Remember these MERP/Rolemaster critical hit tables?

I've been tidying up my library. Had a quick browse through the 1984 MERP boxed set and amused myself remembering these. MERP (Middle Earth Roleplaying) was a lighter version of Rolemaster from Iron Crown Enterprises. Tolkein Enterprises subsequently ended ICE's Middle Earth license in 1999.

I've been tidying up my library. Had a quick browse through the 1984 MERP boxed set and amused myself remembering these. MERP (Middle Earth Roleplaying) was a lighter version of Rolemaster from Iron Crown Enterprises. Tolkein Enterprises subsequently ended ICE's Middle Earth license in 1999.


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Oh how I loved MERP, had the ICE poster of Middle Earth on my wall above the bed as a teen. The crit tables were cool, though the setting we used to joke stood for "Magic Everywhere" Role Playing, in comparison to Greyhawk.


Those tables were great just for reading. I remember some quite cleary:

From the archery table, "Worst shot ever. Ear of attacker shot off."
From the plasma damage table "Torso liquified".
I think one has also an added effect that has all watchers being unable to do anything for a few rounds because they are laughing their butts off after witnessing a particularly embarrassing performance by one attacker.

Oh, most definitely - I love all things d100! I also remember depression criticals, LOL. And my freshly inducted Rider of Rohan - who got vaporized by a random demon encounter. Grrrr! (Didn't Tolkien Enterprises help ruin ICE to get the license back in time for the movies? I seem to remember reading something to that effect in Designers & Dragons.)

For anyone who loved the games, there's a dark fantasy game in development called Against the Darkmaster which looks a bit like a revamped and modernized version of the game(s).

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