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Eldeen reaches

“The Curse Discovered”

Nymm 26, 997 (Late Summer)

The silence of nature is disrupted gently by the snoring of Gilfer from within his lean-to in the forest. He slowly rolls over and sniffs the air. He slowly opens his eyes expecting to see nothing out of the normal. The silence is broken suddenly as a scream of panic blasts from the lean-to. He grabs a few things and flees the lean-to and runs for the village of Winetree.

Piik awakens as there is banging on the door of his small shack. Grabbing some clothes and his hammer he goes to the door. If it is another Silver Flame advocate it will be hammer time. He opens the door and draws back his hammer. Before him is a crazed man. The crazed man is wearing Gilfer’s padded shirt and pants.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!?!?” the crazed man begins to scream at the bugbear.

“GET OUT!” yells the bugbear as he threatens the man with his hammer.

“Piik! It’s me! It’s Gilfer!” Panic in his eyes as he reaches out to the warrior’s shoulders.

Piik steps back and waves his hammer again. “Not Shifter. Human. Go away!”

“It’s how I woke up!”

“Not Gilfer. Little hair. Round small ears. Go!”

“It’s me! Remember the log bridge I…. You set off the trap. How could anyone know that but me?!?”

“Piik talk it up in tavern.”

“DAMN IT PIIK! IT’S ME!” and his Mindblade forms. “See? Can anyone else do that?!?”

“Sarlona mindbenders. LEAVE.”

“Look at my eyes Piik. It’s me.”

Piik squints as he concentrates on his eyes. Hesitation stops him from tent-posting the crazy man. “Tell me something only Gilfer the shifter would know.”

In a panic the man begins to describe the many adventures they have had including the magic weapons and items they have collected.

Meanwhile….. in the once sleepy villa of a place now called Winetree by House Orien has grown and changed. Once there was three building here. Winetree tavern, The Healer’s Hut and the Blacksmith’s firepit. Then visitors came and now a temple to the Silver Flame is being built. A trading Post is also being constructed near by.

Wine Tree Tavern is still the center of town. Sir John still spins tales of his adventuring days of his youth. He awaits the arrival of his granddaughter. She is an adventurer for hire…. Like her grandfather was. For some reason this worries him deeply. Whenever asked about it from Leaffa she gets no straight answers, only a lonely haunted look followed by a quick smile and a tale about his days in Xen’drik or Droaam.

Speaking of Leaffa…..

The shifty human known as Gilfer and Gilfer’s friend, Piik, are looking in a stream bed hollow where Leaffa can most often be found. The druid and her animal companion are found shortly. Though less extreme, her reaction is similar to Piik’s. They decide to see their friend and mentor, Sir John.

Sir John is startled by Gilfer’s appearance. But unlike the other’s, he has seen things like this happen before.

“Have you fought or angered a witch recently?”

“uh…… I don’t think so.” Gilfer says as he reaches up to scratch his head and becomes startled again as he finds thinner hair on his scalp.

“Have you violated any shrines or temples?”

“Heh…… Piik has far more than I do. Piik looks nervously at his arm trying NOT to imagine a hairless arm of a human.

“Cursed items?”

“Cursed Items?” asks Leaffa.

“Yes. Often contained within weapons or armor. Very hard to get rid of.” Sir John says as he pulls out his magical pipe.

“Hard….?” Says Gilfer in a quiet fearful tone.

“Yes. Often atonement is required. Throwing away an item is not enough. In truth, most of the cursed items out there reappear on your person the next day..”

Nervously, Gilfer reaches behind his back and pulls out the dagger that glows white. “I….I throw this at a creature and thought it lost. Then I found it in my pack the next morning.”

“Set it down on the counter….. not to me young man….shifter. On the counter. It would be safer if I don’t touch it.” He crouches down and looks at it. He blows some smoke from his pipe onto it. The smoke unnaturally hangs on the dagger then breaks up. “This is a cursed weapon. This is what has made you become a human.”

“How…. How do I get rid of it then?!?”

“There are either set ways of removing a curse or one must redeem him or herself.”

“Which is it?!?”

The bar tender and owner of the Wine Tree Tavern hesitates then breathes out smoke onto the dagger once more. “It still holds magic….. I believe it is goblinoid made….. I know someone whom can tell you. She can either tell you how to remove it or may even be able to remove it herself. She is a powerful magic user. She lives deep in the forest.”

The three Heroes of Eldeen remain quiet and look at each other as they silently agree on the next course of action.

“Give us a map.”

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“Ever Changing Conditions”

Nymm 26, 997 (Late Summer)

The three Heroes head out immediately once Sir John gives them a map to the Lady of the Forest. It begins with walking to a stream that originates deep in the forest. They follow this until late in the day before they take their first break.

