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    Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

    Me, too. All my friends from my old Planescape group are all-in to buy this, but I will wait and see after flipping through them before deciding if I want to buy them myself.

    Kickstarter Honor + Intrigue: Tome of Intriguing Options in its final hours!

    The Honor + Intrigue Tome of Intriguing Options Kickstarter ends in about 16 hours. For those unfamiliar, it is a major supplement for the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG adding on many rules options and alternatives, new equipment, random story and encounter tables along with dozens of...

    Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?

    The Honor + Intrigue Tome of Intriguing Options Kickstarter ends in about 16 hours. For those unfamiliar, it is a major supplement for the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG adding on many rules options and alternatives, new equipment, random story and encounter tables along with dozens of...

    Kickstarter Tome of Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG

    Last night I was on with the DMs After Dark on Twitch as a special guest GM using Honor + Intrigue with the Tome of Intriguing Options to run a kitchen-sink science fantasy adventure! In our story, heroes who've vanished from various points of time and space throughout the cosmos find...

    Kickstarter Tome of Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG

    I will be on Two Twitch Streams in One Week to discuss (and play) the Tome of Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue (Kickstarter is currently in its final week). Alexandria RPG Library: Tonight (7/25, 7pm Pacific, 10pm Eastern) I will be live on Twitch with the Alexandria RPG Library to...

    Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?

    The Tome of Intriguing Options KS for Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG is entering the home stretch and doing well, but the tinyurl shortener we used earlier (www.tinyurl.com/IntriguingOptions) currently seems to be giving an error message. We are looking into the problem. In the meantime, if...

    Kickstarter Tome of Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG

    Just a quick note. The tinyurl shortener www.tinyurl.com/IntriguingOptions currently seems to be giving an error message. We are looking into the problem. In the meantime, if you would like to share that campaign as we push into our final week, please utilize the full link or this alternative...

    Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?

    Tonight I will be taking part in the Q+A at the Randomworlds TTRPG Discord Server to discuss the Tome of Intriguing Options Kickstarter for Honor + Intrigue. It will be at 5:30 Pacific Standard Time / 7:30 Central, 8:30 Eastern US Timezones. Come on by to ask a question or simply get more...

    Kickstarter Promotion Services: Are These Legit?

    Hey, I've noticed I've been bombarded with messages lately by people saying they will bring traffic to my KS project ( http://www.tinyurl.com/IntriguingOptions if you'd like to take a look). Has anybody here ever used a service like that? If so, did it help? And if so, which one did you use? And...

    Kickstarter Tome of Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG

    www.tinyurl.com/IntriguingOptions Huzzah! We've funded! Also here is a shorter URL for those who want to share and a QR Code:
  11. KickstarterJustFindedSmaller.jpg


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    Kickstarter Tome of Intriguing Options for Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG

    And it's live! The Tome of Intriguing Options Kickstarter has begun! In this supplement to the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG, we add an array of options for your historical campaigns as well as rules and tools to take your game to the stars or into the realms of high fantasy. And if you...
  14. KickstarterJustLaunchedSmaller.jpg



    Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?

    And it's live! The Tome of Intriguing Options Kickstarter has begun! In this supplement to the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG, we add an array of options for your historical campaigns as well as rules and tools to take your game to the stars or into the realms of high fantasy...

    Sale Bundle of Holding Offering the Honorable Collection

    Bundle of Holding is offering the "Honorable Collection" featuring Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG and a few supplements. If you've been waiting to pick this one up, this is what you were waiting for. If you enjoy this game and would like your friends to get in on the action, now is the...

    Kickstarter Honor + Intrigue: Tome of Intriguing Options Mailing List starting

    The next big product for Honor + Intrigue will be the Tome of Intriguing Options. We are starting a mailing list for those interested in more information when this Kickstarter launches this summer.

    Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?

    The next big product for Honor + Intrigue will be the Tome of Intriguing Options. We are starting a mailing list for those interested in more information when this Kickstarter launches this summer.

    Release New Undersea Adventure Module: The Sea Hag's Price available now

    Take the Heroes on adventure to a place they've likely never been before: the ocean floor! The Sea Hag's Price begins with the PCs stranded on a rocky island. How they got there is up to you (a storm sinks their ship, marooned by pirates, a sea monster attack, etc.). The only way off the...

    Mando season 3

    So I just got to watch tonight's episode. I'm thrilled to say the least!