• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. R

    DMs: How do you create adventures that match your players' interests?

    Here are some (untested) DM notes I made about how to read D&D players' personal interests (or "flags") from their character sheets: Inspired by Chris/Bankuei's "Flag Framing" and Vincent Baker's "Roleplaying Theory, Hardcore: Practical Conflict Resolution Advice", I was pondering my stint as...
  2. R

    What is the most common alignment for your characters?

    Not your favorite, not the "best". I'm just curious which alignments are most common for characters.
  3. R

    What is the AC of your 20th level character?

    Can you add a poll now after the thread was created? I'm a visual learner and I think an AC poll would look cool. :)
  4. R

    The Mountain Witch

    I haven't played The Mountain Witch, but I've read the book. It sounds cool and the setting is very picturesque. However (noting that I have not played it), it sounds a railroad-y and that it would have a low replay value. Has anyone here played The Mountain Witch multiple times with different...
  5. R

    Affect of a 3,000ft cliff on the landscape

    3000' is not that big. In Yosemite National Park, El Capitan is 3000' and Half Dome is 4,737 feet (0.897 miles). Rock-climbers scale both all the time. I might imagine that people are more likely to descend than ascend the climb. That one-way migration might have interesting cultural effects.
  6. R

    Favorite Familiars or Animal Companions

    Don't forget the wolverine's Rage! If it takes any damage, it must fight to the death. Those are high stakes for an animal companion/familiar.
  7. R

    Favorite Familiars or Animal Companions

    How about a dwarf familiar or a gnome companion? :D
  8. R

    Lovecraftian D&D

    cool! It looks great. I'm a little confused by the name, though, especially with the cover page's layout. Is the name of the setting "Inside" or "Inside Campaign"? I would consider changing the title's fonts and layout to emphasize "Inside" and not "Campaign Setting".
  9. R

    proposed idea for stat generation. Is this too big a can of worms?

    How about stat trading? Each player rolls "4d6 drop 1" for their abilities in order (old school style). Then let the players trade scored abilities (not just the raw number) amongst themselves.
  10. R

    Favorite Half-Orc One Liner's

    My lesbian half-orc barbarian Chud (RIP) had two favorite battlecries: 1. "Chud SMASH!!" 2. "Oh, yeeeeahhh!!" (ala The Kool-aid Man)
  11. R

    What do you use for a character sheet?

    I use campaign-blog.com's online character sheet forms. I used to use 3eprofiler.net (same thing software), until it was offline. Online character sheets are nice because your can always get the latest character sheet for for a missing player. http://www.campaign-blog.com/
  12. R

    Gay PCs or NPCs

    My last character (RIP) was Chud, a lesbian half-orc barbarian. She wore silver thong armor.
  13. R

    Frozen Tree fortress..

    wow! I am impressed by your story. It sounds really cool. One adventure idea/setting I've been storing in the back of my head is a race out of a dungeon that is flooding bottom-up (from a lake above). Since your setting is related to ice and poisoned water, maybe you could have your players...
  14. R

    Adamantine: Crystalline or Amorphous?

    http://www.answers.com/adamantine&r=67 ad·a·man·tine (ăd'ə-măn'tēn', -tīn', -tĭn) pronunciation adj. 1. Made of or resembling adamant. 2. Having the hardness or luster of a diamond. 3. Unyielding; inflexible: “If there is one dominant trait that emerges from this account, it is...
  15. R

    Sweet20 Experience Rules Discussion.

    Sweet20 disowned? Sweet20's creator Clinton R. Nixon reveals: http://sjarvis.com/2005/11/21/101-days-of-dd-reward-systems/#comment-108 "This’ll probably surprise people, but I wouldn’t use the Sweet20 XP system in a D&D game ever. I wrote it one afternoon while sitting in a courthouse to...
  16. R

    Should D&D be sold as a boardgame?

    Isn't D&D already a board game? :) and don't forget "D&D Clue": http://www.biffleys.com/Strategy/clued&d.htm Who killed the Archmage? Was it Tordek in the Dragon's Lair with the Flaming Battle Axe? Or Mialee in the Dungeon with the Staff of Power?
  17. R

    List of Cliches

    GOOD FENCES MAKE GOOD NEIGHBORS: A wide assortment of vastly different creatures peacefully inhabit neighboring rooms in a dirty, crowded dungeon. SHIP IN A BOTTLE: Huge dragons live at the heart of underground dungeons, accessible only via narrow, winding corridors.
  18. R

    One System To Rule Them All!

    A totally wide open RPG system? Try The Pool! :) http://www.randomordercreations.com/thepool.htm
  19. R

    Wiki Farming?

    Maybe try pbwiki.com or wikispaces.com. I haven't used either, though.
  20. R

    Need a quick critique on two covers...

    They look good! It's always inspiring to see people get creative and sharing their work. I just have a few suggestions: 1. I think the Old English font is VERY difficult to read (for both the big title and small subtitle text). I would consider using a lighter, less script-y font. 2. I think...