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GenCon dropping COVID vaccination, masks mandates in 2023

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Hope that they continue to do the online convention. I have been enjoying the online version for the last several years. Cannot really handle crowds.
I went to Comic-Con in San Diego for more than a decade and now, with nearly every trailer dropping online as it's being screened at Hall H, I find it hard to see why I'd want to go again.

GenCon Online is also a great way to play games. I've played in about a dozen games over the course of the pandemic and all but one or two has been great. I definitely would like to that as part of my entertainment diet going forward. (WotC, for all their talk about getting more online, does a really poor job of having enough online game opportunities and advertising the service generally.)

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I've always been of the opinion that if you're going to an event like Gen-Con you're not at all concerned about COVID, Masks are meant to be used in conjunction with social distancing and you cannot socially distance at Gen-Con. I found it impossible to socially distance at the grocery store let alone a venue with tens of thousands of people. And I'm not an anti-masker or anything like that. I was perfectly fine wearing my mask in public, even in areas of rural Arkansas where I was the only person following the governor's mask mandate. But I avoided public spaces where possible.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Given that pretty much everyone who goes to a convention, pre- or post-COVID comes down with some sort of "con crud," this feels like a triumph of commerce over common sense, especially given how long the vaccines have been out and what a high percentage of people have gotten at least one dose (at least 79% of Americans and 65% of people worldwide, based on a cursory online search).

Our local sci-fi con, much smaller than GenCon, was just a couple of weeks ago. They required vaccination, covalent booster, and had a masking requirement enforced as best they can among so many people. And still, and the reports of cases among staff, and attendees on social media shortly thereafter reached into the dozens. Not scientific reporting, but... sheesh, yeah.

I've had a number of friends that have decided to go back on cruises for vacations. And for every one, someone in the party caught covid on the boat. Cruise ships are not all that much different from a convention.

So, yeah, be prepared to get sick.

They also have tables that are mask only depending on the DM, but they are advertised in the listing.

A mask-only game, in an environment otherwise filled with unmasked people, is kind of like having a swimming pool, and folks are allowed to relieve themselves at one end, and you get to stand at the other.


I'll take chances at local restaurants etc but avoid big events and Friday/Saturday night events.

Wouldn't be going to cons but not overly concerned about Covid but the appeal of gaming with that many people around at the best of times is beyond me.


Mandatory masks are only effective if you are willing to enforce their proper use. There are awful lots of people who seem to be incapable of keeping their masks above their noses. The best course of action is wearing a proper FFP2 mask yourself and avoiding physical contact.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I sure hope, whatever one may feel about masks and mandates, that every convention would honor attendees, vendors, volunteers, etc., to mask up if they prefer
I can't image they won't. I also don't think that their will be much of any peer pressure or snark directed at those who do by other Con goers, like their might be in other environments.

and to request people at their tables do so.
I would be okay with this only if a notice were added to the event description. A blanket statement saying that it is up to each game master and event organizer, without giving any forewarning is just a recipe for arguments, drama, and source of social media controversy and bad press.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I would be okay with this only if a notice were added to the event description. A blanket statement saying that it is up to each game master and event organizer, without giving any forewarning is just a recipe for arguments, drama, and source of social media controversy and bad press.
I agree and I suspect 99% of people running games would think of this as well.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Hope that they continue to do the online convention. I have been enjoying the online version for the last several years. Cannot really handle crowds.
I haven't done online games for Gen Con, but have for other conventions. It is nice to be able to carve out a chunk of time for gaming when you can't or don't want to travel there in person.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
You can see what tables are mask required when you buy tickets. It seems to be the DMs call for his table. There is a tab to activate this and other tabs to see things like what system the game is and what room it is in.
Good, that's how they should handle it! . . . buuuut . . .
Of course, most rpg games are in only a few rooms where all the tables are only several feet from each other, so not sure how much more protected people will be. I did not check to see if all the mask tables are put in one of the grand rooms or mixed in.
Good point. If one is in a vulnerable group, or just doesn't want to take the risk, or just wants to avoid "con crud", then avoiding gaming conventions probably makes sense. Even when everyone was wearing masks, I was skeptical that they would be that effective given how so many people don't wear them properly, don't wear effective types of masks, are frequently removing them to eat or drink.

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