OOC Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP by MLeibrock and Scotley

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Trivia time: Name, if you can, the song and artist whose music is heard in the currently running Cialis commercial?


Trivia time: Name, if you can, the song and artist whose music is heard in the currently running Cialis commercial?

Not sure I've seen one recently. Didn't they do one with a Ronnettes song? Be my baby?

I'd guess that AC/DC doing 'Let's get it up' would be very appropriate.


First Post
Scotley, I'm going to have Thorn make a circuit of the tower at ground level and try to see/hear signs of occupation.

Need a Perception check, I expect...anything else?


Not sure I've seen one recently. Didn't they do one with a Ronnettes song? Be my baby?

I'd guess that AC/DC doing 'Let's get it up' would be very appropriate.
It turns out that the ad in question is from 2011. Sorry. Anyway, it was Howlin' Wolf's "Smokestack Lightning."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Sorry guys - weekend was a busy one, and work kicked my butt today. Haven't even had time to give the much praised opening post a good read. I'll try to dig into it first thing tomorrow AM.

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