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RPG Print News – Mongoose, Rogue Games, Exalted Funeral, and More

D&D, Pathfinder, Mausritter, Traveller, Castles & Crusades, Numenera, and Transformers all have print products out this week.

D&D and Pathfinder get books about dragons and cities respectively. Two boxes contain the game, Mausritter, and 11 supporting adventures in postcard size and supporting items. The first two hardcover adventures in a trilogy in which Travellers face high stakes and ancient aliens are now available for Traveller. An adventure path taking PCs to 13th level is out for Castles & Crusades. Numenera gets a new location to explore and the Transformers RPG has dice and a dice bag. Finally, there are red and green dragon dice.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are only available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Oops! All Dragons (D&D 5E) | Ultimate Cities (Pathfinder 2E) by Legendary Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition/Pathfinder Second Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplements
  • RETAIL PRICE: $17.99/$16.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Oops! All Dragons details 45 dragons that range the gamut from ninjas and pirates to robots and steamworks. Example dragons: Cannibal Dragon, Corrupted Dragon, Cursed Dragon, Midnight Dragon, Radioactive Dragon, and Sovereign Dragon. Ultimate Cities builds upon the rules introduced in Kingmaker Adventure Path and provides new civic actions and expanded rules to build villages into towns and cities as the population expands with the PCs’ territory. Settlements can be enhanced with magical improvements, natural advantages, over a dozen new buildings from aeries to lumberyards, and by constructing magnificent hanging gardens and lighthouses. Added to that is a new system of danger in managing kingdom events and over 70 settlement attributes to make each city unique, from natural geography like resettled ruins to magical attributes like a planar crossroads or slumbering monster.
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Mausritter: Boxed Set | Mausritter: the Estate Adventure Collection by Exalted Funeral
  • SYSTEM: unique
  • PRODUCT TYPE: box sets
  • RETAIL PRICE: $55 each
  • DESCRIPTION: In Mausritter, PCs take up the sword and don the whiskers of a brave mouse adventurer. The PCs face a huge and dangerous world but if they are very brave and very clever and just a bit lucky, the PCs might survive and might even become a hero amongst mice. Includes physical card-based inventory, a toolbox of resources to support to create mouse-scale sandbox adventures, and the adventure site of Stumpsville and the Earldom of Ek. The Estate Adventure Collection includes: 11 adventures in postcard format, 11 sheets with punch-out item and condition cards, dry-erase pen marker, campaign booklet, and a map of the Estate and Brickport .
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Mysteries of the Ancients | Secrets of the Ancients by Mongoose Publishing
  • SYSTEM: Traveller
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplements
  • RETAIL PRICE: $59.99/$49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Mysteries of the Ancients leads into the Secrets of the Ancients campaign in an epic story that concludes with Wrath of the Ancients. Mysteries of the Ancients takes the Travellers from the weird Museum of the Ancients to the doomed planet of Calefaction, and finally to a showdown with agents of the Ancients themselves. There, under the mountain known as Twilight’s Peak, the Travellers find their proof that something is coming. Secrets of the Ancients delves into the dark past of the Charted Space universe and the legacy of a race of incredibly advanced and powerful aliens. The Travellers start off within the familiar Spinward Marches but soon will see sights no human has ever dreamed of, meddle with powers beyond understanding, clash with secret factions within the Imperium, and ultimately help shape the destiny of all Charted Space.
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The Undying War A0-A12 by Troll Lord Games
  • SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades
  • RODUCT TYPE: hardcover adventure path
  • RETAIL PRICE: $59.99
  • DESCRIPTION: For the PCs, the Undying War starts innocently enough along a tranquil river beneath the shadow of Blacktooth Ridge. But beneath the serene surface lies a world of peril and ambition that will draw the party into a battle of epic proportions. The Shadow of Aufstrag stains all the lands of the east. Though the Horned God who built it is long gone, there are powers there that reach far and wide, into the lands beyond. Includes numerous encounters, treacherous dungeons, mysterious towns, formidable castles, abandoned fortresses, a wide range of NPCs, and all set against a backdrop of untamed wilderness. The PCs are thrust into a conflict between good and evil, led by the enigmatic Coburg the Undying, whose lust for power is intertwined with love and loss. The Undying War combines the previously published adventure modules A0-A12 and takes PCs from first to 13th level. The Undying War is divided into 13 adventures, an introduction, and several possible endings. The finale, Epilogue Upon the Steps of Hell, covers 21 levels which are the ruins of the Horned God’s ancient Empire. Somewhere inside Coburg the Undying schemes and grows in power.
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The Glimmering Valley by Monte Cook Games
  • SYSTEM: Numenera
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $44.99
  • DESCRIPTION: PCs can experience a new campaign, filled with interesting and dynamic NPCs, situations, and locations. Includes a chapter designed specifically for the players to immerse them in the setting and help them create characters at home in the Ninth World. Also has adventure ideas and plot threads and setting information for PCs to explore the vast sandbox of the Glimmering Valley. Rounded out with new creatures, cyphers, artifacts, and more.
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Transformers RPG - Decepticon Dice Set (8) | Transformers RPG - Decepticon Dice Bag by Renegade Game Studios
  • SYSTEM: Transformers RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: eight dice set/dice bag
  • RETAIL PRICE: $15 each
  • DESCRIPTION: The Decepticon Dice Set depicts a unique Decepticon Icon in place of the highest number to aid in identifying a critical success. This set includes: two d20 and one each: d12, d10, d8, d6, d4, and a d2 Coin. The Transformers Decepticon logo is featured on the Decepticon Dice Bag which has a soft fabric exterior and protective liner along with a locking drawstring clasp.
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Dragon Storm - Red Dragon | Dragon Storm - Green Dragon by FanRoll
  • SYSTEM: any that uses dice
  • PRODUCT TYPE: seven 16mm dice each
  • RETAIL PRICE: $19.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Dragon Storm are resin dice that feature the head of a dragon captured in each of a set of seven dice. Includes: d4, d6, d8, d10, d10% (00-90), d12, and d20.
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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
That Traveller adventure sounds cool. Reminds me for some reason of The Traveller Adventure from back in the day...
However, I read the entirety of Deepnight Revelation and found it wanting from a "run the adventure at the table" standpoint. It was an intriguing read; but the info organization for actual GMing was poor imo... Someday I'll have to write up my review of it. Someday
I'd be sad if the Ancients series was the same.

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