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  1. sabrinathecat

    Mando season three trailer

    I thought we already had season 3? Wasn't it subtitled "Book of Boba Fett"? (I'm joking... sort of.)
  2. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Anyone playing 4e at the moment?

    You don't get new powers at every level, but you do get something cool. Also, to get some powers, you have to give up other, lower level powers. (Usually you dump the lvl3 power to get the lvl 13, for example) In many cases, the higher level New Power Options do include versions of lower level...
  3. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Anyone playing 4e at the moment?

    It is consistent (more so than any other edition). Prep time is a fraction of what I dealt with back in the days of 2nd ed. I have a hacked version of the character builder (called CBLoader), and some fan built plug-ins for all the materials published after the official builder changed was...
  4. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Something in the "MoonStalker" Paragon Path that doesn't quite make sense?

    Thing is, the Gray Wolf is a lvl2 creature. It has one attack that does 1d6.
  5. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Something in the "MoonStalker" Paragon Path that doesn't quite make sense?

    So, one of my players was looking at MoonStalker for her shifter. The level 12 utility is a daily "You assume the form of a gray wolf or a tiger of your size until the end of the encounter, until you fall unconscious, or until you drop to 0hp or fewer. In this form, you add your Wisdom modifier...
  6. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Anyone playing 4e at the moment?

    I never stopped playing 4th. I also only run 2 games: D&D4e and Star Wars 1st/2nd WEG D6. I'm just one of those weirdos who isn't interested in 5th, 3rd, 3.5, 3.75, or 3.875.
  7. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Introduction to Chaos Scar text?

    THANK YOU!!! Yes, that is what I think I was looking for. Map was also easy to find, but part of the key was in the article you found for me--makes so much more sense now. Yes, that blog was one of the ones I found helpful when doing research.
  8. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Introduction to Chaos Scar text?

    The log-in problem was a Firefox glitch.
  9. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Introduction to Chaos Scar text?

    I've been trying to find all the information about the Chaos Scar. I've found the module .pdf files and such, but almost everything I find says "You can find the Introduction to the Chaos Scar HERE," which goes to a broken link at WotC. I've tried various searches to find it, all of which point...
  10. sabrinathecat

    How would you change the new Star Wars trilogy

    Ezra Bridger reaches out from the time tunnel, grabs Luke right before he was about to die, smacks him on the back of the head, tells him to wake up, and boots him out right before Darth Emo went bad to sort things out so that the whole so-called Sequel Trilogy can be relegated to "Legend"...
  11. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Points of Light, Dawn War, and Magic Item Economy (4e)

    Holy Avenger isn't the game-breaker it used to be. With something like that, I'd go "Artifact route" again--the item levels up with the character as they become more attuned to each other. As for purchase--any item purchased beyond heroic must be commissioned. Depending, crafting time may be...
  12. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Points of Light, Dawn War, and Magic Item Economy (4e)

    I just made it so that if a character had an item, when s/he leveled up to the next level version of the item, it leveled up as well. I.E. if they had a lvl5 +1 Radiant Weapon, it became +2 at level 10 unless they wanted a completely different item--then they had to find it. Heroic Gauntlets of...
  13. sabrinathecat

    D&D 4E Coolest or fun D&D4ed powers

    Tide of Iron was a great Fighter At-Will. I liked two powers I had: one was push (con mod) and the other was push 3. With a con-primary hammer & shield fighter, they were very effective. And then I discovered Gauntlets of the Ram. Oh Smeg. I broke one encounter by pushing 2 monsters from the...
  14. sabrinathecat

    Monster Builder

    Never heard of it. ------------- found the web site. Would like to see a demo of how it works & the interface. The download page is somewhat lacking in details. Comments? Descriptions? Info?
  15. sabrinathecat

    Monster Builder

    I'm not that picky. Got the character builder the same way. I just want something that works.
  16. sabrinathecat

    Building a thiefy warlock? Or a magey rogue?

    Yeah, in 4e, the magical sneak/sneaky mage isn't really that much... I seem to remember feats that combine Eladrin teleport with picking enemies' pockets... Of the regular warlocks, I'd go with Fey. Maybe Gnome would be handy race... Or the 1/2Elf thief that both Dilletante and multi-classes...
  17. sabrinathecat

    Monster Builder

    Is there anywhere I can get the off-line Adventure Tools Monster builder? I'd like to port all my old stuff from my old computer to my new one, but it doesn't seem to be as easy as I'd like. Old computer doesn't recognize the networked printer, so... Any help would be great.
  18. sabrinathecat

    Spelljammer ~ Hammership

    May have found a class to help me learn what I need to know. Will find out Tuesday. Have had to detour to other projects, one of which is almost finished, and another which is coming along nicely. Also put together another banner for R2-KT
  19. sabrinathecat

    Encounter map texture search

    You could put textured plates underneath the paper, and then color the area with a pencil. That could get you grass & trees. You should be able to find some texture brushes and such like for getting would grain. If you're looking for something to trace, have you looked at the 4e dungeon tiles?
  20. sabrinathecat

    Encounter map texture search

    Google images? That's what I use for my maya projects. How photo-real or stylized do you want it?