• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    The following morning on Tarsakh 12, Aerikoth teleported back to the cabin entrance and was greeted warily by Old Hamish and his dog Runner, who were out checking the troll traps. The wizard silently acknowledged their presence, then entered the cabin. Surveying his companions inside, he asked...
  2. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    After a short discussion, Lloria and Aerikoth’s caution and desire for better preparation overrode Rosten’s desire to immediately depart for the troll den. Old Hamish with a chuckle then offered them the dubious comfort of the floor of the cabin for the night, but said they would have to feed...
  3. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Trollsblood As the four adventurers carefully picked their way through the marshy ground, Dermot took the lead and cautioned the others to be careful where they tread, given his knowledge of the troll traps that Old Hamish normally set. Aerikoth, in response to a question from Rosten, told the...
  4. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    After Aerikoth took the first watch, the wizard stated that he would seek other sleeping accommodations, rather than spending the remainder of the night on the cold ground, and teleported out. The morning of Tarsakh 11, after his return, Darrow decided to remain at the hoard site with his father...
  5. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Descending, the four adventurers reached the area where the doomed dwarven expedition had set up a winch for easier access to the hoard chamber at the bottom of the caverns. Lloria warned the others to be wary of more fire elementals down there, perhaps having been reminded of them by the...
  6. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    The sun was setting on Tarsakh 10 as the party descended to the Hidden Peak cavern floor, via the ancient stone ladder. Dermot’s wolf companion, however, signaled something of interest was up top, so the ranger decided to rejoin it outside. Rosten attempted to set a trap by the ladder, in case...
  7. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    After some speculative discussion about what could have been responsible for the Hidden Peak massacre, the group decided to return to the site with Aerikoth, to see if they had missed anything. Rosten during the debate had remained distraught and oblivious to the others, instead slowly and...
  8. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Clan Greeter Rumnaher entered the cave, hailing the group. Aerikoth gave him a short glance and then tucked the map away, evidently not wishing the dwarven leader to see its details. Darrow and Rumnaher had a short exchange in dwarven as the wizard stood calmly, holding his staff in both hands...
  9. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Darrow rejoined his companions and caught up with them in the guest cave; meanwhile, they gave Aerikoth additional space and time to further examine Rosten’s magical map. After several hours, the wizard emerged from the back of the cave, announcing that he had discovered something intriguing...
  10. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    It was midday by the time Aerikoth arrived in the valley of Clan Ironhelm. The wizard encountered Darrow outside the inner gates and the dwarf, who had just returned from the hoard site, briefly informed him that the clan expedition to the dragon’s lair had been wiped out. The clan thought a...
  11. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Aerikoth departed via teleport during the night, leaving Darrow, Dermot and Rosten to make their way to the valley of Clan Ironhelm. Along the way, they found and defeated a small pack of winter wolves, thanks to a warning from Dermot’s new wolf companion, Connagh. The three were challenged by...
  12. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Disaster at Ironhelm The night of Tarsakh 7 was dream-filled for the companions. In the morning, Aerikoth was the last to arrive at their table in the common room of the Two Swords for breakfast. Rosten upon seeing the wizard handed over a now-unlocked book, the hin earning an expression of...
  13. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Lloria excused herself and left for the temple of Torm, as the others remonstrated with Rosten in Queron’s foyer. The halfling refused to back down, however, arguing that business was business and they were a mercenary company that should not be shedding blood for free. While the discussion was...
  14. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Lloria hailed him as he entered, but Darrow just muttered that the cursed priest – meaning the missing dwarven cleric Njord – was nowhere to be found. Queron’s servant Bustable shortly thereafter announced that dinner was served and the five adventurers followed him to the dining room to be...
  15. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    After some additional time spent amusing themselves in the foyer, the group heard a murmur of voices outside the door, male and female. Aerikoth glanced up and closed the book he was reading, a history of Teziir. The wizard then stood up and took his staff, looking towards the doorway along with...
  16. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    The group left Killian at the Two Swords and made their way to the house of Council Member Queron Ulanthar, who was expecting Lloria and Dermot for dinner. Along the way, Aerikoth mentioned the topic of their missing companion, Njord, who apparently had departed to go his own way on a religious...
  17. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    It was not until late afternoon the following day, Tarsakh 7, when the five companions ran into each other again at the Two Swords inn in Teziir. Aerikoth and Rosten in the meantime had teleported to Westgate to deliver the Cloak of Darkness to The Vulture, while Dermot and Lloria made their way...
  18. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    The wizard decided to temporarily remain behind in Reddansyr – perhaps to research some matters at the Temple of Oghma – while Darrow, Dermot, Rosten and Lloria headed for Teziir. Before they left, Ian Gryphonhawk pulled the group aside and discreetly asked them to keep a look out for his son...
  19. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    By mid-morning on Tarsakh 5, Dermot, Rosten and Lloria had finished a rousing breakfast at the Gatereach, having made their way back there along with Darrow and Njord in the early morning hours without suffering any incidents. The inn’s proprietor Jandrico Swift informed them that the two...
  20. Carlo-One

    The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial

    Dark Aftermath A search of the coffin by Darrow yielded a holy symbol, a key and a bunch of gems. The dwarf also took a dagger and a gem off the corpse of Dahlia. Eyes then turned to the dark altar in the center of the chamber and Dermot yelled to check it. Lloria confirmed that the inky-black...