Piik and Leaffa are still uncomfortable around Gilfer the human.

Gilfer spots hundreds of small brightly colored birds in the bushes and trees across the fast moving stream. They tweet and chirp away as he watches. Piik and Leaffa sit down and look at what food Sir John found for them. Cheese, bread, a chunk of ham. It’s not much but it will do. Nite looks into digging up some roots and grub.

Suddenly all of the blue, green and gold colored thumb sized birds take to the air. Everyone immediately grabs weapons figuring something has startled them. They regroup in the air then in mass, turn and sweep into Gilfer whom is still standing next to the stream. The small birds begin to peak and jab at him. Each shot taking a very small bit of flesh with it. The human screams from within the swarm.

Piik rushes over with his axe drawn but uncertain what to do with such small tweety-birds. Leaffa has heard of legends of these creatures. She never thought she would ever see them in person. Perahnikyits!

As Gilfer tries to move away from the swarm they move with him. His entire world is a swirl of blue, green, gold and dots of red…. HIS red. Piik, using the flat of his axe tries to swat the birds but all it does is the swarm begins to move to him. He turns and runs for the stream. He dives in and the birds remain in the air swarming with hunger. They turn back to the human whom was just inspecting his hundreds of tiny wounds that he is bleeding from now. With a yelp of fear, he too dives into the water.

Seeing what will happen next, Leaffa and Nite rush for the water. Nite stops and seriously wonders if it is worth it. Leaffa pushes the badger into the water then hauls his thrashing body further in. The swarm of Perahnikyits flies over them and circles before flying away further up stream.

Much of Leaffa’s healing skills, magic and bandages are used to patch up Gilfer and Piik. They return to following the stream but go wide for the first mile so as not to possibly attract the attention of the carnivorous birds again.

Eventually it becomes dark and they settle down for camp. Leaffa takes first watch as she begins to meditate so as to regain her spells in the morning. Gilfer grunts and groans, as he can not become comfortable as he has injuries everywhere on his body. Piik sleeps soundly with his axe and hammer at either side of him.

Near the end of her watch she hears something in the woods. She is fearful since they are near the Gloaming. This area of the forest is near the manifest zone of Mabar- the Plane of Darkness. Things evil live around this zone. Many suspect the Barghest they fought originated from here. With the second sound of something breaking in the woods Leaffa begins to awaken everyone.

“Piik! Get up!” “Gilfer!”

Piik sits upright then kicks away from the camp quickly. Gilfer rises to his hands and knees and his body begins to glow softly. His eyes become white like a Changeling but the glow increases. “Oh comon! Not what!?!” He exclaims as he looks at his hands.

The hill giant zombie that was attracted by the campfire zeroes in on the glowing Gilfer. Piik reaches out of habit for his axe then grabs his hammer instead. With a new surge of confidence he charges at the undead and with one blow kills it! It falls down and Piik continues to bash it over and over. He finally stops and looks at everyone again.

“You are not acting yourself” says Gilfer

“You don’t look like yourself.” Snarls Piik.

“What kind of curse is this?!?” asks Leaffa as she is completely baffled by the new form Gilfer is in.

Soon they return to sleep but only for a short time. Once more they stalked by nighttime predators. Several large monstrous hunting spiders. They last but a few mere moments as the heroes of Eldeen are already warmed up and ready to go. Nothing else bothers them this night.

Another day passes as they walk further NW towards the heart of the Eldeen Reaches Forest. There are no encounters today. It is actually very peaceful walk today. Gilfer is fearful of the curse at this point.

Once more they set up camp. They are down to some bread and berries that Leaffa has found. It’s not much.

Once more during Leaffa’s watch, something happens. Several large hunting spiders are attracted to Gilfer’s glowing form (they didn’t bother with a campfire). They are easily defeated/

In the morning Piik awakens to a loud snoring sound. He rolls over to look at the source expecting it to be Nite and discovers a sleeping ORC! Growling as he scrambles to his feet he picks up his axe but Leaffa yells for him to stop. The Orc suddenly opens his eyes and rolls away with a loud yelp. “What is WRONG with you Piik!?!” Piik hesitates as it begins to sink in.

“gilfer….?” Piik mumbles in confusion.

“The curse strikes again,” Says Leaffa, “When will it ever end?”

The leery four continues up the river then go right at the point where the waterfall comes off the cliffs of Red Moss. They walk onto an open field that leads to a valley that they are trying to reach.

