• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. D

    Time Master

    Thanks for the info! It looks like I can get the original Time Master still if I want to. I may also check out the True20 system. Sounds interesting. I am planning to write some one-offs for it for PirateCat's get togethers but I dont want to have to teach a new system.
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    Time Master

    Hey, does anyone know what ever happened to the old RPG Time Master? The game was originally published by a company called "54 40 Orphyte". I am looking to port it into d20 (or find someone who already has).
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    What constitutes good preparation for a session, PC? I am curious as to what you use for props and notes.
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    Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

    I really liked the updates from Nulloc's point of view. Did Nulloc ever have a legitimate chance to get away? Did his overconfidence make him stay too long, or did the counterattack get to him so fast he didn't really have a chance? As I was reading the post, about the time that the...
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    Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

    Let me just hijack this thread for a moment to agree completely with PC. I don't think you need to "Schrodinger" (love that term BTW) to have a dynamic world. The key is understanding the motivations and plans of other people involved in the story enough that you can react organically to what...
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    How about giant ghoulish versions of one or more of the Defenders (Valendo? Nolin [I have a great picture of the ghouls setting themselves on fire at the top to simulate the hair]?). This could be presented by the Puppeteer as a way to show his respect for them.
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    I love the idea of bringing back dead enemies of the DoD and even better, dead friends... The only problem is the time factor. Did the ghoul leaders know what a pain in the rotting rear-end these guys would be? If so, some could have happened ahead of time. Otherwise, it will take time to...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    Sorry I have been so slow to update. Real life keeps getting in the way. In the meantime, here is something the player of Bacha wrote about his doings recently: Bacha Tales Part 1 Bacha, the Black Tiger of Irmak and the 143rd Fist of Yakun, listened to Cobbe’s recitation of his dream the...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    Cobbe is Dead, Long Live Cobbe [Cobbe] Oh, shoot; I forgot to ask her about Meroway. Joy keeps gettin' all bent outta shape about Meroway, and then looks at me like it's my fault. Bad for morale . . . Ah, but it's nice here. . . . [heavenly crickets . . . trickling waters] . . . Maybe I can...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    Cobbe is Dead, Long Live Cobbe [DM] She laughs. " So many questions! I will respond as I can. I cannot speak for the existence of all the planes, but the Seven of us created the heaven that you see. Many strange creatures exist in the world and the planes reflect all of them somewhere. Some...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    Cobbe is Dead, Long Live Cobbe [Cobbe] Oh! So . . . so Heaven . . . and . . . and *you* . . . don't have an independent existence? I mean, it's goodness in world that sustains you, and heaven . . . and I guess the world also makes Hell and the chaos plane and everything . . . So if goodness...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    Cobbe is Dead, Long Live Cobbe [DM] "My dear Almer," she replies. "You have already done great deeds to further the cause of goodness in the world. You are here because you have earned the right to walk in these gardens for as long as you like. The most precious part of what you are is your...
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    littlejohn's fantasy art (Updated 6/12/03)

    I was an occasional lurker before, but let me just say that your art is fabulous. You do fantasy art with a vibrant and gritty feel, and those last two b&w prints for PCs game creep me out too. Keep up the good work! Kinda makes me wish I lived on the left coast so I could come see you [and...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    Cobbe is Dead, Long Live Cobbe [Cobbe] "Hmmmm. Well, what I'd really like to know is: what's the point? Life, I mean. Now that I'm dead . . . I am dead, right? Now that I'm dead, I'm here, and it's beautiful and smells nice and it's peaceful, and my joints don't ache and I can see more...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    Cobbe is Dead, Long Live Cobbe! [DM Note: These are a series of Emails that the player of Cobbe and I exchanged the week after his character died to the Treant. He suggested he would like to role-play his death. I had never done that before but I think it worked out really well. The...
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    Interesting that you don't use many notes. I also do most of my thinking when I am doing other things: walking, driving, sitting in the airport. The difference is that I MUST have my idea notebook with me or closeby or I will lose 3/4 of my ideas. I need to use the "cool scene" method more...
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    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    The Heart Oak Unwilling to abandon their quest, even upon the death of their leader, the Champions pressed on toward the corrupted Heart Oak. They carried with them the bodies of Cobbe and Krag, the hill dwarf. Lady Breda showed no such patience. Seeing that her knight was dead, she huffed...
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    For Doc's point, I am guessing that since the Castle creates an extra-dimensional space, you could not cast the Sovereign Wall outside of it because the wall would be on the Prime while the inside of the Castle is in its own dimension (or the astral).
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    I have been giving out full experience to my players so they have risen quickly to be the world-shakers I wanted them to be. Now I am not sure if I should throttle back on the exp or see what happens when they catch up to the Defenders in another year or so. Then I would have need of all the...
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    Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)

    Yes, I would love to see the buffs etc. Can the DoD prevent Scrying into the Castle if they want to?