Blog (A5E) Those Fickle Fey Dragons Bring Whimsy To Your Game

Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes contains unpredictable fey dragons, stormy purple dragons, and holy spirit dragons.

Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes contains three new dragon families--the unpredictable fey dragons, the stormy purple dragons, and the holy spirit dragons. Today, let's take a look at the fey dragons!

Monstrous Menagerie II is on Kickstarter now, and contains hundreds of new monsters, rules for horde monsters, and heroic monster rules which allow your favourite monster companions or foes to level up! Fully compatible with D&D 2024 and Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition!

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i am UNBELIEVABLY tempted to replace some younger (custom statblock between young and wyrmling) dragons i have for an upcoming fight with these. i like how jovial disappearance implies the cheshire cat was a fey dragon.

i am UNBELIEVABLY tempted to replace some younger (custom statblock between young and wyrmling) dragons i have for an upcoming fight with these. i like how jovial disappearance implies the cheshire cat was a fey dragon.
due to the circumstances i didn't quite do this, but i did take inspiration from these fey dragons. very excited for the full book.

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