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Search results

  1. tmanbeaubien

    Arc Dream Announces Black Company RPG

    How did Glen Cook get persuaded to license TBC for another go around? Maybe Shane Ivey and Dennis Detwiller let him read the intro flavor text for Delta Green - the "What is Delta Green" page on their website. (Delta Green » What Is Delta Green?) which has a very dark Black Company kinda vibe.
  2. tmanbeaubien

    RPG Freebies, Bundles, and Sales News (April 2, 2023)

    Could you give a link for Amatsu's Tabletop Wasteland Battle Maps Pack? Edit: Found it on DriveThruRPG Tabletop Wasteland Battle Maps Pack ☢️ Apocalypse bundle - Amatsu | PACKS & BUNDLES BATTLEMAPS | wasteland-encounter-maps | DriveThruRPG.com
  3. tmanbeaubien

    WotC Walks Back Some OGL Changes, But Not All

    WOTC said what they wanted to do. The other people at the table said, "Are you sure?" And WOTC said - maybe not, lemme reconsider.
  4. tmanbeaubien

    RPG Evolution: Gift Ideas for Crafty Gamers

    I own too many books to have room for a 'book nook'! They are cute though.
  5. tmanbeaubien

    Backerkit Announces Crowd Funding Platform

    Just backed a project there two days ago! https://www.backerkit.com/c/westley-coleman/novel-bookwallets-2-0#top It is a followup to a successful Kickstarter campaign from a year or two ago. So they were able to use updates to that campaign to drive attention to the new site.
  6. tmanbeaubien

    The Hidden Costs of Game Mastering

    And if the players all kick in $5, it's a shared cost everybody gets to benefit from. That's how several books with player options got bought at my table.
  7. tmanbeaubien

    D&D 5E Medieval D&D Character Sheets

    That appears to be info "pasted" into the editable form, not a hard coded part of the character sheet itself. Just sayin'.
  8. tmanbeaubien

    The Lost Art of Dungeon-Crawling

    For this kind of dungeon, there's no requirement that the PCs explore the whole thing now or ever. It's kind of a variation on a city if it is done well. You might just visit the top layer for some reason, get what you need and leave. But the knowledge that there's more levels, more stuff, etc...
  9. tmanbeaubien

    'Cure Wounds' is D&D's Most Popular Spell

    I once used that spell on three gargoyles which were flying after my party (we were on an airship). Flight + Incapacitated => tremendous falling damage!
  10. tmanbeaubien

    3D Printing D&D's Demon Lords

    Here's a good overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMM-_f1dACg And a specific video about costs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v04wjiUT5Qg
  11. tmanbeaubien

    3D Printing D&D's Demon Lords

    Once you own the 3D printer, a large sized figure like these is only $1 - $2. I don't have my printer yet, but I have been doing research in preparation.....
  12. tmanbeaubien

    The Mountain Goats Announces Dungeons & Dragons-Inspired Album

    Song didn't inspire anything for me. Maybe it ties into the other songs on the album?? Lyrics were kinda all over the place suggesting stories, but didn't actually tell one.
  13. tmanbeaubien

    Burning Questions: Why Do DMs Limit Official WOTC Material?

    Anybody remember 3rd edition? Limiting player options was the only way to preserve DM sanity. 4th edition too. As for 5th edition, here's another Xanathar's Guide example. When a player wanted to take the Ceremony spell from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 151, I kinda went nuts - Here's...
  14. tmanbeaubien

    News Digest: D&D New Releases, Savage Worlds New Edition, Sequel to Tales from the Loop, and more!

    Even better - the special boxed edition is $76 and change instead of $125!! I'll take it!
  15. tmanbeaubien

    Dragon Reflections #1: A New Arrival

    I'd love a way to buy a full run compilation of Dragon (and Dungeon too). While physical books are nice, digital sure is easy to store and search.
  16. tmanbeaubien

    D&D 1E Dragon Reflections #1: A New Arrival

    I'd love a way to buy a full run compilation of Dragon (and Dungeon too). While physical books are nice, digital sure is easy to store and search.
  17. tmanbeaubien

    Is It Worth Printing Your Own Miniatures?

    New set of models from Fat Dragon Games on DriveThruRPG.com has both a Beholder (only 7 eyestalks) AND a large pretty familiar statue torso ready for an LED tea light...
  18. tmanbeaubien

    Is It Worth Printing Your Own Miniatures?

    And for everyone's amusement - a new Kickstarter campaign for 3D files! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/292543184/kyn-finvara-3d-printable-goblin-village?ref=friends_launched
  19. tmanbeaubien

    PAX Unplugged Ticket Sales Announced

    I went to Unplugged last year though I didn't try to do any RPG gaming there. However, the lines for the RPG table registration started very early and filled up fast, to I would plan on getting in the door first thing each day to get registered **first thing**. (Cue ZZ Top's Cheap Sunglasses -...
  20. tmanbeaubien

    Is It Worth Printing Your Own Miniatures?

    Awesome prints tfelts! Where did you get the Tomb of Horrors demon face?