• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Kabouter Games

    Dragon Reflections #69

    Ah, Gies & Gies. For decades the standard of "lies to children" descriptions of medieval life. That's not a dismissal; they made a complicated subject very approachable. For post-medieval, but still broadly applicable to fantasy worldbuilding, I heartily recommend Alison Sim's "Life in a Tudor"...
  2. Kabouter Games

    [UPDATED] DM's Guild No Longer Allows Creator Logos On Product Covers

    It's really not that hard. This is the first real controversy that's come up since I started publishing on the Guild 18 months ago. That's a pretty good track record, all things considered. Publishing on the Guild is remarkably easy. They don't care about formatting, because the Guild doesn't...
  3. Kabouter Games

    [UPDATED] DM's Guild No Longer Allows Creator Logos On Product Covers

    Yeah. Good luck enforcing it. OH WAIT - they've admitted they don't have the ability to enforce it anyway. :erm: I share that concern. That is unclear. Nobody has answered that question. I don't know if that question has been asked. There's been no activity on that thread today.
  4. Kabouter Games

    [UPDATED] DM's Guild No Longer Allows Creator Logos On Product Covers

    Yeah, and according to their new FAQ entry and their Facebook comments, using Modesto Bold and the red slash is perfectly acceptable. How on earth that isn't worse than having a small non-Guild, non-WotC logo in a corner of the cover is beyond me, but that's what the OBS chaps have said. :hmm...
  5. Kabouter Games

    [UPDATED] DM's Guild No Longer Allows Creator Logos On Product Covers

    FWIW I don't use my own logo on the cover of my Guild stuff. I only use Guild-branded logos. Exactly. They're already getting 50% of the cover price. If they'd give me DTRPG returns, I'd have no problem with this. But this, this is too much. You want to cripple my branding, give me a larger...
  6. Kabouter Games

    [UPDATED] DM's Guild No Longer Allows Creator Logos On Product Covers

    It's worth noting that, irrespective of what the OBS employees say on Facebook, the FAQ says you can't use another logo in your product at all. Read it again: "The only logo you can use in your title is the DMs Guild logo." [emphasis mine] I really wish they'd get their act together.
  7. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E One of my players screwed up. Hard. How do I make it fun without doing a tpk? LMoP

    THIS RIGHT HERE. They're noobs. This is a golden opportunity to drive home some subtle (or not-so-subtle) lessons about not just being murderhobos.
  8. Kabouter Games

    Release Spells from Kara-Tur just released

    Brand new on the Guild - Spells from Kara-Tur! 28 pages of spells from the 1E AD&D Oriental Adventures book, updated and converted to 5E. New magic - what's not to love?
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  10. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E Hit points explained

    As I recall the AD&D DMG, that's precisely what GGG meant - until your foe lands the killing blow, hit points are an abstract, the wearing down of your stamina and defenses. Being reduced to zero hit points means your foe landed the killing blow. Before then, you get knocked about, nicked up...
  11. Kabouter Games

    New Adventure - Blacktide Cove - now available!

    Now available on DMs Guild: Blacktide Cove (The Cult of the Fish-Men) From the Ship's Log of the Sprite: "...I can hear them fish-men. All the time with their chanting and hissing and whatnot. There's some kind of religion going on here, down below. We can't understand what they say, but it's...
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  13. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E To own 5E books or not to own 5E books that is the Question

    As a creator in this space, I take a very dim view of pirated material (as you might imagine). I will not have it used anywhere near me, unless the user has also purchased a copy of the printed material. I don't have a problem with using the SRD or Basic Rules. If that's all you need to play...
  14. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E D&D 5e Trope: The Five Guy Band

    When I write adventures, I design encounters around the traditional "core four" roles - warrior, wizard, rogue, priest. I've found I can waste a lot of time chasing after other classes, and that 99% of encounters devolve to one of the core four roles anyway. (I'm doing a top-down rewrite on my...
  15. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E adventurers in your world: common or rare?

    I've been thinking about this one a bit more. If anything, the high-level adventuring cleric is a direct threat to a non-adventuring prelate. The adventurer directly and obviously manifests the immense power of the deity, where the prelate sits in a room somewhere and, unless something dire...
  16. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E adventurers in your world: common or rare?

    I think you ran headlong into a naive, misleading assumption yourself - that the heads of associations comprised of adventurers, and the leaders of polities, must of necessity be adventurers with levels higher than the adventurers under their control or influence. Except perhaps in a barbarian...
  17. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E Metaphysics Adept Feat

    Inorite? It's what made me click on the thread, though. ;)
  18. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E Metaphysics Adept Feat

    I must be the only one who thought, "Why do you need a feat to discuss Kant and the synthetic apriori?" :cool: Cheers, Bob, who prefers the neutral monism of Russell to the stark idealism of Hegel www.r-p-davis.com
  19. Kabouter Games

    D&D 5E Tier 1 Sweetspot for One Off (Free RPG Day)

    You've gotten some great commentary. If you were starting a new campaign, I'd say the same - start them at first level. With a one-off one-shot, that focus shifts. Character development doesn't really matter. The goal changes. 5e PCs don't really start doing "cool" stuff til level 3. That's...