D&D 5E Of halflings and moonshine


Ok. So. I need some ideas from you guys

I made a story hook - a big halfling village is making special moonshine that is SO good it is being exported everywhere in small batches. And local barkeep is willing to pay good money for the recepie of the liquor. Halflings keep it a secret for sure, but the main catch is that some magic is distilled in it...

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And I didnt think it through. Oh well.

My thoughts so far: green hags. drugging victims. blackmail the elders of the village who brew the liquor.
Thats it. Maybe you have something? Maybe a way to link it to something bigger, or just an interesting turn? Anything?

Players are already investigating the thing, so I need something ASAP

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Magic Wordsmith
It's actually distilled, purified moonlight that is a preventative for the curse of lycanthropy. The local barkeep is secretly a wereboar cleric of Malar called upon by his savage faith to figure out the secret and put a stop to the moonshine's creation ahead of the Night of the Blood Moon when lycanthropes will descend upon the region in force.


Wouldn't it show up under Detect Magic? It seems like the mystery would be solved over the course of a short rest, as soon as someone analyzes its properties.

I'd make its real utility undetectable, but the properties might hint at somethink that story can subvert... Like, idk, a "weak potion of love" detectable property that in reality is just a massive sedative for bloodlusting halfling warriors. Heather Ale and Picts optional...


It is like the Blarney Stone in Ireland, where the locals go piss on it at night so tourists can kiss it in the day. One of the halflings drank a potion and pissed in the batch, so while the secret ingredient is partially magical and gives drinkers mild visions, the real ingredient is not magical, but they still do not want it getting out.

It is like the Blarney Stone in Ireland, where the locals go piss on it at night so tourists can kiss it in the day. One of the halflings drank a potion and pissed in the batch, so while the secret ingredient is partially magical and gives drinkers mild visions, the real ingredient is not magical, but they still do not want it getting out.

Instead of corn mash, halfling moonshine is made from chinook olives.


Possibly a Idiot.
Moonshine is specifically illicit liquor that is either smuggled or produced illegally. Are the halflings distributing this stuff without paying their taxes or protection money?
Ah yes, the local Queen has banned the consumption of alcohol, her mother was a violent alcoholic you see. However, the god of revelry frowns on such restrictions, and slipped their blessing into the brewery for a bit of divine kick.

Voidrunner's Codex

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