3PP Release Chrono Slip Temporal Campaign Setting (free 57 page Primer PDF)

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies
A little more than 8 years ago the realm's champions nearly stopped the Cataclysm, saving the lands of Urnert but locking its peoples into an endless cycle of repeating the same 3 days over and over again—now more than a thousand times.

Slowly, gradually, people are breaking free of the curse, becoming runed folk with an awareness of the Slip. Now that you know the nature of what's befallen the world, it falls upon you to break the cycle!

You must master the innovations of the recycling realm, gather items of power from ancient kingdoms fraught with intrigue that distracted them from the dawning apocalypse, and ultimately defeat the Cataclysm that felled the heroes before you.

Chrono Slip title logo SHRUNK.png

This drop-in designed campaign setting is all about time. The Synchronicity ability score gives adventurers a means to temporally affect the world around them—slightly altering the order of events, pulling items from out of the timestream, and more—but that just scratches the surface of all the new player options in this book. Store the power of your strikes for when they matter most as a fighter with the Synced Warrior archetype, blip across the battlefield by taking the Slip Stepper feat, and take back your regrets from a round of painful consequences with a casting of slip pastward!
  • Origin options including the Slipborn heritage and 5 new cultures (airborn, fireborn, stoneborn, waveborn, and syncworlder)
  • New archetypes for every class
  • 14 temporal feats
  • 25 chronal magic items
  • 21 spells expanding the time school of magic
  • 64 new foes (ranging from unusually experienced Slip NPCs to deadscale dinosaurs, wronglings, the Lantern King, and more)
  • Conceived and written by Level Up all-stars including @Savannah Broadway, Akeem Favor, Michael McCarthy, Anthony Alipio, Peter Martin (@Timespike), and Rachel Williamson (@Steampunkette)

Get the Chrono Slip Campaign Setting Primer for free early next year and sign up to the Kickstarter page now to be notified when the project launches!


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This project has been a -blast- to work on, thus far. Time and Space manipulation for characters and as a core component of the setting means sometimes creating braintwisting stuff.

The exploration challenges were a definite highlight for fun to write strangeness!

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies
Anything you can tell us about the first four cultures? They say Genasi to me. ;)
Groups of auran elementari, sometimes in collaboration with birdfolk, develop into airborn cultures drawn to places such as lofty mountain tops (like Tidriamna) or natural wind tunnels.
An active or dormant volcano, an underground lake of molten lava, or a burning desert—these are sacred places to the ignan elementari who form small communities or vibrant cities (like Ialsdun) near such locations. Garoul and lizardfolk are often drawn to and regularly welcomed into these fireborn societies.
Terran elementari feel most at home with firm ground beneath their feet and strong stone above them. They live comfortably alongside mycelial and rockborn peoples, most prominently in the sprawling mountain city of Ygolroh (which has its roots in an ancient stoneborn culture).
Communities of aquan elementari, often joined by galeoni or pode, exist where water is most plentiful: in the mist at the base of a grand waterfall, on an isle surrounded by a deep lagoon, or along the lakeshore of the semi-submerged settlement like the city of Cheop.

Ah, so a setting-specific use of Elementari culture then. ;) Cool. I am waiting for the January launch of the GPG 2023 Annual Kickstarter before I get to eye GPG #18's Elementari and it's four elemental cultures.


Groups of auran elementari, sometimes in collaboration with birdfolk, develop into airborn cultures drawn to places such as lofty mountain tops (like Tidriamna) or natural wind tunnels.
An active or dormant volcano, an underground lake of molten lava, or a burning desert—these are sacred places to the ignan elementari who form small communities or vibrant cities (like Ialsdun) near such locations. Garoul and lizardfolk are often drawn to and regularly welcomed into these fireborn societies.
Terran elementari feel most at home with firm ground beneath their feet and strong stone above them. They live comfortably alongside mycelial and rockborn peoples, most prominently in the sprawling mountain city of Ygolroh (which has its roots in an ancient stoneborn culture).
Communities of aquan elementari, often joined by galeoni or pode, exist where water is most plentiful: in the mist at the base of a grand waterfall, on an isle surrounded by a deep lagoon, or along the lakeshore of the semi-submerged settlement like the city of Cheop.
Are elementari in the SRD yet? A friend of mine wanted to use them in a book but is waiting for them to become available. Or the birdfolk, garoul, galeoni and pode?

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