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Release Earth Sector updated to Clement Sector Third Edition!

Earth Sector has been updated to be compatible with Clement Sector Third Edition!

We've made several changes to the Earth Sector book to bring it up to date with Clement Sector Third Edition. This includes statistics for the new Trade Characteristics system from Bounded Fortune, replacing Social with Charisma, clarifying some sections, and fixing known errors.

If you have already purchased Earth Sector from our webstore or from DTRPG, you should have an email or link to pick up the updated book for FREE.

If you'd like to pick up a physical copy, both the hardcover and softcover are available for pre-order at our webstore and will be available at DTRPG soon.

If you have never bought Earth Sector before, now is the time to hop aboard! Until the end of November, at both DTRPG and our webstore, you can pick up Earth Sector for only $9.99 (which is half off the usual price of $19.99). So don't miss this chance to save!

PDF at the Independence Games webstore: Earth Sector (PDF)

Pre-order of Earth Sector hardcover: Earth Sector (Hardcover)

Pre-order of Earth Sector softcover: Earth Sector (Softcover)

PDF at DTRPG: DriveThruRPG

Welcome to Earth Sector!

Earth Sector is an extension of Independence Games’ Clement Sector setting. For those familiar with the Clement Sector setting, Earth Sector is set in Earth Sector in 2350 after the Conduit Collapse in 2331. Earth Sector, while it can be played without knowledge of or familiarity with the Clement Sector setting, is best experienced if you are conversant with the full Clement Sector story and the rules presented in Clement Sector Third Edition.

Earth Sector is its own setting united with Clement Sector by the past background before 2331 and then branching off in a new direction afterward. This is the first book in that adventure.

Whereas Clement Sector was a collection of independent worlds, Earth Sector is a collection of worlds colonized by the nations of Earth and held by those nations. In some places, that hold is becoming tenuous, but they are still controlled by the home nation.

This book contains new uplifts and information for each of the nations of Earth, how they get along, and trade information based on the Trade Characteristics presented in Bounded Fortune.

In Clement Sector, there are no living aliens. In Earth Sector, there are two low tech alien races which have been located and rumors of more aliens nearby.

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