• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. T

    Noticed something on the core set slipcover.

    That is a cool observation. There is a secret here, waiting to be uncovered.
  2. T

    Multiclass Rules

    I'm very fond of the system. It could go farther, but it really does have a lot more potential than people give it credit for. In my experience, trying to reproduce a 3E multi-class guy you had is a bad idea - instead, look for the new possibilities. I even think the "total" 4E multi-class...
  3. T

    D&D 4E Showing the Math: Proving that 4e’s Skill Challenge system is broken (math heavy)

    Well, it shouldn't take statistical analysis to convince the average D&Der that rolling 11+ four times before you roll 10- two times is going to be a hard road. Hopefully we've all rolled a d20 enough to understand that much, at least - but perhaps hope springs eternal when it's your d20. I...
  4. T

    The Star Pact Handicap

    I would maintain that the star pact's power is better. I've play tested a high level warlock a bit, and I have a low level one in my campaign. Both infernal and fey have good, but situational powers. Star has a power that is useful every time it comes up, and can be used in ways like i...
  5. T

    The Star Pact Handicap

    Why do you want every star pact power? The intent is to allow warlock's of all types to take powers from a variety of sources. If they made star all con, then fey pact warlock's would have no choice but to take all fey powers. The same problem will arise for infernal if star was all con. As...
  6. T

    Healing Potions seem woeful

    It seems like folks are still thinking of healing potions 3.0 style - where you needed to use them to heal up between combats. In 4.0, there is no need to drink a potion out of combat, and it would be extremely wasteful to do so. Out of combat you just spend your surges normally (or, if you...
  7. T

    More feats, fewer choices

    To my mind, making a decent wizard feat require charisma just makes the inevitable min/maxing a bit more interesting. If you envision your wizard as a man with a powerful gaze who captures the attention of those around him, you might be inclined to give him a high charisma. In my experience...
  8. T

    Paragon Multiclassing Questions

    Well, that does seem to cover it. Hadn't occurred to me that you could choose the other PP so easily, but as I look back over that interpretation seems very good. As to what I'm reading, I assume it's the same illicit material that everyone else is ; ) In my version, under the...
  9. T

    Paragon Multiclassing Questions

    As a way to get familiar with the character creation rules, I've been building a high level multi-class Fighter/Warlock. Now, the first problem is that it's not entirely clear what a multi-class warlock gets as his or her very first multi-class encounter power - depending on where you look, it...