Life Cleric, Arcane Cleric or something totally different?

Paul Smart

I am building a support character for AL. They will be starting at level 4. As I am usually the most experienced player I want to let the other players take point, with me in the back to support them when needed. That being said which is better for this role in everyone's opinion, Life Cleric or Arcane Cleric? Also interested in other options if you have a great suggestion. I already play a Grave Cleric in another non AL game so not interested in Grave. (Love my Ghostwise Halfling Grave Cleric) Willing to play any race, but I like Tortles and Genasi. Thanks.
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Small God of the Dozens
Life is probably more effective, but Grave is probably more fun. In your shoes I might opt for fun. I really don't love playing straight healers though, so I might be biased.


Thinking about how to maximize your fellow players' enjoyment, what about an Order Cleric? No special healing ability beyond the base cleric, but whenever you heal your allies in combat they can make a reaction attack.


As long as i get to be the frog
If you would be willing to move out of cleric,

I suggest Glamor Bard (if you enjoy bards). Their temp hp generation is amazing which cuts drastically down on the healing you need to do. You do more debuffing than buffing, but clerics will start stealing the show from level 5+ with spirit guardians and spiritual weapons etc. Bards control and debuff will give them more time to shine IMO.

Paul Smart

Never thought of an Order Cleric, I will have to take a look at that. I do enjoy Bards, but I have played them so many times. Looking for something a bit different. I have very rarely played Clerics so I thought I would look there.


As long as i get to be the frog
Never thought of an Order Cleric, I will have to take a look at that. I do enjoy Bards, but I have played them so many times. Looking for something a bit different. I have very rarely played Clerics so I thought I would look there.

Yea. I think order cleric would be my top pick for new player support cleric.

There's also the divine soul sorcerer which lets you function similar to a cleric while also having access to more control spells. A bit limited on spell selection but you can make it work. Twin spell on cure wounds can be pretty strong for healing as well.


I enjoyed the Arcana cleric though we only got to level 9 with him. Played 15 year old cleric of Vecna who just graduated early from military school. 'With hard work, keen intellect and dedication.' cue incredulous look from the druid, '...familial name recognition, class privilege, bribery and cheating.'


As long as i get to be the frog
Any other suggestions?

I think a charisma based paladin has a lot of potential for your goal.

Variant human + inspiring leader. Good access to party buff spells. Built in healing that scales better than cure wounds. Paladins also get wrathful smite which is a great debuff spell. The fear spell is really top notch for control as well (which at least 1 subclass gets).

IMO, you could make a really good support paladin.


I think a charisma based paladin has a lot of potential for your goal.

Variant human + inspiring leader. Good access to party buff spells. Built in healing that scales better than cure wounds. Paladins also get wrathful smite which is a great debuff spell. The fear spell is really top notch for control as well (which at least 1 subclass gets).

IMO, you could make a really good support paladin.

Good call. I'd go Oath of Conquest for the fear effect and the fear spell at 9th. All Paladins also get Bless, Aid (which stacks with inspiring leader), Aura of Vitality, Crusader's Mantle... I think the main drawback compared to Cleric is that a lot of your support abilities are spells or Channel Divinity, and you get fewer of both than the Cleric.

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