• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. G

    How long should a gaming session be?

    Even with breaks, I start running down after four hours. In terms of fully-engaged playing, maybe three hours as an maximum is better, but a “session” needs to be longer than that to accommodate slow starts due to socializing, breaks, and such.
  2. G

    The Fantastic Four Casting and New Release Date Revealed by Marvel Studios

    Doctor Doom has been rumored as a leading choice to replace Kang, and this would indeed be a perfect opportunity—new villain introduced with a new/reboot set of hereoes.
  3. G

    Dragonriders of Pern "society"- anyone recall?

    There was a wargame for it Back in the 1980s: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3941/dragonriders-pern
  4. G

    D&D 3E/3.5 Edition Experience - Did/Do you Play 3rd Edtion D&D? How Was/Is it?

    I liked Third as a vast improvement on 1e/2e, and as a good set of rules in its own right. Players I have known usually liked it because of the various features and options that Third provided for characters. But as GM, I found it very hard to run games at higher levels, and even some players...
  5. G

    Recurring silly comment about Apocalypse World and similar RPGs

    What I am referring to is confusion among some players about what the Move mechanic is about and the fun ways it can be used, as opposed to “normal” roleplaying where the characters merely react to the GM’s scenario and actions they take. It may seem odd that this happens, but I have seen it in...
  6. G

    Pathfinder 2E Gothic Western (a Weird West setting)

    You are my hero. I have been wanting to run a Weird West campaign for a while, though I also want it to incorporate a world-wide scope, like a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vibe with Victorian Brits, envious French and German imperialists and scientists, and decadent Ottoman functionaries...
  7. G

    Recurring silly comment about Apocalypse World and similar RPGs

    I have only played Apocalyose World games at conventions, which tend to illustrate the best and worst of game systems. I agree with above posters that for players who grok the purpose of the Move mechanic, with a decent GM, it becomes a periodically-invoked mechanic that creates the essence of...
  8. G

    How well do you predict non-OGL/CC games will do?

    I do not want to hijack the thread, which this potentially can do, but to me a key component going forward will be how the army of D&D-dominant YouTubers respond to the changes coming with D&D 2024. Many will fade away if WoTC isn’t friendly to them, or creates competition with D&D TV or...
  9. G

    What is Success in the RPG Industry?

    I tend to agree with OP, in that “success” of a publisher/company in this particular industry means being able to support yourself with the product you are publishing. That is different than “success” as it relates to a particular product/game, which would be defined as selling enough copies...
  10. G

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    I think Riggs is absolutely correct in his assessment of the general ebb and flow of what has and will happen—we can argue about particular predictions forming part of that wave, but I don’t see any way that TTRPGs are in a better place in five years than today. Riggs doesn’t even place any...
  11. G

    Shadowdark looks so good!

    I got my notification on 19th, but it isn’t scheduled to arrive until tomorrow. Holiday backlog. Amazon goes fast because they use their own logistics system, while those shipping via regular carriers are stuck behind 96 million fruitcakes and packages of socks.
  12. G

    Paizo Paizo Price Increases and Sustainability Efforts

    I have one foot of my gaming interests squarely in the old-fashioned boxed, hex-and-counter wargames hobby. In that niche, one refrain I hear regarding the increasing price of boxEd wargames is that these prices should be evaluated on the basis of how many hours of enjoyment/entertainment you...
  13. G

    Serenity/Firefly non-game resources?

    Thanks everyone. I bought the two Legacy edition trade paperbacks that collect most of the Dark Horse comic series. I wasnt aware of the book series but am looking at that now, and will see about some of the books.
  14. G

    Serenity/Firefly non-game resources?

    What are some non-rpg rules/supplements that are available for the Serenity/Firefly universe? I have looked on Amazon and it is a mish-mash of materials I can’t really evaluate and the best search terms escape me. I am not really interested in the books published for the Serenity rpg, unless...
  15. G

    What RPG do you most regret parting with?

    I have yet to deliberately get rid of anything, lol, but have been contemplating a sell-off for a while and am struggling with the particulars. I think it is time to get rid of my AD&D 1e collection, saving just the premium reprints of the three core books, as well as my huge collection of AD&D...
  16. G

    Favorite superhero RPGs?

    I played Champions years ago, 1e and then 2e, and think the HERO/Champions system is a great one for supers given its customization and ability to model just about anything. I own and have read the GURPS Supers supplement (and play GURPS in other type games), and it is equally good and maybe...
  17. G

    D&D 5E 5E Without Magic (PCs)

    I think you could play a perfectly fine and enjoyable 5e campaign with no spellcasters in the party, at least through mid-levels. After the party hit about level 5, you would need to become judicious about which monsters and situations you created for the campaign, because some higher level...
  18. G

    Which game has your favorite magic system?

    I will second (really third) the GURPS magic system, especially if you include the options in the Thaumatology supplement and even the Powers supplement, as the best and most complete “magic as skills“ paradigm which IMHO includes most Vancian systems and most other mana/point-buy systems...
  19. G

    D&D General What is your favorite intro module?

    My favorite intro module, because of the elements of mystery and investigation, is N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God. It could be argued that those mystery elements will make it more difficult for a novice DM, which may be a fair point if both players and DM are new to the game. More so...
  20. G

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    In addition to playing roleplaying and board games, I collect and game with both fantasy and historical miniatures. I just yesterday came to the firm conclusion that the “gray” and “lead” tides will never be conquered and that I need to sell off. Heresy, I know. But I 100% agree with OP’s...