• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Voidmoji

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    I have looked over the online version of PF2e, but bounced off of it. It didn't inspire me to buy a copy of the core book. Which is too bad, because it might come across better that way. I only recently returned to gainful employment so I need to spend my entertainment dollars carefully. I guess...
  2. Voidmoji

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    I left D&D when 4e died and 5e was revealed. For myself and my style of games, 4e was the best edition of D&D. I found 5e to be a big step back from what I wanted from D&D. I have often said that if 5e was instead the fourth edition of the game, and the actual 4e D&D never existed, then I might...
  3. Voidmoji

    D&D 4E Ben Riggs' "What the Heck Happened with 4th Edition?" seminar at Gen Con 2023

    Something as simple as Stamina Points would have sufficed, I feel.
  4. Voidmoji

    D&D 4E Ben Riggs' "What the Heck Happened with 4th Edition?" seminar at Gen Con 2023

    I am on the side that it didn't matter, and was not a problem. After some initial discussion on how 4e was different, then some more in the first session or two of plan, it never came up again, for the long running 4e game I ran. It never came up at all in a group where I was a play. I think...
  5. Voidmoji

    D&D 4E Ben Riggs' "What the Heck Happened with 4th Edition?" seminar at Gen Con 2023

    Sorry if I missed something in the vast array of posts, but are you saying that having a Warlord's Inspiring Word work on the same set of points that a Cleric's Healing Word works upon is the problem, the issue that needs to be acknowledged? Because I consider that a feature of 4e, and...
  6. Voidmoji

    New Edition of Encyclopedia Cthulhiana coming from Chaosium

    I am stoked to here about this. I really hope there is a PDF version of this as well. I'd snap that up in a heartbeat.
  7. Voidmoji

    What Property That Has Never Had A TTRPG Adaptation Deserves one?

    I would love to see a Guild Wars RPG, especially in the GW2 era. While GW does have stuff that is generic fantasy, there is a lot of its world building that is interesting an unique, including races and classes. I would love to play a Mesmer that at least somewhat mirrors the class gameplay in...
  8. Voidmoji

    D&D 5E The Adventuring Day has nothing to do with encounter balance.

    I didn't say perfect, I said better. I've not ran or played in epic 4e, so perhaps you are right. Before that, as long as pre-MM3 monsters are adjusted, 4e gave me consistent results over many years. Far better than 3e ever did, for sure.
  9. Voidmoji

    D&D 5E The Adventuring Day has nothing to do with encounter balance.

    When I read things like this I wonder if the poster has played 4e. The encounter design rules for 4e worked better than any other game I've played. I've not ran 5e, but from everything I have read about the CR system of 5e, they are not in the same league.
  10. Voidmoji

    Fantasy Wargaming (Bruce Galloway) – Anybody remember this "classic"?

    I once owned this, simply because it was a book available through the Science Fiction Book Club. I wonder if this wasn't how most people caught wind of it back in the day. I recall it being awful, and hard to get through.
  11. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    I am not big on skill challenges, but I do agree with skills vs. combat bonuses, which is why I realigned them in my own 4e-inspired game. It is useful for any number of reasons, plus I treat attack bonuses as just other skills. I like things to line up.
  12. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    Not sure how it doesn't allow for degrees, but otherwise, this has not been a problem for me in 4e or my own game, really. I consider it a perfectly fine compromise. YMMV.
  13. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    I don't have a problem with stacking modifiers. Like anything, it can get out of control, but when in control? It works just fine,.
  14. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    Excellent, thank you.
  15. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    That's all fine. I just object to the idea that modifiers instead of the A/D system is somehow lazy game design.
  16. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    I’m not here to argue tastes, but claiming that a system with linear modifiers is lazy, but removing all that variability and going with an extra die on the roll to cover it all somehow isn’t, seems like an odd tack. I encourage people to play games they want, with rules they enjoy, and that...
  17. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    I don’t like the advantage/disadvantage system of 5e. It’s as simple as that. I’m not hear to crap on anyone’s preferences or fun! But for myself, I wouldn’t buy or run a game where it existed as a replacement for modifiers in general. My dislike is for much the reason @Undrave pointed out. I...
  18. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    As is happens, that’s exactly what I do in The Fantasy Engine, my 4e-inspired game. All situational modifiers are either Boons (+2 to skill ranks) or Banes (+2 to difficulty). They cancel each other or before being applied. Boon 3 + Bane 2 is Boon 1, for example. Things that impact rolls...
  19. Voidmoji

    D&D General How would you redo 4e?

    A variation of 4e that used advantage and disadvantage in the same manner as 5e is not a game I would purchase or run. 4e has a problem with too many small modifiers at times. I don't feel like the solution of no modifiers would work with a more tactical system such as 4e.
  20. Voidmoji

    Black Flag Black Flag Playtest 2: Magic, Luck, Fighter, Wizards!

    Thanks! I don’t have access to the AGE version, but I’ll download my copy of the older from DTRPG.