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  1. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  2. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  3. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  4. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  5. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  6. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  7. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  8. kiznit

    kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards - kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/1040-1.jpg kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards.
  9. kiznit

    D&D 4E UPDATED 6/20/08! kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    Hey guys! I totally dropped the ball on this one. Here are the 4e sheets as I left them unfinished(ish) There are two versions, one with the Wounds system I wanted and one without. http://www.koboldstyle.org/stuff/4eEssentials_Kirin.pdf...
  10. kiznit

    D&D 4E UPDATED 6/20/08! kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    Hey guys, sorry. I never did finish the sheets, and the 4e campaign we were playing with them did kind of fall through and I've been crazy busy since then with Old School Hack stuff (it won an ENnie!). I'll try to get a chance soon to compile what I did finish and then I'll give it to you guys...
  11. kiznit

    Announcing the 2011 Nominees!

    This is me doing a little embarrassing dance that I don't care if anyone sees.
  12. kiznit

    [Saturday AM] Mouse Guard: Beavers and Bandits *Full:Accepting Alts*

    Funnily enough we'll have just been coming from Canada. Guelph, to be specific. Not that any of us can get enough Tim Hortons. Especially with the real maple glaze. DAMMIT I JUST MADE MY OWN MOUTH WATER
  13. kiznit

    Sunday Gaming Brunch

    :angel: Hey, don't be surprised if over the years your fellow gamees have to come to the wisdom of having a "Plan B". :heh:
  14. kiznit

    [Saturday AM] Mouse Guard: Beavers and Bandits *Full:Accepting Alts*

    Just gotta say, really lookin' forward to this game. I expect lots of chattiness!
  15. kiznit

    Sunday Gaming Brunch

    Haha because you ACTIVELY AVOIDED your chance at playing it in the first place? :p I might run something Sun. afternoon, but it probably won't be OSH. Or I might be playing in wabbit's LB or Fiasco game. Or I might be running it if he wabbits it. Try me Friday night, I'll be just down the hall.
  16. kiznit

    [Saturday PM] Showdown on Avalon Mesa (Savage Worlds) - Space Available!!

    I'm only giving you a pass on this cuz it's your birthday.
  17. kiznit

    [Saturday PM] Old School Hack *Full, Accepting Alts*

    That's it. Now accepting alts. Looks like Seonaid might be accepting bribes too if you're a newbie to the game.
  18. kiznit

    [Saturday PM] Old School Hack *Full, Accepting Alts*

    A Reserved dropped out, so there's two more slots before you're on the Alt list!
  19. kiznit

    [Saturday AM] Mouse Guard: Beavers and Bandits *Full:Accepting Alts*

    Me and the missus are eager to try some Mouse Guard! kiznit & sabrian, please.