The grassy field has several holes within it. Small trees are over turned by some of these holes. Looking at them Piik and Gilfer wonder if they are holes made by Ankhegs which they have seen before. Leaffa doubts it based on the sheer size of the holes. Looking around several of the holes they locate large claw like footprints. Clearly, these do not belong to the insect-like Ankhegs. These belong to something much bigger and possibly more dangerous.

They continue on seeing more holes. Gilfer, the Orc, walks up to a hole that very fresh. “Looks new. Anyone in there?” he shouts into the hole. He looks back at them then turns and his eyes go wide. A large dull gray rounded mass rises quickly from the dark. As it reaches him the dome opens and rows of sharp teeth appear. Then comes the pain.

The huge heavily armored creature claws at the earth and shakes the bleeding body of the orc. Blood splashes onto the ground as the others attack. The thick armored hide absorbs most of the blows. Nite moves under the creature unseen. It locates an opening in the softer armor of the neck. As Piik pounds at it, Leaffa and a summoned Dire Wolf attack it, Nite goes on a rampage and tears into its neck. Gilfer is released and thrown aside as the creature tries to free itself of the badger. Due to Gilfer’s serious injuries, they camp outside of the valley. Leaffa uses all of her healing on him. There are no attacks that night.

“Mischievous Guardians”

LHARVION 3, 997(Late Summer)

In the mourning they find a fine light mist has settled at the entrance of the valley. Undeterred, the Heroes of Eldeen continue on. Once more Gilfer has changed. However, he has reverted to his original form- that of a shifter. He is determined to remain as such.

As much as the mist hinders their sight, the thick growth of the forest would have reduced their sight just as much. Thick vines hang low from incredibly tall trees. All of the brush is thick and healthy. The animals are busy and full of life. When one hears of tales involving the growth of the inner forests of Eldeen, this is what they hear of.

The mist evaporates to knee high as they work their way down the hills into the valley Sir John gave instructions for. There is a gentle stream here and sounds of water rising from underground from natural springs.

“What are we looking for?” asks Piik with some surprising humility.

“The Lady of the Valley.” Says Gilfer looking about with wide eyes.

“In our haste we forgot to ask how to find her….” Relieves Leaffa.

They walk around for a while before resting near a small clear pool. They sit down and yawn, even Nite becomes tired. Soon they fall asleep under a large tree that has grown by the lake. A lone figure steps out from behind the tree. A woman with a wood grain skin and fine leafed vines for hair. She looks down at Gilfer and smiles. His eyes quiver and he awakes but remains sleepy. “You seek her help and she will give it…. You must only find her first.”

She recedes into or behind the tree and slowly everyone awakes. The mist softly seems to spread quietly from the forest and swirls around them once more.

Then there is movement within the mist. Several hundred feet away. They see a horse…. A white horse. No. Not a horse. An Unicorn.

“This means something.” Says Leaffa. “Unicorns are nature’s greatest symbol of power.”

“Then let’s get it.” Suggests Piik hefting his axe.

The unicorn moves away then stops. It looks at the bugbear and snorts.

“You’re threatening it.” Warns Leaffa. “Let me.”

The druid slowly walks towards the magical creature. It snorts and scratches at the ground before moving a short distance away. It stops and snorts with a shake of its head.

“I think it wants it to follow it.” Says Gilfer.

“I think you are right. Slowly and no weapons. That includes you Piik.” Piik gives an innocent ‘who me’ look and puts the axe into his weapon holster on his back.

They follow the unicorn to a short cliffside with thick hanging vines with flowers on them. The unicorn walks through the vines and disappears.

Leaffa waits for the others before walking up to the vines. “Could…..” she leaves the question hanging. Shrugging, Gilfer goes on and through the vines. Leaffa and Nite go next. Frowning, Piik gives out his own snort before using the handle of his axe to push the vines aside and walks through.

On the other side it is….. night time.

In solemn silence they walk forward into the deep forest. The scents of the forest are stronger than ever. “Maybe it’s one of those ‘she’ll find us’ kind of events”, offers Gilfer, “Or maybe we are just not looking in the right places.” With that he looks up into the branches and canopy of a tree. Smiling, he steps back and charges the tree. Using his mind powers over gravity he runs up the tree trunk and stops at a huge branch. From here he climbs and at times reuses his running power. Gilfer comes to realize just how tall the trees are as he estimates the height to be ½ mile and still going. He tries to look out and sees very little. The forest is thick throughout the valley. Everything is green except for the lake in the center. It is a clear blue and highly reflective of the trees that surround it.

Returning to the ground, they decide to go to the lake. Generally people settle near water.

Unhappy with the look on Piik’s face, Leaffa asks him what is wrong.

“Day is now night….. but its not OUR night.” He motions to the sky.

