• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. ConspiracyAngel

    A dilema

    Drama is sometimes too aluring to pass us modern humans by. We are becoming too quick to judge what is going on around us at the expense of others feelings, without really putting effort into thinking about the reasons why the person might be doing this. You did right by thinking it through...
  2. ConspiracyAngel

    Area effect "target" you can't see

    PHB page 258, under Obscuring Mist, says that a fireball, flame strike or similar spell burns away the fog... By this text I would say that they can randomly place (center) the fireball spell on any 5-ft square within or near the mist. If the enemy is hiding in an affected area of the...
  3. ConspiracyAngel

    D&D Race Survivor -- Round 2

    Not too suprisingly, the halfbreeds seem to be next on the chopping block. On my end, I have actually PLAYED a half-orc...
  4. ConspiracyAngel

    Gaming and orgies don't mix

    Female Gamers Ummm... yeah. Let's see here, your friend joined a group that had issues. I would think that your "friend" would be just respectful enough to simply bow out if he is uncomfortable, and not go posting their issues (no matter how soapy) all over the boards. I appreciate your...
  5. ConspiracyAngel

    Dervish with Whirlwind Attack feat

    How about Barbarian 2/Cleric (Celerity Domain) 2/Fighter 2/Dervish X?
  6. ConspiracyAngel

    Compound Bows and Damage Penalties

    I bow to your superior word-fu. Thanks for providing a alternative stand point.
  7. ConspiracyAngel

    Any race or template with Detect Thoughts

    Savage Species or Monster Manual 3.5 - both have a character template for a Sprite (Pixie)
  8. ConspiracyAngel

    Compound Bows and Damage Penalties

    I know. And I agree. ... but why? Why the exception if there is not a situation in which it would be applicable? I lack the words to properly describe my feelings on this misappropriation of words.
  9. ConspiracyAngel

    Compound Bows and Damage Penalties

    ***message repeat, please delete***
  10. ConspiracyAngel

    Compound Bows and Damage Penalties

    Yeah, I typed it verbatum in post 1, post 3 was sum up text... but to the point, BUT the text DOES specifically EXCLUDE a damage penalty when using a COMPOSITE bow
  11. ConspiracyAngel

    Compound Bows and Damage Penalties

    Wait. But what about Page 134 - no damage penalties encurred when using composite bow.
  12. ConspiracyAngel

    Compound Bows and Damage Penalties

    I think I know what everyone's answer is going to be, but just for the heck of it I though that I should at least put it out there for discussion. Page 134 (Middle-Right column under Damage) - "A strength penalty, but not a bonus, applies on attacks made with "a bow that is not a composite...
  13. ConspiracyAngel

    To Sneak Attack, or not to Sneak Attack that is the question...

    Important notes: Sorry, I recognize that all of you are very resourceful when it comes to finding new and interesting classes. But for the sake of this one game, it is 3.5 core classes only. Also, important to note... that if you are a multiclass character, you still are required to adhere to...
  14. ConspiracyAngel

    To Sneak Attack, or not to Sneak Attack that is the question...

    A friend said this to me today: “It’s funny… in D&D the only way you can be a truly effective social character is to either know how exactly to dagger someone, or know how to make magical music.” And, for the most part I agree with his assessment. (Sorcerers are CHA based, but only get 2...
  15. ConspiracyAngel

    Ways to earn xp?

    Speaking from "experience"... Consider this... What do you consider your profession to be? I work in HR. I have over 8 years doing what I do. If I converted this to levels, then I would have to define what is "experience"? Well in HR our main goal is to Hire, Fire, and Train. Just like...
  16. ConspiracyAngel

    Any Ph.D.s or Lawyers in the crowd? Questions about how it goes.

    some here... Yes. I have a co-worker that plays DnD, he is a Lawyer. As a matter of fact, he plays DnD with our Chief Accountant (or Dir. of Accouting, ... sorry JS if I got this wrong). I was also attending a game with a guy who is currently in Law School... and as you could imagine, we...
  17. ConspiracyAngel

    Is this a case of GM bias, if so, what to do?

    Ummm sorry, I lost my innuendo skill back in 3.0... what is it exactly that you are saying?
  18. ConspiracyAngel

    Cary/Raleigh NC - Looking for game

    My fiance' and I are looking to join a D&D Game (v3.X). We are 28 & 30 years old. We are not particular to any specific game setting. I am interested in DM'ing, and am working on building (coverting) a module that will be ready to play sometime this fall. Will DM if needed, however this would...
  19. ConspiracyAngel

    UNC Chapel Hill

    2 players RTP Area, FR good You do mean Forgotten Realms, yes? there are two of us looking for a game. Email us at ConspiracyAngel@hotmail.com .