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WotBS WotBS - v3.5 (PF) or 4e?


Here's the story:

I started WotBS about a year ago a FLGS using the 4e version. I managed to get about half way through Shelter from the Storm before I stopped DMing at that location (for personal reasons).

I started again and have managed to get about half way through Adventure 2 (easier to type than the full title). I am about to restart regular sessions, but the more I look to the 4e conversion and the more I read about about Pathfinder, the more I feel that using the original v3.5 versions with PF would be a better experience.

I just seem to think that the 4e conversion has forced the original to fit into a '4e box' and it isn't a perfect fit.

What do others think?

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I think you're right; the 4e version (at least for the first four adventures that I've played) is visibly "adapted" from 3.5. However, that's not how I would decide which version to run. I would definitely decide which system I preferred and then run that version.

The same is true for ZEITGEIST. From what I've seen of the Pathfinder discussions, the adventure is visibly designed for 4e and then adapted to Pathfinder.

To be clear, the adaptations are generally quite good, at least for WotBS 4e (and I gather the same for ZEITGEIST Pathfinder). But you can see the seams showing every now and then. I wouldn't be overly bothered by it, personally.

Play the system you prefer. The adventure will work fine in either.

I agree about the seams showing in the early 4e modules, but that was due more to a lack of system knowledge. It is very difficult to translate the 3x attrition model into the 4e encounter model.

However, later adventures were translated better...and 4e handles high level play much better {imho} than 3x.

Also, my main reason for converting from 3x is the ease of dming. The prep time needed is cut down severely and monster generation is much easier. Especially at higher levels.
I ran module 4 in 3x and the big bad, who I spent three hours tweaking, died in 2 rounds and got one action in. Not very climatic. In comparison, see my two latests post about modules 8 and 9.

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4e's better!...

Shameless plug aside, yeah play the system you want. We worked hard to make the transition as seamless as possible with the later modules (I can't speak for anything before 7, but I expect it's like was said and involved more learning of the system).

Having ran my crew through the modules in 4e, I enjoyed them quite a bit, though to me the editions are just sets of tools used to create something fantastic.

Peter FdH

First Post
Just joined as I'm looking to run this too (once I've taken some players Beyond the Mountains of Madness).

I'm set on running 4e as my last experience of 3.5 was not great. Given that WOTBS is for levels 1 to 30 and 3x kinda falls apart at about level 12-13 max, I'm going to go with 4e. Like other posts, 3x also took ages to prep for in my experience.

It'll be my first 4e campaign though (as a DM) but the scenarios look well set out so with a bit of prep it should be really cool.

One issue I've found is the lack of a decent character generator that I can adapt for 4e WOTBS. Any suggestions?


First Post
Some of my players are using herolab for their 4e characters. It is complicated, but does allow for the customization that you might want for a WotBS campaign. The other half of my players use the WOTC builder and hand write in things like paragon paths and special features.

Back to the topic of the thread, I'm running the full campaign in 4e. My group is now in the middle of the 5th adventure and my players are having fun. I do find that from time to time it is necessary to refer back to the 3.5 version for clarifications. (Minor Spoiler) For example, in the 4th adventure, there are some typos in the 4e version that make it difficult to understand just who is actually being interrogated in the court. I had to refer back to the 3.5 text to figure it out. That adventure also mentions a boon, but no where does it actually say what the boon does. The boon is listed very clearly in the 3.5 version - My guess is that a sidebar was left out of the module.

I think ultimately, you should run the version that you like the best, and be prepared to occasionally reference the 3.5 version if you are running the 4e.


First Post
The only person that I have conversed with who ran WotBS did so in 4e, and considered it one of the best adventures that he has seen for that system, beating out all of WotC's adventures without breaking sweat.

So, run the system that you like. :)

The Auld Grump, unless it's F.A.T.A.L. - then I would have to kill you.


Thanks all for your replies.

I've discussed this a little with my group and they would like to try PF. To that end, I am going to DM a pathfinder adventure and see how we all feel. If we prefer PF, then I guess we will switch. If we're undecided or not impressed, we'll stick with 4e.

I like the mechanics of PF and, for me, feels more like what I expect when playing D&D. But it has its faults; as most people point out, the high-level play is taxing. As I want to complete the campaign, I'm a little concerned that we could miss the end because of this fundemental weakness of PF and that, on balance, the minor issues with the 4 conversion are easier to overcome.

I could end up running a PF campaign and WotBS 4e campaign!

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