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  1. B

    [Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

    It might be worth noting that Gazrak has the "toothy" racial feature...
  2. B

    [Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

    Gazrak takes a long drink from his firewhiskey before responding. "Only that as far as Venza is concerned, this is the crossroads for those that ply the freelancers trade. I myself have just arrived."
  3. B

    [Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

    Gazrak takes the offered hand, giving it a firm shake. "I suppose we've both come to the right place then, going by what I've heard. My name is Gazrak." He in turn offers extends a hand to Sylvain. "Well met."
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    [Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

    Gazrak takes his drink from the bartender with a nod and turns to scan the rest of the bar. Seeing several patrons he seemingly picks a table at random before walking over and plopping himself down next to Valdemar and Sylvain. "Well met friends." he says, "Any interesting goings on as of late?"
  5. B

    [Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

    Gazrak Wyrmspeaker Heavy boots thumping as he walks down the creaky wooden steps, a large half-orc descends from the floor above. He saddles up to the nearest barstool and flashes the barkeep a toothy grin, before placing a battered silver coin on the bartop. "Firewhiskey please, make it a...
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    [LPF] To Bee or Not to Bee

    "I say we just squish them..." Gazrak replies, before hefting his bardiche and charging into the fray. Actions: Drawing weapon as part of move action to move up to ten feet from the nearest giant ant, then attacking with his bardiche as a standard action. Invisiblecastle dot...
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    [LPF] To Bee or Not to Bee

    As you travel you hear a shout from behind you. "Hail Friends!" Off in the distance another half-orc figure approaches. Upon closer inspection you notice that his green skin is covered in scars, and his bright yellow eyes have a strange, catlike pupil. "The barkeep at the Dunn Wright Inn...
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    [LPF] To Bee or Not to Bee

    Still room for one more?
  9. B

    Appeal - New Traits

    My mistake, there was a mixup in the character submission thread. Mods feel free to delete this thread.
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    Character Submission Thread

    Thanks for the feedback! I moved a skill point to linguistics so I could pick up draconic, and I bought a dagger. I decided to keep toothy, as I wont get another bite attack until 7th level or so, and the extra attack is pretty important at lower levels I think, especially on a character build...
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    Appeal - New Traits

    Hey all, I apparently picked some traits that haven't been approved yet and I was wondering if it would be possible to get a definitive opinion on whether or not they will be allowed as opposed to waiting for the entire Ultimate Campaign book to be approved. (the pathfinder srd shows both...
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    [Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

    The door to the inn creaks open, and a large green skinned half-orc slips through. He is dressed as a simple warrior, chain shirt and several weapons strapped across his back. Quietly he surveys the room with strange yellow eyes, before settling them on an empty spot at the bar. He quietly...
  13. B

    Character Submission Thread

    Gazrak Wyrmspeaker put forth for approval. Unfortunately since I'm a new forum member it won't let me post links :-/ you can find his page on the wiki under "waiting approval" however. Thanks! Looking forward to playing with you guys!