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  1. K

    Temple of Elemental Evil placed in the Forgotten Realms

    For a campaign I DM'ed a few years back, I actually did exactly what you're discussing. I plunked the Temple in the foothills of the Greypeak mountains, and tinkered with things a little to get it to work. You're more than welcome to check out the campaign wiki that I made to keep track of...
  2. K

    D&D 3E/3.5 Trying to make a homebrew monster in 3.5.

    Yeah, looked up the Bluespawn Godslayer and it's kinda on-par, visually. However, if I may? I'd fit it with the half-red dragon template (MM1), for the fiery hue that your sample has, as well as the half-iron golem template (MM2), for the large and bashy mechanical arm. Finally, to replicate the...
  3. K

    Help with a weather situation

    Group of necromancers attempted to cast animate dead on a dragon they found, hoping to gain a powerful ally, but instead all of this darned fog appeared. Turns out it wasn't a red dragon like they thought, but a mist or fog dragon (Draconomicron, I think), and all it really did was annoy its...
  4. K

    Hit Points - Why were they designed to be incoherent?

    ...because no-one thought of it until they did, and it didn't exist until it did? Not to pull a Black Swan event here, but the rules evolved through fits and starts until they generally coalesce into an acceptable form and then are grouped accordingly into an edition - this tends to set the...
  5. K

    Why do casters get BAB?

    I'd just boost the fighter, by making several meta-feats that play off of the ubiquitous "fighter feats" that most fighters are going to take anyhow. Even a cursory examination of the fighter at mid- to high levels reveals core weaknesses. But, by tweaking a few feats, this might be remedied...
  6. K

    Help me Kill a PC

    Perhaps its that I've encountered this before, but I would not recommend the path that you're interested in. To be frank, if you are this uncomfortable with the DM's PC, simply tell him that it's not appropriate for your campaign - whether due to an unbalancing power level, campaign fit, lack of...
  7. K

    D&D 2E Jumping back into 2e

    To be honest, it wasn't even within the realm of our possibility. I mean, sure, we knew about maps and grids, but felt that our 2e game was just fine. To be frank, it was a lot of "Okay, you're in a X by Z room, it has this and that on the walls, and dead ahead, you see an ABC and they are...
  8. K

    Okay, how to handle...

    Well, you don't need to be offensive - I wasn't speaking about touch of idiocy, but rather, ray of stupidity, which subsequent research has indicated can drop things below 1, effectively one-shotting them.
  9. K

    Barbaric Commoner?

    This is a great point. Personally, there's nothing saying that even NPC trackers and huntsmen have to be represented by actual classed rangers or barbarians. I mean, a level of warrior could set them up with bows, spears and some armour use. If human, their bonus feat could be "Self-sufficient,"...
  10. K

    Barbaric Commoner?

    I fully agree, Bob. The commoner does have a place - he's basically someone who lacks most everything else. ie: a non-noble, non-warrior, non-magical, non-skill having mook in the society he's attached to. Basically, and no offense to anyone who actually knows or is in a similar position, but...
  11. K

    Impactful Battle Environments

    A semi-flooded abandoned quarry near a dwarven burial tomb in the early spring. They were a fairly low level, so having to make all of those climb, balance, reflex, and potentially, swim checks while on slippery stone, mud and ice made for a really interesting game, especially as they were...
  12. K

    Technological Advancement and World Peace in DnD Campaign.How would/have you done it?

    O....k? Yeah, I'm still lost. How about this then: are you a player, who is attempting to arcanotech the internet into your campaign, or, are you the DM who is attempting to set up a post-violent campaign, and are wondering how you're going to do so in a fully believable way for your players...
  13. K

    Technological Advancement and World Peace in DnD Campaign.How would/have you done it?

    Viktyr Korimir is funny. But seriously, could I ask why this is an imperative within your campaign? I'm just really curious, and your reply will probably help me formulate my own reply. My thought would be that, if much of the risk of dungeon crawling (let alone life) is removed, mightn't there...
  14. K

    Okay, how to handle...

    I've read a lot of griping and groaning from DM's who've claimed that it can drop things below 1, meaning that it's an insta-kill for most regular animal types that you'd encounter, because even a rampaging dire bear will just flop over if it takes 2 damage. Might need to check into this one a...
  15. K

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Dvati Race anyone?

    Never actually implemented them, but dividing hit points by two has always made me leery of them. I recall a house rule where each Dvati got their shared con bonus to each twin, making them somewhat more durable. Another problem I have is the whole "wasting away if your twin dies," as if having...
  16. K

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 - Contagion, Lesser?

    ...right you are. I don't know where I got off thinking that ability damage could only be recovered through rest - perhaps a vestige of my old 2e days? It seems weird though, that someone theoretically could have six maladies and only suffer in a minor sense. edit: i seem to recall that in 3.0...
  17. K

    Okay, how to handle...

    Wait, so ray of stupidity/idiocy (2nd level arcane) will drop the entire swarm in one shot, sans save? What?
  18. K

    Chemistry, D&D, Potassium, Symbionts and Adventure!

    Ah, I see, I see - I must've overlooked that, unfortunately. Maybe, the "avatar" of Maglubiyet that has blessed the rare mineral is actually a disembodied shapeshifting demon, waiting out the rest of his extraplanar confinement after being banished centuries ago? Perhaps due to some strange...
  19. K

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 - Contagion, Lesser?

    Actually, in a pseudo-medieval society, even a single point of ability damage could do serious damage: if you're in bed, you're not tending to the cattle, prospecting the nearby hills, fording the animals into town to be slaughtered or sheared, bartering with your neighbours, etc. The average...
  20. K

    Okay, how to handle...

    It's a barely intelligent swarmy monster, so it won't be playing tactically at all. My suggestion is to slather a pack mule, or horse (could be summoned) in barbeque sauce and run like heck the other way. If your DM persists, remind him that frankly, a CR12 swarm with an SR22, Ref +22, and...