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  1. H

    Dear WotC: Be Blizzard

    Do you think that's any different from what might happen inside Blizzard between developers/designers and managers (maybe from financial or marketing departments)?
  2. H

    Monte Cook: Guidance for Monsters and Treasure

    I agree. Giving the same xp for any way to solve the problem is simpler, scales better and doesn't favor a specific party make up (all fighters vs. all rogues). However, persuading the orges to join or help, rather than just avoiding the fight, is a different result and as such may warrant a...
  3. H

    Monte Cook: Guidance for Monsters and Treasure

    If you look it like that - the reward is in being able to face more significant ingame challenges - what's the point of having magic items in the game? You would get the same reward just from level growth due to XP.
  4. H

    Improvised Combat

    Tying difficulty to outcome is, IMO, the primary reason the 4e chart on page 42 is annoyingly fiction breaking. Just because the player wants his character to attempt something that you feel is difficult (so you choose a higher DC), the attempt shouldn't deal more damage. Now if it is possible...
  5. H

    Dear WotC: Be Blizzard

    ... And then there is Duke Nukem Forever.
  6. H

    D&D 4E 4E combat and powers: How to keep the baby and not the bathwater?

    I don't see what the problem is. Bull rush has an opportunity cost (just try to deal damage) and benefits that might be just setting up a +2 flanking bonus*, but can also include pushing past a line of enemies defending a spellcaster (overrun might be a better choice), pushing an enemy back from...
  7. H

    Monte Cook: Guidance for Monsters and Treasure

    CR and level are just names. Pathfinder uses the term CR, but has XP budgeting that works more or less exactly like in 4e. Given how overused the word "level" is in D&D, I think CR is the better term, but that's the only difference.
  8. H

    Monte Cook: Guidance for Monsters and Treasure

    3, 5, 5, 3 I can imagine playing without any way to balance monsters or with no random encounters or treasure. However, DM freedom and player choice of risk vs. reward are both essential.
  9. H

    Rule of Three: 20/3/12

    Apparently, by now we are. However, the side-thread started from whether the nine alignments require a tenth - unaligned - to describe the range of typical individuals.
  10. H

    Rule of Three: 20/3/12

    Are you assuming all LN characters are perfectly lawful and all CN characters are perfectly chaotic? Of course all characters are neutral in that case. However, the usual definitions allow a character to be only somewhat lawful and still LN.
  11. H

    The One Hour D&D Game

    My experience with 1 hour adventures: our previous session was only 1½ hours, due to life interfering with gaming. :eek: 1 quest/adventure 2 combat encounters 3 exploration encounters (chase, tracking challenge and trap) + general exploration 2 interaction encounters (one avoided third combat)...
  12. H

    Something Awful leak.

    I still disagree that the out-of-context quote implies there is no progression.
  13. H

    Vancian Spellcasting's Real Problem - CoDzilla

    Ok, you've convinced me they can make almost all low level spells quite low use for high level characters, but is that a better solution than reducing low level slots? Especially considering they are also trying to flatten the power curve, which works against making low level combat spells less...
  14. H

    Vancian Spellcasting's Real Problem - CoDzilla

    Ok, how about invisibility, fly, detect X, water breathing... Not every spell is opposed by a monster or variable DC.
  15. H

    Vancian Spellcasting's Real Problem - CoDzilla

    Sure, it might work for 5e in combination with other changes. However, there are other reasons to want a lower number of slots at high levels, like reduced bookkeeping.
  16. H

    Vancian Spellcasting's Real Problem - CoDzilla

    That's what happens with damage spells. However, buffs of any kind are usually useful even at later levels. For example, if attack and AC scale at the same speed (which may be zero), +2 to hit is always 10%-points to success chance. The same is true for many non-combat spells.
  17. H

    D&D 5E First Strike: Initiative in Next

    Group initiative is much simpler, as is rolling just once for an encounter. I use 3e/PF with individual initiative to determine who gets to go before the monsters (one initiative roll) on the first round, but after them it's monsters, whole party, monsters... This allows the party to act in...
  18. H

    Vancian Spellcasting's Real Problem - CoDzilla

    That's pretty much the way things are in 3e - wizards only get one more 1st level slot at 7th. Stopping the progression at 3 slots would only cost wizards about 10% of their slots at 10th or 20% at 20th. They'd still have a huge number of slots at high levels.
  19. H

    Vancian Spellcasting's Real Problem - CoDzilla

    I totally agree about A. I think the number of lower level slots should decrease once you get to mid- to high-levels slots. For example, one new slot every even level and a new spell level every odd level. 1st: 3/1 2nd: 3/2 3rd: 2/2/1 4th: 1/3/2 5th: 1/2/2/1 6th: 1/1/3/2 7th: 1/1/2/2/1 ...
  20. H

    Vancian Spellcasting's Real Problem - CoDzilla

    That's the exhaustion part. In 3e you can do that, if you leave slots open in the morning. However, you need sleep to get new slots.