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Pathfinder 2E Secrets of Magic coming in 2021 for Pathfinder

With two new classes - the Magus (a fighter/mage type) and the Summoner which bonds with an eidolon which advances along with the Summoner - Secrets of Magic is coming to Pathfinder 2E next year. There will be a playtest from September 7th through to October. Not much else was revealed about the book at the (virtual) Gen Con panel where it ws announced by Paizo's Erik Mona.

With two new classes - the Magus (a fighter/mage type) and the Summoner which bonds with an eidolon which advances along with the Summoner - Secrets of Magic is coming to Pathfinder 2E next year.

Screen Shot 2020-07-31 at 4.46.12 PM.png

There will be a playtest from September 7th through to October. Not much else was revealed about the book at the (virtual) Gen Con panel where it ws announced by Paizo's Erik Mona.

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Can't we have an RPG company that does that? Support all editions? Heck if I owned D&D and/or Pathfinder, I'd support all the editions with new stuff. Not hard to do and would be extremely profitable.
Pathfinder 1e lasted a decade, and the system it's based on is now two decades old. The amount of content that is compatible with D&D3e/PF1e is, frankly, insane. You could spend a lifetime trying to play it all and not run out of stuff.

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Snotling Herder
Pathfinder 1e lasted a decade, and the system it's based on is now two decades old. The amount of content that is compatible with D&D3e/PF1e is, frankly, insane. You could spend a lifetime trying to play it all and not run out of stuff.

Plus there is still a trickle of 3rd party stuff for 1e.

Philip Benz

A Dragontooth Grognard
Contrary to what the naysayers seem to be suggesting, PF2 is not an "inferior product". It's very different from PF1, and also very different from DD3.5 (and DD4 and DD5, for that matter.

A lot of people who have actually given it a chance by playing in a PF2 campaign have good things to say about it. Here is not the place to extoll its virtues, however.

I am keen to see how they handle a dual character like the summoner and his eidelon. Many mistakes were made in the genesis of the PF1 summoner, to such an extent that they had to offer a revised version in PF Unchained, so as to avoid the hue and cry for major errata. Now, with the severe limits placed on typical "pet" classes in PF2, it's going to be very tricky indeed walking the tightrope between overpowered and over-nerfed.

But this sort of thing just goes to show how attentive and responsive to the fan base Paizo is, as a company and as individuals. I enjoyed DD3.5. I loved PF1. But PF2 has a lot more going for it than critics care to admit.

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