“He’s right. The stars… the moons…. They are not normal.”

“Are we still on Eberron….?” Wonders Leaffa out loud even as the others think of it themselves.


Piik lifts his axe to a defensive stance. “Who said that?!?”

A fast high-pitched buzz can be heard within the forest.

The adventurers group up in a circle with their backs together.

=do you want to play a game?=

“Errrrrr….” Growls Piik.

“Who are you?” asks Leaffa

=I like games. Pleeeeease can we play?= now the sound seems to be coming from above them.

“NO!” yells Piik.

“We are looking for someone.” Says Gilfer

Buuuuuuuuzt as something seems to fly by his ear quickly.


Piik begins to move his axe side to side readied for an attack. Gilfer calls up his mindblade. Nite claws at the earth. Leaffa eases up on her notched arrow. “We can not play right now. We have something important to do. Maybe you can help us.”



“We don’t have time for this.” Declares Gilfer with no patience.

Piik makes a short grunt sound. “Nice flower.”

Gilfer feels something in his hair. He reaches up and finds a flower there.

Nite whimpers and cowers within the roots of a large tree. Flowers are in his fur and his nails are pink in color.

“Stop!” Demands Gilfer.

Buzzzzzzzzzzzt and suddenly Gilfer blushes as his pants fall down.


Piik growls. “Show yourself!”


A small 5-inch tall humanoid with clear wings pops into view on Piik’s shoulder. The creature holds a wand and smiles a big wide unnatural smile.

=play a game?=

“Maybe after we find someone. Maybe you can help us.” Offers Leaffa. now trying to remove flowers from her own hair.


Gilfer holding up his pants with one hand and waving his psionic blade with the other scans the air and brush for the annoying fey creature. “No time for games. I need help.”

The fey creature reappears suddenly as it makes Piik’s axe glow “Hi.”

“RARRRGH!” and Piik swings his axe into the ground.

It disappears and all goes quiet for a moment.

“Wait….” Calls out Leaffa reaching into the air as if to hold onto the creature.

“Leave him.” says Gilfer.

Piik hurrumphs in agreement.

=who are you looking for?=

“The Lady of the Valley. We believe she can help us.” Offers Leaffa calmly.


The heroes look at each other in uncertainty. Nite peeks out from the roots…. Bows and flowers still in his hair.

=twenty questions=

“We don’t have time for this.” Says Gilfer

“Look at the time we have already wasted.”

“Maybe if we…..” Piik motions to a tree. Gilfer considers what Piik is suggesting. The Lady is connected to the valley. If one harms the trees here it would get her attention. But good or bad attention? Would she help me?

“Is she near the lake?” asks Leaffa


“Is she ….”

“Tell us where she is!” interrupts the Shifter.

=that’s not a yes or no question silly= and the fey reappears above him pointing his wand down at him.

“Let’s go. She is down by the lake.” Says Piik as he turns and begins to march to the lake.

=you lied. You know where she is. Cheaters!=

“carp.” Says Piik as he stops and closes his eyes as he waits for the stupidiness to resume.

Light begins to glow everywhere around them. =Bring them to me please=

The heroes look at each other and wonder if things just got better or worse.

So much has happened since the kids and I played this campaign. "Leaffa's" player is now 20 and engaged. Golfer's player is actively writing about his own campaign world (just not here). So much has happened 5 1/2 years......

We were talking about this unfinished campaign and how it was designed to introduce "the Hidden" (yeah- I plan waaaaaay to far ahead with my campaigns) and thinking where our characters would be and what they would be doing in Eberron for year 999.

Want to revisit sometime soon.

I have several campaigns of Eberron going. I keep a careful timeline of the campaigns. One of the ideas of Eberron is that your characters are the movers and shakers of the game world. So what one campaign does should somehow influence other campaigns.

What I do is reference various campaigns to each other and in some cases even do a "cross-over" (compare John Play and Creation Schema).

Eldeen Heroes was a campaign I ran with my kids. We have talked long into the night about "revisiting" the campaign or going back to see what is happening with Piik, Gilfer and the others of Wine Tree.

In my newest Storyhour- The Morgrave Adventures, The PCs of that campaign will be visiting Wine Tree and seeing at least one character from the Eldeen Heroes campaign. References will be made to the others in some way.

Why so complex? It makes the game world of Eberron more real to me. Cross-overs and references make it feel like what the players do in their game affects other games.

I hope that clarifies some.

Oh and thank you for reading and commenting.

This is my kids playing their first DnD. The next game we started was Eldeen Heroes.......

TIM CATHY 01.jpg

They are now 22 and 19......

Voidrunner's Codex

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