetrated. Kragovic was a skilled torturer, and many fell victim to his foul amusements. Still, justice prevailed, and he was beheaded two weeks after the rebellion began.

Sadly, such evil seldom rests easy. Kragovic awoke in his grave a few nights after his death, whole. At first he was panicked, but then he realized that he had been granted the terrific strength of the dead, and freed himself from his makeshift grave. He spent the next several weeks taking revenge on those responsible for his death – wiping out the new rulers of the city of Areinsle. He then wandered off, searching for some way to return to the life that he once led.

However, that search soon proved fruitless. He was a freak of nature, forever separated from the living. It was just about the time that he decided to seek a return to life that he first met agents of the clergy of Vecna. He found them devoted to many of the same precepts as him, and they promised to return him to life if he served them for a period of 100 years. Greedy for a chance at life, he agreed. He was set up in abandoned tower, upon the agreement that he would serve as one of the most skilled of the clergy’s

Recently, an ally of the PCs has been captured and sent to this torturer. Through whatever means you deem appropriate, they learn of the location of this lost tower. At the moment, the tower is also occupied by several servants of the cult of Vecna, who await results from Kragovic’s work. Kragovic has almost certainly spotted the approaching PCs through his network of zombie birds (DC 30 Spot check to notice the strange wobble in the flight of the bird flying high above the PCs; the birds seeing the PCs is automatic unless they are taking particular precautions to avoid such surveillance; the bird has a Spot of +2 otherwise). While he is probably aware of their approach, he has neglected to inform Corrin (the leader of the cultists of Vecna currently at the tower) – there is little love lost between the two of them, and Kragovic is hoping that the PCs will eliminate the bothersome man for him.

For 5th-7th level characters
Comments from the Judges:

... refreshing ...
... a memorable experience ...
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  1. "Undying Agonies" by Dylan Brooks (Old Tower Runner Up)

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/938-TheOldTower.jpg Just over sixty years ago, the city of...
  2. "Undying Agonies" by Dylan Brooks (Old Tower Runner Up)

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/938-TheOldTower.jpg Just over sixty years ago, the city of...
  3. "Undying Agonies" by Dylan Brooks (Old Tower Runner Up)

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/938-TheOldTower.jpg Just over sixty years ago, the city of...