D&D General Pick a Theme


Imagine you were in my games and I gave you a choice if 4 themes.

They are.


Vikings are Northland's in the Midgard setting. Cold, Ragnarok, exploration, Giants.

Pirates. Naval themed probably incorporating Saltmarsh, Sasserine and elements of 3.5 Saltmarsh and Pathfinder Skull and Shackles.

Greyhawk is restricted Greyhawk 1E alignment and racial restrictions apply. You can pick Drow or Tiefling but don't expect to have it easy.

No right or wrong answers just wondering where people would land.

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Me, personally: none.

Eberron if I had to choose, but for me, and me only, the other three have been done to death.

I'm exploring fantasy settings hoping for something that is better.


Me, personally: none.

Eberron if I had to choose, but for me, and me only, the other three have been done to death.

I'm exploring fantasy settings hoping for something that is better.

25 years in only started RL type setting. Never ran Vikings and Egypt is a first.


Vikings because I want a sword & sorcery, low magic campaign. Eberron would be last on my list. I wouldn't want to be a pirate but a privateer would be ok.

What is the best armor in your Egypt campaign? I would want to be a Dwarven cavalier wielding a bronze hammer and riding in a chariot drawn by a nubian ibex. "For Ba'al!"


Imagine you were in my games and I gave you a choice if 4 themes.

They are.


Vikings are Northland's in the Midgard setting. Cold, Ragnarok, exploration, Giants.

Pirates. Naval themed probably incorporating Saltmarsh, Sasserine and elements of 3.5 Saltmarsh and Pathfinder Skull and Shackles.

Greyhawk is restricted Greyhawk 1E alignment and racial restrictions apply. You can pick Drow or Tiefling but don't expect to have it easy.

No right or wrong answers just wondering where people would land.

From that list, Vikings. I'd play Pirates or GH, but take a pass on Eberron.

Also, did you change the list? What are the references to Egypt about?


41st lv DM
In this order;
1st choice as I've somehow done very little with the theme in all these years.
Only if we are the pirates. We don't have to be evil pirates though. You know, Robin Hood with a boat.
I'm always good with some 1e GH. Hopefully some of the lesser used ares on the map see some action.
I won't turn it down, but Eberron has just never done much for me. Not really any dislike just "Eh" overall. My use for it has always been to strip ideas for use elsewhere. So it's my last choice on this list

Voidrunner's Codex

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