• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    Players really want to bring their characters back to full hit points after each encounter. When I'm a player, I want my PC back to full hit points after each encounter. To paraphrase Dickens, if a DM wants the party to regularly have encounters when they're down on hit points, "Then the DM is...
  2. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    3.x did lack advice in How To Run A Game where the PCs were poor - or flush with gear. Although I'm another GM who is generous with stats and allowing "take a bonus feat in lieu of a class feature," and I still had to help a player tune and power up his character. Then again, I consider...
  3. Edgar Ironpelt

    Geek Confessional Thread 2024

    It's sometimes said that the first N GOR novels aren't too bad, but become horrid after that point. (Where N is a small integer, with different speakers giving different values for N.)
  4. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D General Ignoring the rules!

    The "bleeding out" or "death saving throw" rules: If a player-character is reduced to zero hit points or less (but not negative enough for instant death) then the player decides if and when the character dies. (And the GM does likewise in the case of NPCs). The character may die at once, linger...
  5. Edgar Ironpelt

    Geek Confessional Thread 2024

    I have a love-hate reaction to John Norman's GOR novels. Some bits I find really hot, while other bits stomp on my ick and squick buttons. (The GOR novels can be considered Extruded Fantasy Product "Now with spicy BDSM flavoring!" but I prefer to think of them as the written equivalent of...
  6. Edgar Ironpelt

    Different Types of Attorneys Will Be Bad in Completely Different Ways

    The best lawyer joke I've heard was told to me by a lawyer: "The trouble with lawyer jokes is that lawyers don't think they're funny, and non-lawyers don't think they're jokes."
  7. Edgar Ironpelt

    "I'm a [BLANK] kid!"

    I was a "The Golden Age of Science Fiction is Fourteen" teenager, and a "Gemini & Apollo Space Program" kid before then. TeeVee shows and movies tended to bounce off without leaving much impression. Printed Text for the Win!
  8. Edgar Ironpelt

    How big are the biggest cities in your campaign world?

    In my very old Etan campaign the three biggest towns/cities are Glygorf (5000), Robono (15,000), and Sal-Hy (25,000). These numbers don't include the outlying suburban manors/estates/villages which add quite a bit to the populations. There probably are a few larger cities in "off the map" areas...
  9. Edgar Ironpelt

    Dice Questions?

    Not fancy or exotic, just "ooh shiny!"
  10. DSC_0747c.jpg


  11. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D 3E/3.5 Anyone still publishing or sharing new 3.5 adventtures?

    Is there a place to share material here on Enworld in the old "potlatch" style you describe? Threads on house rules, e.g. "What house rules do you use for surprise in 3.5e?" seem to me to be to be under an unspoken "Not the done thing, old chap" prohibition.
  12. Edgar Ironpelt

    How happy are you with your regular ruleset?

    My recent/current game is my "Brotherhood of Rangers" campaign, D&D 3.5e where all the PCs are gestalt-rangers and where I try to keep my tendency to write house rules on a short leash. I wouldn't be happy with 3.5e when running some other campaign without adding significantly more house rules...
  13. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D 5E Why I think gold should have less uses in 5e, not more.

    That depends on the relative value of character build stuff vs plot stuff. Someone who faces starvation due to insufficient food funds will use clothing funds to pay for the food needed to survive and work, even if forced to exchange clothing funds at an unfavorable rate and even when there are...
  14. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D 5E Why I think gold should have less uses in 5e, not more.

    If you want have separate currencies that truly stay separate, you have to get harsh about imposing currency controls. This is an option, but it does have drawbacks. If you want rare magic items, you can impose an "Only the Chosen have magic items" system. A milder version, one that lets you...
  15. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D 5E Why I think gold should have less uses in 5e, not more.

    The problem is coming up with helpful ways to spend gold beyond the obvious improvements to the survival and success of the character. If the temples, patents of nobility, expensive parties, fancy houses etc. are meaningless bling, then that's Not Helpful. So the GM has to run a game where...
  16. Edgar Ironpelt

    D&D General Help me avoid “Chosen Ones” trope

    My first thought is that the McShiny Macguffins have only recently become available, or re-available, for some reason, and the PCs are early prospectors in the crystal-rush but not the very first. Maybe the God of Trickery spilled the Divine Bag of McShiny Crystals when taking captive the God of...
  17. Edgar Ironpelt

    Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts

    Not really like the Japanese koku, but rather a matter of allowing that ordinary people in D&D land really are better off than people in real-world medieval history, in extremely poor modern fourth-world countries, or in the various Dung Ages stereotypes that seems popular in certain quarters...
  18. Edgar Ironpelt

    Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts

    No, I meant that the typical "normal person" lives on 1 gp per day instead of 1 gp per 10 days. ("a week or more") That's the shifting of the decimal point I was referring to, not to changing prices in addition to the change in "normal person" income. Sorry for being unclear about that.
  19. Edgar Ironpelt

    Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts

    The D&D economy is all screwed up, but you can make it less so by dumping the Dung Ages idea of "1 gold is probably enough money for a normal person to survive for a week or more" and shifting the decimal point over by one place. What I find works better is assuming a median upkeep/income of 1...