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Search results

  1. JoeBlank

    Banewarrens d20 (Angelsboi's party)

    Joining you now . . .
  2. JoeBlank

    Camp NCGD 2016 Game Schedule

    We have decided to give a little more time for game postings, so signups will go live on Tuesday, April 5, at 7:00 p.m. EDT After that date you can still feel free to send new games to add, right up until NCGD actually starts.
  3. JoeBlank

    Camp NCGD 2016 Game Schedule

    The sign up page is now viewable here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a4ea8a72fa5f49-camp We are thinking signups will start this Friday, 4/1 at noon, but we may go with Saturday. If you have sent me game information please take a look to make sure everything is correct. If you are looking...
  4. JoeBlank

    Camp NCGD 2016 Game Schedule

    NCGD 2016 is April 21-25. There will be plenty of pickup games, as well as board and card games, but for those games that need to be scheduled for a specific time we are going to keep the Master Game Schedule on a convenient SignUpGenius.com page. Available game slots are Friday, Saturday and...
  5. JoeBlank

    "Caped Investigators" (Risus) Saturday 8PM - Midnight

    So far my only conflict is the Friday 8:00 slot. I'm good with any other time.
  6. JoeBlank

    "The Train Job" (Dust Devils) - Friday 8pm-Midnight - FULL

    I'd like a spot in this please.
  7. JoeBlank

    "Caped Investigators" (Risus) Saturday 8PM - Midnight

    Add me to the wait list or for a second game please.
  8. JoeBlank

    D&D 5E N00b

    I've read a few of your posts. I do think the advantage/disadvantage mechanism has promise but have not seen it in actual play. Hoping to get the chance in about a month or so. Joe "from Snellville but not a Johnny Champion alt" Blank
  9. JoeBlank

    D&D 5E New DM Looking for tips hoping to run starter set with kids 9-12

    A lot of great advice has been given already, so I won't rehash it all. Mostly I would say don't underestimate kids. Many of them will "get" roleplaying more than adults. Call me crazy, but I once asked for similar advice here on ENWorld when my oldest was not yet 6. Gygax responded, and I...
  10. JoeBlank

    Kid's Night

    Good on you for exposing kids to the game. I debated whether it would be worth the effort years ago, and asked Gary for advice in one his Q&A threads. His response is in my .sig, and I'm glad I took it.
  11. JoeBlank

    Owl Hoot Trail: spaghetti western + fantasy = awesome. Come playtest!

    I dig westerns. If it is rules lite, I can try to run a playtest with my sons, the BlankBoys, who are ages 10, 12 and 14. I'd love the chance to give it a try.
  12. JoeBlank

    Is old school a good way to introduce younger players to D&D?

    The good thing about "old school" for younger players is the idea that the players do not need to know or understand all the rules. In traditional old school play, the players declare what they would like to do, and the referee/DM applies the rules to their actions. My sons are now ages 12, 10...
  13. JoeBlank

    Old School Hack

    I had the pleasure of playing this a few months ago. It is perhaps the perfect one-shot game, and I could certainly see using it for an ongoing campaign.
  14. JoeBlank

    Gaming Families

    I read several posts before realizing how old this thread is! Funny to see some of the familiar posters. I started gaming in one form or another with my sons when they were about ages 5, 7 and 9, maybe even a little earlier. We played the Temple of Elemental Evil PC game, which was a great...
  15. JoeBlank

    Retro DnD Help

    I recently read through most of the retro-clones, trying to decide what rules set to use with my sons. We settled on Basic Fantasy RPG. I is loosely based on Basic D&D, although it ditched races as classes and it uses ascending AC, like d20, which makes combat easier to me. A great summary of...
  16. JoeBlank

    Has one of the people in your campaign ever died in real life?

    I think the only person I have gamed with regularly who has passed away was Angelsboi. Many of the posters in this thread likely remember him, as he was active on EN World. He has left our group before he passed. No idea how we would have handled it if he had been an active player. I think I...
  17. JoeBlank

    Frog God Games News!

    Found the answer to my own question here: One Night Stands and Saturday Night Specials "All of these books will be released in both Pathfinder and Swords and Wizardry format." Awesome news.
  18. JoeBlank

    Frog God Games News!

    Very cool. So, is the plan for Frog God to produce Pathfinder and S&W versions of the same products, or will the two lines be entirely different?
  19. JoeBlank

    Steve Kenson's ICONS: Superpowered Roleplaying from Adamant Entertainment

    Glad to see this character posted. We ran thru chargen in chat, and neither of the two players had seen the rules at all. Even with having to explain things it went pretty quickly. That reminds me of a question: If you are running a "pick-up" game of ICONS, where you are going to introduce the...