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So they're actually proto-democrats, not Communists. A good thing, since a dwarven dictator be in power a long time.It is their contention that the common dwarf should have a say in the way the nation is run. Preposterous, I know, but the dwarves are dedicated to their cause.
So they're actually proto-democrats, not Communists.
“The motion has been moved and seconded. Shall
the Republic enter the great conflict, colloquially
known as the Godwar, and prevent the other combatants
from raising one of their own as the new God of War?
Brewers, you have the first vote.”
The representative of the Brewers’ Guild took his feet at the
round table. “Aye.What needs to be done.”
“Crafters?” asked the scribe serving as moderator of the
meeting of the Workers’ Council.
“Aye, though we have reservations, as these three days of
debate have indicated. I will not repeat them now. But yes, we
vote for war.”
And so on, through the various guilds: farmers, miners,
priests, scholars, soldiers, wizards, and artists. Only the
Soldiers’ Guild representative voted against the motion, to
everyone’s surprise.
“The Soldiers’ Guild votes nay. No, no, hold yourself
together there.We of the guild are in favor of this war, and
we advanced arguments in support of it.We wish only to
make one thing clear:We will win, but in winning, we do not
wish to raise one of our own to be a god. The power that was
Stratis’s can be gathered and controlled, but then the
Workers’ Council as a whole must decide what to do with it.
Not the soldiers who happen to achieve the victory. It is not a
matter for a . . . battlefield promotion. The Comrade-General
agrees with me on this, I believe.” He nodded to a grizzled,
one-eyed dwarf in plate at the back of the room, the soldier
named Baruk who led the People’s Legion that term. “We
will win the war, but we will not let victory cost us our
revolution. Long live the Republic!”
And so the People’s Republic of Mordengard went to war.
A century ago, the dwarves of Mordengard overthrew a
tyrant king. Most of the nobility was slain along with him,
thrown down by a revolution from below, a final attack by
the aggrieved masses. Instead of setting up a new king, the
dwarves have invented something new: a republic of the
people, by the people, and for the good of the people.
Every citizen of Mordengard belongs to a guild, and the
Workers’ Council are elected every five years from the guild
rolls. Members of every guild serve in the People’s Legion,
though most of the commanders are from the Soldiers’ Guild.
Traditional dwarven virtues of duty, perseverance, toughness,
pride of craft, and bashing in orcs’ skulls have survived the
transformation of the government. In fact, Mordengard is
stronger than ever as the new soldiers, commanders, and
heroes of the people strive to show that they are every bit as
capable as the nobles who used to lead by virtue of their
blood. Allies from the Elemental Planes add to the Republic’s
confidence, as do elemental weapons crafted by the artificers
of the Crafters’ and Engineers’ Guilds.
“An elf started this war,” say the people of Mordengard, “but
we will end it.”
Considering one of the things I remember from having to read the communist manifesto in college was that the Work should be the reward. I could definitely see the craftsmen dwarf archetype being given a communist leaning.