Not DnD | Aegean

Become a mythic hero building new, free cities on the shores of the Aegean Sea.

Aegean is a tabletop role-playing game about a group of mythic heroes building a new, free city on the shores of the Aegean Sea. There are neighbouring cities to trade or war with, monsters to kill, gods to appease, deceptions, negotiations and bloody skirmishes.

With a core resolution mechanic of a D10 dice pool, the game also balances Risk, Glory and Hubris as game mechanics which impact your character. The pantheon of gods are very present, as you would expect in this setting, and can grant favour and disfavour to impact dice rolls.

Stoo Goff joins us this week on Not DnD to talk us through the Aegean TTRPG.

Not DnD is a weekly show discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s @tabletopjess interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that aren’t D&D!

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I run Compose Dream Games RPG Marketplace
I read through the core Aegean book in detail recently. One of the interesting aspects of the game is that all the heroes come from the same Polis and usually create it together at the start of play. During downtime (the only time you can recover from wounds) there is a city phase. Players get to decide how the city grows and there are random events. If a player's character is elected to a political office then they use their own skills, or if not they use the Arkon's skills.

Adventure is still the major part of play, but this home base is a neat centralizing element for an ongoing campaign.
I think the interplay of gaining risk, using 10 results on the d10 pools to "invoke the fates" is really neat. (One example of invoking the fates is that to use a weapon's special property, you need to invoke the fates.) Shields reduce one attack's dice pool by their rating.

I'm keen to get a game in!

Note: there is a current Kickstarter for the 3rd significant expansion book.

I sell Aegean and it's two supplements, Book of Heroes and Book of Empires on both our UK site and Canadian site:

I'm planning to do an "unboxing" video soon, I'll try to share that here when it comes out.

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