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  1. Empirate

    Survivor Magic Clothing Part 1- Robe of the Arch Magi WINS!

    Belt of Dwarvenkind 19 Belt of Giant Strength 20 +1 = 21 Stronger is awesome Cape of the Mountebank 20 Cloak of Arachnidia 21 Cloak of the Bat 20 Cloak of Displacement 22 Cloak of Elvenkind 21 Cloak of Invisibility 20 Cloak of the Manta Ray 15 Cloak of Protection 10 -2 = 8 Lets gangpile this...
  2. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST Canal sequence-breaking

    My party did this, they actually made two forays into Bleak Gate before things got real (both between books #4 and #5). I used this as an opportunity to showcase the huge preparedness and resources of the Ob – but also the fact that they're not almighty and aren't prepared for every eventuality...
  3. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST [Zeitgeist] Hot Air Balloons and Kites

    Fun story time: on the Isle of Odiem in adventure 4 (Always on Time), my group's (already pretty heavily wounded) Halfling Gunslinger/Paladin actually tried to get to Ottavia on top of her tower with the help of some Buoyant Balloons. Hilarious mental image already. I warned him that he would be...
  4. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST Ekossigan Diplomacy

    My constables actually talked about this and arrived at the conclusion that, while Ekossigan's goals more or less chime with their own, they cannot let him live for three reasons: 1) He is a murderer, killing a boy and the druids at the orphanage, and 2) the king ordered them to execute him as a...
  5. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST On the Wayfarer's Lantern

    My group planned to use the lantern for a raid on the Cauldron Hill complex in Bleak Gate, as well. Also before the adventure called on them to go. However, since I moved the Kell investigation up to take place in between Always on Time and Cauldron Born (playing it out in the form of a...
  6. Empirate

    Supernatural abilities and Dispel Magic

    In 3.5, I can find no reference to (Su) abilities being dispellable, neither under the description of supernatural abilities in general (it outright says they're not subject to Dispel Magic), nor in the spell description.
  7. Empirate

    Can Clerics Cure Cancer?

    At level 1, Clerics can make flesh knit itself back together after injury (Cure Light Wounds). At level 3, Clerics can cure hangovers (Lesser Restoration), as well as the blindness caused by that bootleg gin (Remove Blindness/Deafness). At level 5, Clerics can cure any and all diseases (Remove...
  8. Empirate

    Lessons from DMing with my GF (Oakspar77777)

    Sorry for the necro, but since I recently came to think about this awesome content once more: does anybody have a saved version of any of these threads? Because for all of Endarire's great compilation work, none of the links is functional anymore... :.-(
  9. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST X-Men in Zeitgeist

    Nah, that's more Rock Rackus (whom my group soooo hates with a passion bordering on murderous intent!).
  10. Empirate

    Group names for monsters

    This list might get you started.
  11. Empirate

    D&D 5E Why does 5E SUCK?

    Veeery few things I hate about 5E. Actually, I believe I don't really hate anything about it. I do find some things bland, under-ruled, misplaced, and especially, overpriced, but all in all, it's a fine system, which allowed me to reel in new players (my own seven-year-old among them! Yay!), who...
  12. Empirate

    Castle Filkenstein: the Filking thread database

    Only saw this thread now, this is great, you're a filker, Danny? I have two filkers in my gaming group (one of them was even nominated for several Pegasus awards)! Filkers in Germany are about as common as astronauts...
  13. Empirate

    Looking for a spell D&D 3.5 or PF

    Barghest's Feast. Quite thorough, but 50% chance a True Resurrection, Wish or Miracle still work. Better option might be to turn baddy to stone, shrink item, keep somewhere safe.
  14. Empirate

    An increase in the rate of thread necromancy.

    So true. (been wanting to do this for years! Yay!)
  15. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST Ottavia Sacredote on The Isle of Odiem (Spoilers, maybe).

    This is our Halfling Gunslinger/Paladin, who is known for his crazy stunts. The player is actively looking into getting stuff done in the most awe-inspiring way possible, not necessarily in the most efficient. Earns him quite a bit of grit, which helps to compensate the crazy sometimes. But...
  16. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST Ottavia Sacredote on The Isle of Odiem (Spoilers, maybe).

    In my campaign, Ottavia actually killed one of the PCs, who came up with the questionable plan of scaling the tower's outside with the help of some buoyant balloons – she popped them with a Sound Burst once he was close to the top, and he was already low on HP... Nevertheless, the other PCs...
  17. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST X-Men in Zeitgeist

    Hi all, been a while since I ever posted on ENWorld, but the mood struck me again, so... ...are there actual Marvel characters in the Zeitgeist adventure path? So far, we've spotted Gale (=Storm), Leone Quital (=Magneto), Mr. Mapple (=Wolverine), and maybe Borne (=Colossus). The first two seem...
  18. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] Ekossigan, Adventure #5 and dark stuff in Zeitgeist (Spoilers. Obviously)

    I'm just about to wrap up the adventure with my group; they successfully stopped Ekossigan ONLY because I messed up the timeline... which was unintentional and led to a messy headspace there for a bit. :( As far as I know, my group never really found out what Ekossigan was planning to do with...
  19. Empirate

    ZEITGEIST The RHC audit - how to make the best out of a great premise

    I gave the party a chance to notice they were being tailed. Sure enough, the group's Inquisitor (we're playing the PF version) spotted her assigned tails, pushed them into a corner, and interrogated them. Which made the internal affairs guys pay extra attention, and look favourably on the...
  20. Empirate

    Ultimate Magus Build assistance

    Nice necro... On your build: why the focus on Wis? Wis is not needed, from an optimisation standpoint, but can be nice for RP reasons. You're never going to Spot or Listen to much anything even with medium Wis, and will saves are covered by three classes with high will save bases. Spend the...