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  1. Dawn

    Five Against the Slavers

    Loving the storyline and characters. Also like how you hide the details, but make them available should we wish to see how the mechanics played out.
  2. Dawn

    The Heroes of Icemist (SmallBeginnings 2)- Interlude update 2/21/2008!

    Oh, I keep drifting by and checking in to see if anything has been done here. Today I see that there is something new, but alas it is not a story update. Back to reading other updated stories.
  3. Dawn

    The Sharn Inquisitive archives

    Excellent! Let me be the first to welcome this new storyline. Looking forward to more.
  4. Dawn

    The Heroes of Icemist (SmallBeginnings 2)- Interlude update 2/21/2008!

    I see that there are new posts on this SH and think "Hoot!! They have really updated it!" Then it's only one entry. :( Well 5 minutes of SH in 6 months beats, um, something I guess. Agree about the player's reaction when they receive recognition. It's like "Wow! That's cool. People...
  5. Dawn

    The Lost Boys vs The Sunless Citadel

    Neat story. Always nice to see new people being introduced to gaming. Sounds like they are really enjoying it.
  6. Dawn

    Sagiro's Story Hour Returns (new thread started on 5/18/08)

    What a truely awesome time to be able to return to the Story Hours. A double posting! Happy is me.
  7. Dawn

    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    Excellent story! Finally got back to reading this and am now caught up, again.
  8. Dawn

    The Heroes of Icemist (SmallBeginnings 2)- Interlude update 2/21/2008!

    Oh sure, blame it on the redheads. Always the redheads.....
  9. Dawn

    The Heroes of Icemist (SmallBeginnings 2)- Interlude update 2/21/2008!

    Just a word from our sponsor would be nice. :lol:
  10. Dawn

    Second Son of a Second Son: Timotheus' Prayers

    This provides great insight into the SH. Great writing and excellent perspective. Keep it up!
  11. Dawn

    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    Excellent! Just caught up and am ready for more. Good to see you and your gang back together for another SH!
  12. Dawn

    "Out of the Frying Pan"- Book IV - Into the Fire [STORY HOUR COMPLETED - 12/25/06]

    Let me pass along my congratulations on this most entertaining (and inspirational) story hour. This was the first one I started to read after coming to EN World. I lost my way for some time (actually stopped reading all stories as real life got in the way), but when I got back on the boards I...
  13. Dawn

    High Fantasy Modern Storyhour - The Long Road (updated December 7)

    Great story! Just got caught up, again.
  14. Dawn

    Sagiro's Story Hour Returns (new thread started on 5/18/08)

    Same thing happened to me. I totally missed 2nd Edition and got back into it in time to get 3rd as it came out (and then upgrade to v3.5 - for more money of course).
  15. Dawn

    The Heroes of Icemist (SmallBeginnings 2)- Interlude update 2/21/2008!

    We could comment more on the story if there were more story entries. In the mean time we have to find some way to pass the time.....
  16. Dawn

    The Heroes of Icemist (SmallBeginnings 2)- Interlude update 2/21/2008!

    Sorry, halflings don't strike me as "hot". Cute maybe. But it's all about your point of reference I guess. Redheads, however. That is a different story. There are only two kinds of redheads and it should be noted that there is no such thing as a "socially accpetable" redhead. They are...
  17. Dawn

    Sagiro's Story Hour Returns (new thread started on 5/18/08)

    Your dad must have known my dad. That had to have been his favorite saying to me. Of course I now use that with my kids too. Lovin' the story! Keep it coming!
  18. Dawn

    The Heroes of Icemist (SmallBeginnings 2)- Interlude update 2/21/2008!

    Yes, more update goodness please!
  19. Dawn

    (Cydra) The Year 271 Campaign (Low Magic experiment)

    Excellent story telling from the DM and action from the players. Just read through it from the beginning. Are you finding that the low magic makes the players rely more on their skills and creative use of everyday items? Next update?