• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Starfinder [Legendary Games] Legendary Starfinder product previews!


First of all, we are excited to unleash the latest new world of adventure for you in the epic Legendary Worlds series by Legendary newcomer Joel Flank! In Legendary Worlds: Melefoni, pollution and strife rage on a war-torn water-world between the survivors of a fallen colony and the aquatic natives in this ready-to-play planet, available right now for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and soon for both 5th Edition and the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Grab it today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG!

Check it out right here! http://www.makeyourgamelegendary.com/stars-planets-and-a-war-torn-water-world-await/

The first installment in this series for 5th Edition, Legendary Worlds: Volretz (5E), is complete and ready for layout, though due to travel and time commitments by our layout staff in and around GenCon, it may not be ready for release until later this month, after the con. We will see if we can get it out for you beforehand, but even if not it'll be ready for you before the end of August for sure! Similarly, the Starfinder Roleplaying Game versions of both Legendary Worlds books already out are heading to layout soon and will be in the queue for after GenCon.

Speaking of that new game, streaking towards its dazzling debut next week, let's talk Starfinder! First of all, you'll find the Starfinder product category logo on our vendor partners at Paizo and DrivethruRPG, as well as on our own site, of course, and this is the place you'll find the most incredible new products for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game!

And what will you find there? On launch day, you'll find the Legendary Planet Player's Guide and the first installment of the very first 3PP Adventure Path for Starfinder Roleplaying Game, developed and edited by the incredibly talented twosome of Lyz Liddell and Landon Winkler, who also just happened to edit the actual Starfinder Roleplaying Game itself! This new edition of To Worlds Unknown (Starfinder) kicks off the action for your soldiers, solarians, technomancers, and envoys right at 1st level and takes them on a pulse-pounding action-adventure through collapsing prison planets, escaped alien monstrosities, malevolent genetic engineers, and most dangerous of all the corrupt metropolis of a crossroads world!

Of course, we have much, MUCH more coming your way soon. In addition to those day-one releases, we have the following books already in production and scheduled for completion in the next month or two:

  • Legendary Planet: The Scavenged Codex - a 5th-level Starfinder adventure from the dark alleys of a planetary metropolis to the blasted wastes of a world cut off and ruined, in search of ancient secrets that may unlock the spaceways
  • Starfall - a 13th-level Starfinder adventure featuring a mysterious colony explorer ship of a forgotten race, haunted and hunted by a horror beyond comprehension as their crippled ship hurtles towards oblivion
  • Cyborgs - a 20-level character class specializing in body modification and cybernetic enhancement
  • Legendary Worlds: Volretz - a fiery foundry world where daring miners surf the slag-seas to extract wealth beyond imagining
  • Legendary Worlds: Carsis - a shattered jungle-world infested with hives of deadly sentient insects and their crawling kin
  • Legendary Worlds: Melefoni - a war-torn water-world where survivors of a crashed colony battle aquatic natives of a poisoned ocean
  • Treasury of the Machine - dozens of awesome new technological and magical items

And we're not stopping there! Those are just the products ALREADY on the way. Once that wave is up and out, you also can look forward to Starfinder supplements like these:

  • All other Legendary Planet adventures - Dead Vault Descent, Confederates of the Shattered Zone, The Depths of Desperation, Mind Tyrants of the Merciless Moons, and the epic climax, To Kill a Star!
  • Planetary Heroes - A full set of ready-to-play pregenerated characters with detailed backstories and histories, perfect for crewmates, rival adventurers,
  • Scorpions of Perdition - An android bounty hunter, an alien infestation, and the radioactive mines beneath a crashed starcraft await.
  • Stargates - A complete system for creating and manipulating interplanetary and interstellar gateways to span the stars, if you dare!
  • Legendary Aliens - A compendium of awesome alien enemies and allies from playable races to inhuman cosmic abominations!

Of course, that's just the beginning. There's a whole universe of adventure out there for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and every light-year of it is going to be Legendary!

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