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  1. The Ubbergeek

    Upcoming Classes Speculation

    Bard could be it. or he could be a fey leader. Hum....
  2. The Ubbergeek

    Possible Scoop...Tiefling Page

    It's an important point, I think.
  3. The Ubbergeek

    Living Forgotten Realms ....... Virginia gets Aglarond? Yeesh.....

    Hard warfare. Strange new beasts. New places, yet old. Danger and bloodshed. Conductive to adventures, for sure. Not unlike the Five COuntries of Eberron by the War and around...
  4. The Ubbergeek

    Chaos and Law are IN!

    Glad here though... I was a 'all or nothing' - the four forces or none, if I had the final decision. I accept the new paradigm.
  5. The Ubbergeek

    When does D&D stop becoming D&D?

    It is D&D, of course; the spirit is there. To say otherwise for me is foolish to a point.
  6. The Ubbergeek

    Help me Scott Rouse, you're my only hope...

    This should be more like that, Ryuken...
  7. The Ubbergeek

    D&D 4E 4e: You Are Dead to Me

    May I say that I find it ironic that a guy with the nick Mort - 'dead' in french post in such a thread? ;) :p
  8. The Ubbergeek

    Gritty gone?

    Powers at will =/= strong Too much grittyness is bad for a game, I say. It was the problem perhaps, especially older editions.
  9. The Ubbergeek

    Psionic Powers?

    "Gifts" "Mantra(s)"
  10. The Ubbergeek

    Living Forgotten Realms ....... Virginia gets Aglarond? Yeesh.....

    Mind you, somes of the biggest cities are there... Mexico, the Rio-Sao Paulo area....
  11. The Ubbergeek

    D&D 4E 4e: You Are Dead to Me

    You overreact and should wait for testing before doing a dramalord show. 'They killed the game, woe on them, bah!' *rolls eyes.*
  12. The Ubbergeek

    D&D 4E 4e: You Are Dead to Me

    Mylord, more bitter in your whines?
  13. The Ubbergeek

    Living Forgotten Realms ....... Virginia gets Aglarond? Yeesh.....

    Hum... Arkanul? It could be fun, at least for me. A more pressing problem for me is wherever if the campaigners will have their native languages and not just english, but the RPGA Canada guy was reasuring when I have asked him.
  14. The Ubbergeek

    Anything new on gods?

    Oh, I didn't know it was FR all along yet. ^^; Wonder if anything happened to Lathender, then...
  15. The Ubbergeek


    Learn about it and you will love it too. ;) Wished there was a dm around who loved it...
  16. The Ubbergeek

    FR to look like a Roger Dean painting

    And yet, as I said about another topic, with changes come things that we may not like. And yet, uneascapable, or even needed then also. Move on to see the rest of them and don't focus only on the bad bits. Or move on at all.
  17. The Ubbergeek

    Minor Tidbit -- Me likey no Spikey!

    Such spines and all can be usefull, ya know... deflect hits, hurts things like giant snakes...
  18. The Ubbergeek

    Anything new on gods?

    Well, that is my own questioning there... As a player of clerics and a man who like religions, myths, mysticism etc in a scholarly manner. Do anyone learned fluff or crunch bit on gods and myths in PoL (and FR) recently? Anything new, confirmed?
  19. The Ubbergeek

    You Maniacs! You Blew it up! Damn You! Damn you to Hell!

    You know, that kind of things bug me....Real life show you a few lessons as you age - one of them is that things at times don't go as you planned, or you would like. Fataly, with changes will come changes that you won't like. But such are often needed, or undodgeable. If they make a strong...
  20. The Ubbergeek

    Minor Tidbit -- Me likey no Spikey!

    I hope they however will go for an-historism, fantasy also... This is not earth, there is magic, different physics, materials, etc... So I hope we won't returm eitheir to a slavish copy of our history (and biaised toward Europe) there. Different universes, different arts of war, and sciences of...