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  1. H

    D&D General Help: What to do with physical books?

    For things in general I'm pretty unsentimental and have no hoarding tendencies. Except for books. I can't bear getting rid of even a single paperback, and buy way more academia and fiction than I have time to read. I accepted long ago that this means that moving house seriously sucks. Nowadays...
  2. H

    D&D General Boomer/GenX 5e? (+)

    Boomers and GenX that has kept their rpg interest alive either play 5e and are ok with it, or play other systems that fit them better. I can't really see WotC getting bang for their marketing bucks targeting older folks, when - as the OP said - the system is clearly evolving to fit young...
  3. H

    D&D General How Do You Handle Falling Damage?

    Handling and winging fall damage in D&D is easy imho. My beef is that in many other games a character with top physical stats may take crippling injuries jumping from sidewalk to street. In fact, I think my most common house rule across games is letting chars move vertically in a reasonable way...
  4. H

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    I don't separate stuff into hobby or not, neither do I choose "hobbies" like I do the color of my pants. If it's fun, I can afford it and have the time, then I do it. If it's not fun, I stop doing it. Roleplaying games is something I've done on and off since my early teens. It's not like I...
  5. H

    What are you reading in 2024?

    I'm not comfortable starting that debate. A not unplausable outcome would be that cloth gathering dust on the floor is a larger annoyance than me getting less bed reading time from her perspective. I'm more into the felt cover + book leach idea.
  6. H

    What are you reading in 2024?

    Hmm, not bad. And I like your thinking - a felt/padded cover to protect the book from bedside table bump damage and dampen bump sound, with an attached leach to keep it from falling all the way to the floor.
  7. H

    What are you reading in 2024?

    So you suggest that I put dampening material on the floor beside the bed when she has fallen asleep, just in case I drop the book, then rise before her to remove the incriminating evidence? Since she usually wake before me, that also means I have to find a silent alarm that wake me before her...
  8. H

    What are you reading in 2024?

    I don't know about your partner, but my wife responds very negatively to clothes and stuff thrown beside the bed. So I still keep an eye out for the foam book cover.
  9. H

    What are you reading in 2024?

    I always read in bed laying on my side, so my nose is safe. But if I doze off while reading a hefty tome and drop it on the floor, I risk waking up my wife who doesn't enjoy that particular way of getting her sleep interrupted. I've searched the web for some kind of flexible book cover padding...
  10. H

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    I wonder if my GMing style is neo-trad? I make frames for the campaign and arches, sketching potential baddies and their activities. My session to session prep is modifying those frames depending on the characters actions, maybe create a set piece, adding and further develop NPCs, and setting...
  11. H

    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    I would need to take them IRL to be able to master a FPS playstyle, but sadly Jet ain't legalized in Sweden yet.
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    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    As to VATS or not: I'm old, my arcade reflexes - not good to begin with - disappeared decades ago. That's why VATS, in 3, NV and 4, is such a godsend. It allows me and other old farts that usually play turn based stuff to play a first person combat focused game and have fun. Now, I actually...
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    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    Feck it. Just started a play through - it's been a while since last time - with the intention of going melee since I've never played that style. But I hardly entered Sanctuary before my brain started to mess with me. "Nah, let's do another stealth vats pistol build, it's so much fun, blah blah...
  14. H


    Yeah, 2 had me in awe too. But when Thunderdome came I was old enough to take in the scenes with the vision of what once was. And that sad-nostalgic tone put the mohawks and petrol fights in perspective. Most important, Bartertown was such a concentrate of rpg setting goodness with so many...
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    For me the franchise peaked with 3 Thunderdome, but I'm an old guy. Still, I enjoyed Fury Road and from what the OP wrote I will probably enjoy Furiosa too when it comes to streaming. I mean, it's not really possible to dislike big-budget post-apoc movies, even if they're flawed, right? Just...
  16. H

    Post-Apocalyptic Games

    As an unashamed Savage Worlds fanboy, I must point to the latest version of Darwin's World for that system. It's well fleshed out, with lots of post-apocalyptic specific rules and stuff added on. I can heartily recommend it.
  17. H

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    It's no specific thing per se, like "I hate Advantage". It's more the way the heavy crunch is implemented - the crunch is applied in an off, weird way for the effects and play style I interpret the writers intend. I've been gaming on and off since the early eighties, and have gotten a taste of...
  18. H

    D&D 5E Running 5e at high Levels

    I don't play 5e anymore but GMed two long 1-20 campaigns. And looking back, I wish I had switched to a dedicated supers system after level 14ish. Neither monster abilities (boring at the best of times) nor the rules or combat system really work at the highest levels when the players become true...
  19. H

    Paizo Spicy hot take: Golarion isn't a setting...

    OP isn't wrong, it is a multi setting, just as Faerun. But for me GMing Savage Pathfinder that's a feature, not a flaw. Having a known world with familiar cosmology, gods etc makes it easy to play campaigns with very different themes without having to invent the wheel.
  20. H

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    I love the Old World, and there are so many things to like about 4e: great fluff and supplements from C7, amazing Foundry modules, etc etc. And has been noted, hilariously evil diseases - hello Toe Rot! But even with automating most of the crunch on Foundry, there are quirks at the core of the...