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  1. A

    Dilemna: Should I Quit RPGs?

    There's more good advice in this thread than in some classes I've taken on topics like this. I went through something very similar about a year after I joined this forum and did not start reposting until this year. After undergrad I could not find a job in my chosen field. I got a retail job...
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    What 3.X/D20 Material Do You Use With Pathfinder?

    I love Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary. I used to be a sucker for new monster books. It didn't make sense to pay $30+ for a new book and only use six or seven monsters in it and most of those only once. I have a stack old issues of Dragon and Dungeon I use every now and then.
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    What MM monsters DON'T you use?

    To me the difference is that Leiber's nonhumans behave like humans. His ice gnomes, rat people, ghouls, invisibles, and devourers are more like people in costumes than species unto themselves. Sheelba and Ningauble may look weird but they behave like the wisemen/women of dozens of fairy tales...
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    What MM monsters DON'T you use?

    I started playing with the Mentzer Red & Blue Books and even after playing for 2/3 of my life I still gravitate toward those books. Even if I'm playing 3rd I use a very small set of monsters. I'm also pretty hidebound on wanting a Tolkien/Anderson/Leiber sort of game. Some of the oddballs just...
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    D&D 2E [2e] Monster Mythology Update Project

    One again: just really cool work. Excited for Squerikk and the other lycanthropic deities!
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    D&D 2E [2e] Monster Mythology Update Project

    Great work all around. I like Ramenos as a bit more of a warrior and conquest deity and Skerrit as more of a Greek centaur (good job with those obscure centaur demigods from back in Dragon) but your work is first rate. Thanks for sharing it.
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    Greyhawk vs Dragonlance vs Forgotten Realms vs Mystara vs Birthright

    I have nothing against Birthright. It just really feels like a world made by committee. To me Birthright is the beautiful house where no one ever lived. Greyhawk and FR were homebrews. Dragonlance had novels and Mystara had a long series of articles in Dragon Magazine. Birthright showed up fully...
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    What kind of adventures do you run?

    I use a mix. Typically I'll pull a few modules before a campaign starts and think about how I might use them. Sometimes I just steal an encounter, NPC, or item and ditch the rest. Some older modules (In my case B2 and B4) are so useful I feel I'm shorting people if I don't use them. At the...
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    Rolplaying Elminster

    Perhaps you could introduce a sage character of your own, play that character in the way which seems natural to you, and not worry that you've got Elminster "wrong." For every way that Elminster can be played there is a camp who will find fault with it. As he is an actor almost any set of...
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    I'm considering dropping Pathfinder to return to D&D 2e.

    Ascending AC is something I have embraced in D&D games I run. It makes so much more sense to me. Even some retroclones use it. I think some of the deities in 2nd actually got too much flavor. Particularly in FR where deities got five and six pages each. Having a player after a game ask if this...
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    Mystara: What makes it so great?

    What makes Mystara special to me is it's a setting that acknowledges and embraces the crazy things players want to do in a magical world. Become a god/immortal? Sure. Build a flying ship shaped like a winged lion? No problem. Rule a country? Play as a troll? Fight an army of 33-HD gargantuan...
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    Best Dragon Magazine Issue Evar

    #78- "Citadel by the Sea" the most useful adventure after KotB, fixed psionics, and details on the Deryni series. Just talking about specific articles: #50- Glyphs of Cerilon by Larry Ditillio #59- Toxins of Cerilon: will cure your forever from poisons that sound like blood types. #58-62-...
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    FR Comics Reprinted/Rereleased

    Wow. I'm sold. I never thought this series would be collected. Rags Morales really went on to do some great things. Wish this had come out a few years ago. Vartan and Omen have made several cameos in my current FR campaign. With that page count it should take three volumes to finish the...
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    Let's read the entire run

    This was one of the first issues I ever bought. Jason Dunn's letter still sticks in my mind. What got me was that these orcs were not living in a "Tucker's Kobolds" deathtrap. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about the lair. They just had the foresight to post sentries and have an...
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    Is Chainmail (2002) available for download?

    I really liked this setting. What little bit of background was written was topnotch. There was an old, old thread (and I may not even have the correct forum) where someone compared the "Sundered Empire" map with the map of the Greyhawk world from Dragon Magazine Annual #1. I really could see...
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    I'm considering dropping Pathfinder to return to D&D 2e.

    My fix for 2nd Edition Thief: -THAC0 as Cleric -d8 for HD -RL starts at 30% -same "know a little of everything" as a bard -same use magic items/scrolls as bard at 10th-level I've been happily playing in a 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms/Mystara mash-up for almost three years now. I love how...
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    What Creatures "Break" A Fantasy Game World For You?

    For me it depends on where the dinosaurs are used. If they are in a "Lost World" or "Isle of Dread" area then I have no problem. If a party is exploring some ruins in a typical "Robin Hood meets Middle Earth" area and hobgoblins mounted on utahraptors attack I see that as a game breaker. Some...
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    Turning PDFs into Softcover Books

    I'd just like to put in another vote for local places over Staples/Kinkos. I have never had bad work from S/K, but I prefer local. If you can't find a local place call a Community College and see if they have a print shop.
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    Holy Crap! I just played in the worst D&D game...

    That reminds me of a game I played in where the DM's campaign setting was a relabled map of the United States rotated 180 degrees. We spent hours saving the Great Northern Kingdom. Otherwise known as upisde down Florida. A
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    What would you like to see in the next volume of the Dragon Compendium?

    Wish List This is my first post to these forums. I plan to buy the new book, but thought it would be more articles and fewer monsters. I'd like to see more things that can be added to an existing campaign. I enjoy the prehistoric animals and articles on how to introduce real world creatures...